Showing posts with label pro-life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pro-life. Show all posts


Rush's dem's are hiding class warfare platform

9.19: co.apt/pol/Rush's dem's are hiding class warfare platform:

. Rush claims the dem's are "(hiding) the fact
that they are presenting the nation's problem
as class warfare? it's obvious!
that's the ticket they ran on;
and, in fact, it's the very reason
that the Rush conservatives will
routinely sneer about dem's being socialists:
that's what "(liberal) means!
how could they hide a class warfare platform?
that's what socialism is!


mired if the savior succeeds

Population Matters: Demographic Change, Economic Growth, and Poverty in the Developing World6.29: pol/obamanomics/
we're mired if the savior succeeds:

. Obama spoke to the people about the
repub's obstructing a debt limit raise
for this strange low point involving
both a depression needing gov jobs,
and a jobs-saving bail out of many industries
who were mass-rolled by an unregulated,
shark-tanked finance sector .
. he spoke of congress as if they were
Obamanomics: How Bottom-Up Economic Prosperity Will Replace Trickle-Down Economics (Economics in the Obama Presidency)one entity -- ignoring the usa habit of
punishing one party by
voting in the opposite party .

. that opacity was to substantiate his
next point:
the debt limit is not an issue of
what to buy;
these are bills that one congress
has already agreed to pay;
and now the issue with this limit is
Europe's Promise: Why the European Way Is the Best Hope in an Insecure Agewhich bills would they prefer to pay ?

. bond interests to chinese loans?
or social security checks?
-- that kind of choice
( this example could be reminding us
that we could avoid these chinese loans
by agreeing to pay more taxes;
but there's no use asking for taxes now:
a good gov gets a surplus in good times
and these times are not those times).

Depression For Dummies. doing more to promote employment
would ease our unemployment costs
and contribute to the tax base;
if markets become spooked by news of
a usa who suddenly won't pay its bills,
that could be very bad for jobs .

. Obama is not addressing
the main issue:
repub's are trying to force a smaller fed
by strangling its income:
both taxes and loans are being restricted
at a time of depression in which
the only savior in town would be
the gov taking out loans to create jobs .
American Theocracy: The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil, and Borrowed Money in the 21st Century
. yet the conservatives may be
indirectly correct:
what if there really is
no savior possible because
if you dig us out of this depression
we'll only worsen the main problem:
it's a fluff economy trying to
fig-leaf an overpopulation problem .
. free parenting must think we asked for
more free employees
or revolutionaries .
pop'con strike you as
racist or commy?
. free capitalists already have
what they want,
so how could the next revolutionaries
possibly be up to some good?
. what is there to want
after you've asked for free capitalism ?
. we desperately need help with
either lowering population growth
or distributing wealth .
. lowering population growth is so taboo
that conservatives can't even mention it;
any time they want to say something like
"(conservatives will put pressure on
lowering population growth)
they instead speak about
how liberals must be kept from
distributing wealth .
Response to Occupational Health Hazards: A Historical Perspective (Industrial Health & Safety). any time conservatives want to say
"(conservatives will now engage in
acts of lowering population growth)
they remind us that conservatism is about
reducing gov regulation and oversight
of occupational hazards,
foods that cause cancer and heart disease,
energy sources that raise mercury levels,
and a get-em-movin' traffic light system
Traffic fatalities and economic growth [An article from: Accident Analysis and Prevention]that kills 40,000 per year
when they could instead use
a rotary or roundabout
see how that works
for conservatives?
spend tax dollars this year
or kill an entire usa town
every year ... .
. conservatism may also be big on wars
but they aren't the only ones;
and, being giants of high-tech,
our wars hardly put a dent
in our population growth .

