
4/13 usa'architect Jefferson b'day

pim/calendar/4/13 usa'architect Jefferson b'day

Jefferson was a Free* American Founding Father,
the principal author of the Declaration of Independence (1776)
and the third President of the United States (1801–1809).
He was a spokesman for democracy and the rights of man
. the first United States Secretary of State (1790–1793)
serving under President George Washington.
In opposition to Alexander Hamilton's Federalism,
Jefferson and his close friend, James Madison,
organized the Democratic-Republican Party,
and subsequently resigned from Washington's cabinet.
*: [ there are at least 2 "Americans":
the Latinos (latin is the language of Catholics)
and the Free-thinkers (deists, Freemasons).]


Peter R Harley`Monroe 2013

13.12.26.. 14.1.13: pol/harley`monroe 2013
Peter R Harley`Monroe 2013

anti- #nsa #surveillance activist day

11: web.pol/surveillance/co.tw(thedaywefightback.org):
[ twitter news ] philip torrance ‏@addn
@ http://thedaywefightback.org
if we let #nsa #surveillance then
no more malware on computers to force it ;)
Note to staff:
All leave is cancelled for the next 24 hours
– tomorrow is going to be a very busy day for us:


Mannose blocks #lectins in #legumes

6: news.health/Mannose/blocks lectins and activates immune response:
Mannose can be found in berries,
green beans, eggplant, cabbage,
turnips, kelp and Aloe vera.
. Mannose [that exists on the surfaces of your cells]
plays a role in the formation of
cytokines which stimulate the immune system .
D-mannose blocks the lectins in legumes
and can prevent them from breaching the intestinal wall.
D-mannose can bind to things that cause
inflammation, irritable bowel syndrome,
weight gain and even possibly colon cancer.

Metapedia judged by its 9-11 coverage

6: news.cyb/net.wiki/alternative to wikipedia/Metapedia:
. Metapedia is a wikipedia supplement:
here to do things that can't be done there .
. one thing you can't do in wikipedia
is talk about Dr. Judy Wood as being
a serious part of the 9/11 truth movement;
but, Metapedia doesn't even mention her
or her beam weapons evidence,
although Metapedia editors are hardly
main-line 911truthers either
since they blame 9/11 on a Jewish Conspiracy
rather than neocon-CIA-NSA imperialism
or a Liberal Conspiracy bent on
challenging the Muslim globalists
by stealing Zion from them
and handing it back to the Jewish people,
in order to start the Final World War
to choose the world leader
and give that leader the power to
implement global surveillance
and enforce peace throughout the world .

Charles Veitch remembers 9-11

6: web.pol/911truther/Charles Veitch remembers 9-11:
. 911truther Charles Veitch, is seen on this video
Charles Veitch Jun 29, 2011`
No Emotional Attachment to 9/11 Theories
- The Truth is Most Important
saying he now believes the gov's story
( 9/11 was a pancake collapse from plane strikes )
after getting much personal attention
from ex-cia who seemed sincere .
. however,


glycerine sweet relief from dry skin on hands

5: co.iherb/cook/glycerine/sweet relief from dry skin on hands:
. after I started using too much caffeine,
it raised my cortisol and lowered my dhea,
which then made me unable to sweat
so my fingers felt so dry it was annoying;
but, glycerine keeps the moisture on your hands
without making them feel greasy .
. this is the same stuff as in Sortkwik
meant to help paper handlers get a better grip .
. it washes off with hand-washing,
so I keep some in a little squeeze bottle
in my pocket at all times . [8:
( I mix 1 part water to 3 or 4 parts glycerine ).]