
recovering from artificial joint surgery #med #osteo

bone will heal much faster if you
load up on vit'c and arginine;
I get mine cheap here: BeyondACenturyInc.


Kiva on-line all-star micro-lending facilitator

Support Wikipedia . I usually only give to disasters,
because that's when redcross calls;
but I'm so glad to find a micro-lending network on-line .
. I recently gave $25 to a similar wikipedia;
they are trying to spread into india
and other places in need of free education .

Kiva on-line all-star micro-lending facilitator
. Kiva  has Charity Navigator's highest rating


#thyroid optimization may save bone,vision #health

11.2 ..11.4: health/thyroid/
lifestyle choices that improve function:
low thyroid is very common:
. age-related hypo-thyroid
-- ie "(normal) TSH levels --
is as common as the many modern diseases,
and that may be more than a coincidence .
. there are ties to bone loss,
atrial fibrillation,
and blindness due to glaucoma
(you may be at increased risk if you are
nearsighted or hypo-thyroid).

. I will first explain how common low thyroid is,
and how it can be mistaken for hyper-thyroid
-- that's important to realize because
some are avoiding the iodine they need
under the assumption that they are hyper-thyroid
when, in fact,
both the low and high thyroid extremes
can have the same symptoms
of a rapid or erratic heart .

. the unprecedented rate of obesity starting in the 1980's
may be due to the combination of
not only replacing sugar with high-fructose corn syrup,
but also replacing the iodine in bakery goods
with bromides that actually inactivate
what little iodine you might already be getting !


#relocalization shoporganic.com

10.3: news.pol/relocalization/tucson/shoporganic.com:
. shoporganic is a local business
taking orders by internet .
. when they saw my order was large
(100lb beans, 4gal olive oil, 4lb seaweed)
they offered to split the shipping job with me:
. they brought it by car, and I did the unloading .
. that saved me $50+ ! .

#Solyndra loss #relocalization not go-#green

10.2: news.pol/obama/Solyndra's lost battle was
relocalization not go-green:

28 September 2011 Attacking Green Manufacturing
The Solyndra accusations are really just one part of
an ongoing conservative and oil-interests-funded
anti-green-manufacturing campaign drumbeat.
Long before Solyndra's bankruptcy
the Heritage Foundation was running stories like
2008's Green Jobs Are Con Jobs,
2009's The Green Job Myth Exposed,
and this year's Obama’s “Green Jobs” Pipe Dream,
Are “Green Jobs” the Answer?,
Are Green Jobs ‘Gone with the Wind’?...
Media Matters had previously exposed
the nature of this ongoing effort, in
Heritage Foundation Green Jobs Panel
- Bought and Paid For By ExxonMobil,

"( Instead of showcasing the views of
unbiased academics and economists,
the Heritage Foundation put forth a panel of
those financially connected to ExxonMobil.
... The ENTIRE PANEL Received Money From ExxonMobil. )
The Phony Solyndra Solar Scandal:
Even though Solyndra's investors lost out
our country retains the trained skilled employees,
the intellectual property, the innovators funded,
the suppliers, and the factory.
As components of a national effort to trigger a key strategic industry,
those are all still there and in the US.
The purpose of the government's involvement was to
help trigger the development of green-energy manufacturing
in the United States, not to help individual companies.
All these employees are trained,
all the researchers can take what they know
to other solar companies,
the IP is going to be sold
-- and it should be part of the conditions
that it be sold to an American company.
America's larger effort to nurture a solar-power industry
continues toward its goal
with assets enabled by this loan guarantee.
. the problem with this argument is that
even if you believe in going solar
at the expense of oil and coal,
you are also trying to partially, weakly,
break out of the political pattern we are in right now
which is to do the manufacturing in 3rd-word countries .
. any manufacturing usa does (with its high-paid labor)
can only survive if usa already has a trade-protected
subsidized customer for those products .]


blogger.com feeds unreadable by some

9.13: mis.cyb/net.blogger.com/feeds unreadable by some:
. at blogger.com my feeds are now unreadable,
but only at duh's blog, not docs' .
. I have my feed being redirected to feedburner,
and, they have a feed validator page:
# feedvalidator.org (duh)
# feedvalidator.org (docs)
-- says it's a valid Atom 1.0 feed;
but has some protential problems ...
[... indeed, the feed was readable by Apple`safari
despite being unreadable by others
(firefox, feedburner, networkedblogs.com, ...).]

saved by backup with many snapshots

9.21: mis.cyb/fat32 sd card/corrupted:
(9.30: summary:
. only just months ago I started the policy of having
multiple backup snapshots instead of overwriting;
that turned out to be a life-saver, because,
to do overwrites safely,
you have to check every folder and file
to make sure none of them are corrupted .
. I tried saving html code to my sd card,
and it failed from both ko'edit and kompozer;
I thought it was a copy-protection trick ...
in fact, it's showing
everything in that folder is deleted!
log/psy now has zero items .

verifying corruption:
volume “SD2GB” ** /dev/disk2s1
** Phase 1 - Preparing FAT
** Phase 2 - Checking Directories
/PIM/2011/09 sep/0(cyb) has no clusters
/PIM/2011/09 sep/psy has no clusters
Marked 44 clusters as free
Free space in FSInfo block (141148) not correct (141192)
3306 files, 564768 KiB free (141192 clusters)

recovery by snapshot-backups:
oh, bak's are showing
those 2 folders have been empty for a while .
try a binary search:14, 17, 18 : ok?
18 14:17 is the last good;
cyb 15 9:37 (files: 15 18:48)
psy 15 18:42 (files 15 18:44)
the next is 19 18:58 -- both {psy, cyb} are missing .
cyb 19 17:50
psy 19 10:54 .

finding the cause:
. what was I doing when these changes got made?:
cyb 19 17:50
psy 19 10:54
. at 9.19.10:54 I was approaching mac,
but didn't do anything deliberate until 2 min later:
"( ... 10:56, gmail:0, log, ).
. maybe I jiggled the sd card, and lost the connection,
so it was like pulling it out without
giving the OS the warning it needed
to flush the caches and close the fs .
. at 9.19.17:50
I was about to break for some dictionary work;
1750 may have been at the time I started,
since I didn't give start-stop times for a 5-min job,
tho' it might have taken 10min
"( 17:50: this is the modify date of cyb.folder
getting corrupted . [9.21: found]
18:00?: used dictionary, )
. I remember being concerned that I was on a page
that did have ad's on it, but from the various browser logs,
{mac.safari, xu#main.vm, xu#wild.vm }
there was nothing around the time 19.18:00;
did I get ad's from mac.dictionary?
there were no ad's as I cycled through dict's history
but I think I was getting wikipedia from dictionary,
and then a link opened into safari .
. anyway,
pos.cyb/fs/sd card should be backup not primary:
. I'm working mostly from a vm,
so I keep my primary in a vmware shared folder,
and then backups happen with mac.timemachine .