. there's a popular delusion that
strong family values built this country;
in fact,
the overcrowding in our mother countries
was landing desperadoes into a huge land
with no recognizable people in it !
the luck of the pilgrim was
nothing more than instant depopulation:
resources per person were infinite;
everyone had a job packaging resources .
. but a capitalism that is run well
should run us out of all jobs
within a century (welcome home).
. the next big thing will be
floating cities on oceans,
and defending the land-based cities
with solar-energized robotics .


born-again conservative with Congressman Aaron Schock

5.10: news.pol/born-again conservative with
Congressman Aaron Schock:
Men's Health magazine/The Ripped Representative
America's Fittest Congressman:
The Aaron Schock Workout & Summer Challenge


oops I did it again ...

4.29: pol/justice/oops I did it again ...:

Jesus Christ Superstar (Special Edition). I was shocked to hear on lib'radio (1330)
that a reporter was dragged and maced
just for asking a question
in a "(townhall) meeting
whose elite she apparently didn't represent .
. we know that anyone requiring dragging
must be maced to reduce officer risk,
but we can still ask,
who really needs to be dragged,
ie, who needs to be "(arrested),
vs who was willing to leave with an escort .
. we then can seek to punish (or victimize?)
The Matrixthose accepting a duty that is unamerican .
. so in my state of ah-fficer-assisted rage
I thought of this perfect crime:
sir-real psy'op's against the undeserving sir .


test GE Fish on pet food for 20 years

Genetically Engineered Marine Organisms: Environmental and Economic Risks and Fish:
to my congressional rep's:
. instead of worrying about labeling,
why don't you feed the fish to pets first?
. if 20 years of that does ok,
(eno' time to see intergenerational affects)
then people won't care that it's GE .
. when you properly label food,
you become a better person,
in a better gov .
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced on August 25, 2010, that it will potentially approve a transgenic salmon as the first genetically engineered (GE) animal intended for human consumption. In response, nearly 400,000 public comments were sent to FDA from citizens demanding the agency reject this application and require mandatory labeling should it decide to approve it. Additionally, over 300 environmental, consumer, health, and animal welfare organizations, along with salmon and fishing groups and associations, food companies, chefs and restaurants signed joint letters to the FDA opposing approval of the GE salmon.
FDA's decision to go ahead with this approval is misguided and dangerous. It is time for Congress to take action. Senator Mark Begich (D-Alaska) and Representative Don Young (R-Alaska) recently introduced bipartisan legislation in Congress that would ban GE fish (S. 230/H.R. 521) and require mandatory labeling for consumers if approved (S. 229/H.R. 520).
The legislation has been endorsed by 64 consumer, worker, religious and environmental groups, along with commercial, recreational and subsistence fisheries associations, and food businesses and retailers. Those groups include the Center for Food Safety, Ocean Conservancy, Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development, the Alaska Trollers Association, Food and Water Watch, the National Cooperative Grocers Association and the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations among others.
Urge Congress To Take A Stand Against GE Fish!
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Please consider inviting your friends to support us as well.
Your message has been sent to the following decision makers:
Eat Your Genes: How Genetically Modified Food is Entering Our Diet* Senator John McCain III
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fig-leafing our responsibility to children

1.13: relig/bible/genesis/privatization of parenting:
[1.21: . capitalists and communists are still arguing about
whether privatization of production is an evil,
yet they are both still making a mess,
and they both agree on the worst evil,
privatized reproduction(parenting):
it is the primary source of drug abuse, drug wars,
schizophrenia(mass rejection), and mass murder .]
. that realization
gave me this spin of the genesis story:
. god insists nothing should be private:
(genitals should remain in public view)
but after Adam's snake gave Eve
that first taste of fruiting
-- a harsh labor, and countless childhood emergencies --
they both decided it would be best if they
put all their troublesome differences out of sight .
. that, of course,
was the end of the first perfect garden .
. slavery is also a constant theme in the bible:
we have to put fig leaves between
the poor and the rich,
the mgt and labor,
your parenting style vs mine .
. the genesis author's god was right:
things should be specialized,
and things should not be private .
. secrets are not sure security,
but they are a sure source of power abuse .
. we should be able to inspect and have a say in
all things that can have an influence on us .
. I'm not saying that's an enforceable rule,
but it's where perfected technology is heading,
simply because that technology by definition
will make such per-module omniscience possible;
that is, it can enforce separate environments
and enable awareness of everything in
one's own environment .


you want to subsidize corn and healthcare?!

