
#health #diet raw mushrooms

10.31: web.health/diet/raw mushrooms:
. mushrooms are slightly carcinogenic if not cooked .
. many mushrooms contain aromtase-inhibiting drugs,
and therefore should be treated like a hormone:
used only consistently and modestly .

#med accelerated wound repair with #arginine

10.29: web.med/accelerated wound repair with arginine:
. one thing that may accelerate growth for sports injury repair
is arginine and vitamin c .
. quackwatch says arginine doesn't raise growth hormone;
but look at this:
"Arginine Enhances Wound Healing and
Lymphocyte Immune Responses in Humans." Surgery. 1990.


#USDA should protect #Organic Standards!

co.pol/healthcare/organic/USDA should protect Organic Standards!
. in September, the USDA announced changes to its
interpretation of the "sunset" provision
in the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990. [OFPA]
. those changes overrode the powers of the
National Organic Standards Board
and are making it easier for food producers to
use synthetics in organic food production.

Previously, any exemptions from organic standards
were set to expire, or "sunset," on a specific date
-- unless they were reinstated by a "decisive"
two-thirds majority vote of the NOSB.
Now it's just the reverse:
a synthetic material can be permitted to remain
in an organic food indefinitely
unless a two-thirds majority votes to
remove it from the exempted list.

More than 100 synthetics will be up for sunset consideration in 2015.
I am writing to ask you to enforce the sunset provision of the OFPA
as it was originally intended .
In addition, I strongly urge USDA to use
a public and transparent process
for all major changes to organic standards
by publishing proposed changes in the Federal Register,
and by actively seeking public input and discussion.


#Jesus #privacy vs #knowlege #the_truth_will_set_ you_free

10.25, 11.2: relig/jc/the truth will set you free:
. when Jesus said "the truth will set you free"
he was talking about the truth about
what the god wants from us;
knowing that will set us free from sin
(being addicted to behaviors that harm us,
or that set us apart from the god,
giving us bad luck in war and competitions).
. is it generally true that truth is freedom?
there are 2 schools of thought:

#911truther #remoteviewing #psyop #farsight.org not_consistent_with_evidence

10.25: news.pol/911truther/farsight.org/not consistent with evidence:
. I listened to an interview with Dr. Courtney Brown
speaker for the farsight.org remote viewing program .
. he claims a 9/11 report will be good for
popularizing the believability of remote viewing;
but his results are not even consistent with facts .

big clue from #DownSyndrome prone to #Alzheimer's

10.25: news.health/alz/big clue from Down's syndrome prone to Alzheimer's:
. most people with Down's syndrome get Alzheimer's disease?
that makes sense because they are prone to obesity,
and tend to be intolerant of sugar,
(they then get spikes in blood sugar
that raises cholesterol that causes Alzheimer's disease).

#Islam like #Judaism facing a holy site to pray

10.24: web.relig/islam/like Judaism facing a holy site to pray:
. another way Islam patterns itself after Judaism,
facing a holy site while praying .


#vote general election #Tucson #Arizona #usa

10.26 .. 28: proj.gov/vote/general election #Tucson #Arizona #usa:
. my Fall 2014 general election picks
were often just voting for Democrats
in order to minimize Republican influence,
including possible Obamacare rollbacks
(see why we need Obamacare).
. there are some votes local to Tucson,
and some propositions for az.state .