1.17: index of various corn products:
65 Sweet corn, (has fiber and germ)
70 corn flour (same as sucrose)
85 corn starch (same as white bread)
-- the de-germed flour of the corn kernel
115 corn syrup --[ higher than 100 indicates a toxin .
   . it's measuring the rise in blood glucose
with pure glucose assigned an index of 100;
if the rise is faster than glucose,
it means something in it
is preventing cells from using it,
thereby keeping it dammed in the blood stream .]
70 high-fructose corn syrup drinks, hfcs sodas
--[ should be 115:
this is corn syrup with fructose added;
while the glycemic index appears low
it's because they testing a dilution .
. fructose doesn't become glucose
so it has a zero glycemic index;
but it does turn into triglycerides
that are making glucose less easy to use .
. by diluting the corn syrup
there's less of it test;
whereas the usefulness of the test
is not in showing how much a given calorie load
will turn into a given blood sugar load,
but rather,
in giving an idea of how fast
the blood sugar is increasing
-- important because the body can
put out insulin only so fast,
and if it can't keep up with that soda,
then there are short bursts of
brain-damaging high blood sugar;
in its rush to catch up, the insulin overcompensates:
bringing the blood sugar too low,
then the system protects itself from low brain sugar
by using cortisol to make the body insulin resistant
so there will be more for the brain;
at the next can of soda,
this insulin resistance will make the problem worse .]


peace prize to the voice with no body

12.12: pol/peace prize to the voice with no body:
. the peace prize went to the right person:
the voice with no body!
that voice this year has crystallized the message
that the world's christian's should unite
on an apology to the world's jews,
and reserve an israel-sized chunk of the new world
for a peaceful place where
jews alone are welcome to govern jews, forever .

12.10: co.apt/pol/chinese do deserve nobel peace prize:
. the nobel peace prize winner,
chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo, is a good american;
but in china where the system is not multi-party
he can only foment needless civil war;
and, one good reason for dictatorship
is long avoiding the centuries of civil war
that china has been subject to .
. the chinese leadership shows
true love for its people;
they are like the 2nd coming of christ
doing more for the war on poverty
than any other power on earth .
. they could have just exploited the energy
of an expanding population
to stay in power effortlessly,
but they so loved their people
that they risked their own position of power
by using it to force population controls
against a culture that is notoriously poor:
humans can have 14 girls in a row,
and the chinese traditionally keep having children
until they get at least one boy .
. this measure won't make leadership wealthier,
but in time it will bring wealth to all their subjects .
Liu Xiaobo launched Charter ’08,
the manifesto for democracy in China
which landed him an 11-year prison term .
the Norwegian Nobel Committee gave him the prize


evolutionary advantage of overpopulating

10.14: pol/overpopulation/evolutionary advantage for the poor:
. not only are the poor losing more children to sickness,
they may also need to compensate for losses from
implied survival tactics of the culture .
. often the only way to spread genes of the poor
is to send out pioneers to invade areas already populated;
and, because this style of invasion is so dangerous,
it can only succeed when large numbers are involved .


blue pill shifts costs onto pro-lifers

7.22: rn.pol/health care/pres` townhall meet
. they asked him about having health choices removed
like end-of-life decisions,
and the only thing that came close to addressing that one
was a ref' to:
"( having a choice between {blue, red} pills,
of course you take the one that's cheaper;
and, that reminded me of the;
so then analogizing the politics to the matrix story,
I thought of how the pro-lifers
are living in this collective dream
like those guys on ventilators did in the matrix
with their rallying around the myth about
saving souls, and not sparing one drop of experience,
no matter what the cost
-- most of our current healthcare is spent on
the last year of life (on the intensive care unit's ventilator) .

. Obama may have referred to the matrix
as a way to conjure up the vision of
people being on ventilators .
. he may have chosen the color blue not only because
that is the democrat's color,
but also because the artificiality of the matrix
is often cited as modeling socialism
and Obama is readily admitting the plan is socialism
-- adding that when socialism is the cheaper cure,
that's the policy you swallow .

. why should a gov'plan with science-based triage
worry the pro-lifers
when they still have other providers to choose from?
. if the gov is saving money by terminating
intensive care use by elders,
then it could save vastly more than pro-life private insurers
and they would have to do the same to stay competitive .

web: which pill was which,
and do other people see this connection?

blue -> matrix (socialism) (democrat)
red -> reality (individualism) (republican)

Well, I think it's a great question,
and I think the important thing is to underscore
that there is consensus that we spend too much on
care that does not improve people's health.
And if we start with that,
then that means we've got to make some changes.
What I've proposed is that we have a panel of medical experts
that are making determinations about
what protocols are appropriate for what diseases.
There's going to be some disagreement,
but if there's broad agreement that, in this situation
the blue pill works better than the red pill,
and it turns out the blue pills are half as expensive as the red pill,
then we want to make sure that doctors and patients
have that information available to them.

. In The Matrix, the character Trinity
helped search for The One, named Neo, who would stop The Matrix.
Conservatives seek leadership.
We understand that the Matrix is an illusion. And it must be stopped.
The fact that the colors red and blue
are also used to represent the Democrat and Republican parties
seems amazingly appropriate, under our current circumstances.
) .

'Red Pills' is a metaphor for the opening of ones mind
to truth and knowledge as in the movie, 'The Matrix'.
Optimally, each post and your related comments
encapsulate the truth and increase our knowledge
) .

pro-lifer mandate

. a major opposition to health care reform
is the concern by pro-lifers
that it may be used as an instrument for
gov-mandated anti-life decisions:
the gov' is responding to the fact that
most of a person's health bills
are incurred during the last year of life;
we are spending a lot of money to bring them very little more life .
. without having read the bill myself,
relying only what pro-lifers are saying about it,
it sounds like the gov' would cap this like so:
if the treatment needed to extend life another x years
was projected to cost more than, say, $45,000 per year,
then that treatment would be replaced by a let-die policy
that would treat only symptoms such as pain, infections, etc .

. back when the church was forming,
we didn't have the sort of medical decisions we face now;
physicians could only say "(first do no harm),
and then let god's renewing death machine
do its work with a minimum of suffering .
. Jesus did make a point of bringing friends back to life,
but he also said children were the highest priority,
and that's where our [elder heroics]-money should go .
(big picture:
"(first do no harm) -- the children need that money
) .

. here again I'm getting the feeling from pro-lifers
that they are full of unfunded mandates:
. while they could be setting an example
with social systems that actually work
instead, they water down their demands to maximize membership .

new testament example:
. in the new testament -- which the church itself built
(tossing many scripts that didn't suit their tastes) --
they include an example of how, because of class diff's
(between the wealth and poor)
communalism just doesn't work .
. well, that's absurd,
it's an obvious call for the future church,
to find some way to make it work .
. we must find communalism
to replace the loss of the extended family
-- a loss imposed on us by the industrial revolution
with its calling for the nuclear family to move out
to that next great job offer .

. when people have a commune backing them up,
they are no longer alone in caring for the unexpected child,
or in taking abuse from the senile elder .
. communalism means communal ownership of children;
making childcare a public concern, not a private nightare .
. when expectant mothers ask our doctors about abortion;
we can ask assuringly:
"( we're the parents,
why would you want to abort our child? ) .

. "(family values) in America is really just
a watered-down, empty version of the extended family;
and a family-values christian
is just running scared from the calling to communalize .

. let's look at how these same christians
are attracting the pro-lifers:

. if we had communes, then we'd be caring for our own,
not by ourselves, but in a collective effort by one's commune .
. without communes,
we are asking tax payers to hire professionals in retirement homes;
away from the children who could ask:
"(what's wrong with grampa .)

"( . grampa was raised in the age of the high-glycemic diet,
full of sugar, flour, ... corn syrup,
and meat raised on grains not grass .
. we'll all go mad like that now -- in a nuclear family
... that will never even know about it .
) .

. with communalism, pro-lifers could hardly stand their own choices:
. oh, now we all have to go psychotic caring for the senile,
and give our shirt to million dollar congenital defects .
) .

8.3: pol/health care/cooperating with pro-lifers:
. getting a lot of heat from pro-lifers;
isn't there any way to separate gov funds from controversial treatments?
wouldn't matter anyway, they are even fighting about
not treating the terminally ill and comatose .
-- they are not happy even if you do let god make the choices!
. still, how about no abortion funds for the gov plan,
and then remind the pro-"(lifer)s
that if they want to feed their vegetative cases,
they can do so in their own high-premium private plan ?

. members of Congress physically assaulted?
hearsay from from one rep about another at a meet .

. where are the blue dogs w.r.t the pro-lifers?
they are fiscal conservatives:
their main problem is the plan is still too expensive;
pro-lifers would make it more expensive
with their demanding unlimited life-support
for the terminally ill .
. but one way they could get pro-lifer support and still be cheaper
is to ask that the gov stay out it
-- that means saying later to universal coverage .
. this round, just ask for manditory health insurance
and manditory acceptance -- this will make health care cheap .

. apparently the insurers are feeling the pressure of the pro-lifer
and submitting to it while taking losses .
. much easier to nickel-and-dime the non-life cases .
. this is what a seemingly confused woman meant by
"(keep the gov out of medicare);
she was reminded that medicare was already a gov program,
but she was right in knowing that the reform being proposed
would, in fact, fundamentally transform medicare
along with any extension programs
by dictating how much money could be thrown at life-support cases
and make other decisions that would so restrict your own doctor
that being able to choose your own doctor would be meaningless .
. pro-life costs more money,
but esp'ly the people using medicare
would often not be able to afford a private health plan
-- exactly because it was supporting the spendy ways the gov was nixxing .

. the admn should plead open source,
point out the costs,
and ask amer's if they are not about accountability .
. do we pay life-support cases when we don't want to ?
do we pay for abortions when we don't want to ?
how can we respectfully ask for more accountability?

. I think they they are confusing 2 issues:
the "(death panel) cries are not talking about the end of life counciling,
rather they are refering to the medical panels being set up
to decide what services are worthwhile,
and one criterion, is that adding a year of life
should cost no more than a certain amount .
. I found various blogs that confirm this and responded to them:

[one reader responds:
that recommendation was made the context of medical ethic principles,
not actual policies coming from the White House.
That juxtaposition is not only dishonest and disingenuous,
but also factually incorrect....
June 3, 2009
Indeed, without a serious, sustained effort
to reduce the growth rate of health care costs,
affordable health care coverage will remain out of reach.
So we must attack the root causes of the inflation in health care.
That means promoting the best practices,
not simply the most expensive.
We should ask why places like
the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, and other institutions
can offer the highest quality care at costs well below the national norm.
We need to learn from their successes
and replicate those best practices across our country.
That's how we can achieve reform that preserves and strengthens
what's best about our health care system, while fixing what is broken.

I believe if we are going to make people responsible for owning health insurance,
we must make health care affordable. [and provide] a hardship waiver
to exempt Americans who cannot afford it.
In addition, while I believe that employers have a responsibility to support
health insurance for their employees,
small businesses face a number of special challenges
in affording health benefits and should be exempted.

To identify and achieve additional savings,
I am also open to your ideas about giving special consideration to
the recommendations of the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC),
a commission created by a Republican Congress.
Under this approach,
MedPAC's recommendations on cost reductions would be adopted
unless opposed by a joint resolution of the Congress.
This is similar to a process that has been used effectively by
a commission charged with closing military bases,
and could be a valuable tool to help achieve
health care reform in a fiscally responsible way.

While MedPAC currently only makes suggestions regarding Medicare payments and costs,
the Obama proposal [above] would greatly expand MedPAC's power
over a large percentage of the economy
-- and the health and welfare of tens of millions of people --
because MedPAC's actions would have the force of law
without any significant accountability:
The likelihood of a joint resolution of Congress against anything MedPAC did
is so small as to make MedPAC a law unto its own.
MedPAC will become a de facto health care Czar

The analogy of closing military bases
to making health care costs decisions if fallacious.
The base closing commission was a reaction to large excess capacity in military bases,
largely as a result of pork barrel earmarks.
Taking politicians out of the closing process
was the only way to close military bases,
so that politicians would not take the blame.
There is no excess capacity, however, in health care services.

my response: (8.12.2023 -- post not yet approved):

. there is indeed an excess capacity of health care
-- given our limited budget;
pork is relative: if you've got plenty of money,
you can never buy too much military security!
likewise for health care:
no senator wants to do the grizzly job of medical triage;
therefore, a commission is again needed to do the job for them;
so, it was a perfect analogy .

. [one of] Obama's advisors famously frets about
the insistence of American physicians on doing
"everything for the patient regardless of cost."
Thus, stopping such costly interventions will be a
primary mission of the
"Federal Coordinating Council for Effectiveness Research,"
a new hive of health care apparatchiks
created by the infamous "porkulus" bill.
This new bureaucracy is intended to operate like its European counterparts,
meaning that it will assign a monetary value to your life
and deny your care if you contract a malady whose
cost-of-treatment exceeds that amount.

It is called the "quality-adjusted-life-year" (QALY),
and it assigns a numerical value to a year of life.
A year of perfect health, for example, is given a value of 1.0
while a year of sub-optimum health is rated between 0 and 1.
In Great Britain, for example,
the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)
uses "cost per QALY" to determine if patients should receive
expensive treatment or drugs.
"NICE currently holds that, except in unusual cases,
Britain cannot afford to spend more than about $22,000
to extend a life by six months."

. the reason Obama has not emphasized rationing as an economizer,
is that there have been such fine examples like the Mayo clinic
of getting good results based on prevention
and careful use of resources .
. to insure we have choice,
the commission would be deciding simply what the insur'co would pay;
we can pay for any additional services using our own money,
at the same prices we the insur'co would have to pay .
. I'm sure that's what Obama has in mind;
because he said that if we like our care, we can keep it;
and the one care we do have now
is being able to buy any service we can afford out of pocket .
-- appreciating Michael Moore, usa

Gallup found the approval rating on health care
at 43 percent now approving
and 49 percent disapproving
Meanwhile, Rasmussen found that support for Obama health care
has dropped 6 points in the past two weeks, to 42 percent,
while a 53 percent majority now oppose.

. Obama care doesn't have popular support?
well then I see usa`people hear the gov' saying:
"( medicare is too costly; and, to reduce costs
the gov' will expand services to non-elders?
featuring preventive measures?
) ?!
. elders are now getting whatever they can talk their doctor into;
but with Obama care,
they are going to have their soda's taxed,
and be told they need to go on a Zone diet .
. if only usa`people could see
that the biggest cost-cutter of Obama care is going to be
manditory health insur' purchasing:
why are they even worried about the gov's health plan?
all the other private plans will be affordable too!
. however,
the gov' plan may be even cheaper
and be the only plan reachable by the unemployed;
so, many do indeed feel trapped into Obama care .
. the real venom is coming from
the same place it always has:
the life-vs-choice debate is obvious,
as most of usa's health costs are incurred
during the last year of life;
so, you must know,
the gov' will be sneaking into life-snuffing rationing
of elder and vegatative life supports
as the primary way to ensure costs stay down .
. apparently the other health insur'co's are silently agreeing
there's no profit in bumping into pro-lifer's;
so if the gov' thinks it can do that,
there will be no fair competition;
except of course,
that there will still be the upper class and religious
who will be willing to pay higher premiums
in order to receive special and pro-lifer services .
. also, the gov' will be paying doctors more for
keeping people well rather than per service;
the wealthy would rather have more control over their doctors,
using them more for sports and performance than wellness .
. finally, I wonder how much of the opposition
might be thinking they already get free health care
any time they care to sit in the emergency room?
. to them, the Obama care is just another fat tax needle .