
Joseph A. Olson not quite the #fauxscience slayer

6.2: web.pol/gemini/phy/big bang theory/
Joseph A. Olson not quite the #fauxscience slayer:
. I heard Joseph A. Olson on coasttocoastam radio
and was interested by his attempts at
rooting out faux science
at his site fauxscienceslayer.com.
Joseph Olson is most notable for
"debunking the greenhouse gas theory".
(see his book as well as his site).
. does he have a position against
the Big Bang theory? yes, but
his theory is even more absurd:
assuming the bizarre Relativity theory
is proof of even more-bizarre time travel.
. he thinks the elites are hiding time travel
because they are trying to rewrite history.
. I would agree that remote viewing (ESP)
is a sort of time travel;
and there is evidence that is possible,
but Olson seems to be talking about
time travel based on a physics theory,
and claims the purpose of Big Bang theory
is to destroy any ideas of time travel.


laws against the #paranormal #judaism #christianity

6.1: 6.6: news,web.relig/judaism/
laws against the paranormal:
. in case you were wondering why
remote viewing and ESP could be considered
pseudoscience despite overwhelming evidence;
historically science had been dominated by
Christians (following the god of Judaism,
who commanded that remote viewing and ESP
are secret arts punishable by death or stoning).


#911truther Mark Passio`The Dark Side Of Tesla's Technology

5.31: news.pol/911truther/Mark Passio/
The Dark Side Of Tesla's Technology:
summary transcript of video with commentary:
. scalar waves flow at right angles to EM waves
considered to be finer than gamma rays;
they belong to the subtle gravitational field
aka gravitic waves or longitudinal waves;
many refer to them as Tesla waves.
. the Tesla Colorado Springs magnifying transmitter
transmitted scalar waves.
. as described by Thomas Bearden
interferometry that intersects 2 scalar waves
can cause earthquakes and dustifications.
. scalar interferometry was used on 9/11
to dustify the trade towers,
as seen in the evidence compiled by
Dr.Judy Wood [who mentions Hutchison].
. finally Mark Passio believes that
HAARP (high-altitude active auroral research proj)
involves scalar wave technology.
my comment:


Anonymous` #wwIII 2017-2018

5.25: news.pol/purges/wwIII/
Anonymous` #wwIII 2017-2018:
summary of video:
. usa knows it is doomed to failure
(obviously because it depends on debt
and it will run out of borrowers eventually);
so it will likely start wwIII
to stay in control of the world.
. N.Korea said they would be less threatening
if usa and S.Korea would stop their military drills;
usa responded by installing a missile defense shield
that threatens China's and Russia's nuclear strategy.
. just as usa had oil interests in the middle east;
(in addition to defending Zionism)
and this was the basis for many usa wars;
usa is now concerned with rare earth metals,
essential to high tech, and thus national security.
. major new sources include Afghanistan and
-- bet you can't guess -- N.Korea.
. recently Russia has been accused of
helping the resistance in Afghanistan,
working against usa.


#vaccine higher rate of allergies and neurodevelopmental disorders

5.23: news.pol/healthcare/vaccine/
higher rate of allergies and neurodevelopmental disorders:
Pilot comparative study on the health of
vaccinated and unvaccinated
6- to 12- year old U.S. children.
[J Translational Science 2017]
. neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD);
vaccinated homeschool children were found to have
a higher rate of allergies and NDD
than unvaccinated homeschool children.
While vaccination remained significantly associated with
NDD after controlling for other factors,
preterm birth coupled with vaccination
was associated with an apparent synergistic increase
in the odds of NDD.
summary of findings:
snopes reaction:

#cancer #colon why is it happening more to youth?

5.23: co.geneticliteracyproject.org/health/cancer#colon
/why is it happening more to youth?:
Ben Locwin May 18, 2017:
". if you look back to the 1890s,
you can find colorectal cancer rates as high as those
being found in Generation X and Millennials recently.
Young and middle-aged adults are showing
patterns in these cancers not seen in over 100 years,
according to the authors of a recent study.
Lead author Rebecca Siegel, of the American Cancer Society noted,
“People born in 1990 now have double the risk of colon cancer
and quadruple the risk of rectal cancer
compared to people born around 1950.”
about 14,000 cases of colorectal cancer per year
occur in people younger than 50
. if it was the obesity rates
driving up the colorectal cancer rates,
we would expect to see a time-lag
where colorectal cancer incidence followed obesity rates
by 10 or 20 years,
allowing for causality from obesity to result in colorectal cancer.
But these two trends appear to have increased at about the same time"
this article points out that inflammation
could increase the risk of colon cancer.
. coincident with increased obesity
is increased preference for artificial sweeteners:
sucralose is known to cause gut dysbiosis,
and inflammatory bowel disease,
also saccharin is associated with inflammatory bowel disease.
Qin, Xiaofa. "Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease:
 A unified hypothesis."
World Journal of Gastroenterology: 18.15 (2012): 1708.
more resources: evidencebasedibd.


canned sardines have B vitamins #health

5.22: web.health/diet/canned sardines have B vitamins:
. canned sardines, despite being cooked,
still have some b'vitamins:
very good source of b12,
but only 9% of daily b6.


Dan Harris 10% Happier #meditation vs #schizophrenia

5.21: co,web/psy/meditation/Dan Harris`10% Happier:
. "happy Sunday!" I greeted a coworker;
. from listening to a radio preacher today,
I was revisiting the idea that our thoughts
-- which we assume to be our self --
are actually influenced by the god or devil;
just like I saw on a cartoon once,
where the character has a devil and an angel
perched on each shoulder,
telling him different ways to react:
a supernatural game of good vs evil.
. I might like a book about handling thoughts:
Dan Harris`10% Happier:
How I Tamed the Voice in My Head,
Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge,
and Found Self-Help That Actually Works--A True Story
-- it's about the benefits of meditation,
and quitting drugs and alcohol.

. the primary benefit of meditation
is mindfulness -- being aware of your thoughts
objectively without automatically reacting.
. I do have some experience with meditation;
at times when I feel too toxic to work or sleep
I try to control my breathing and
and that becomes my only thought.
. however,
what I found most useful for mindfulness
was not meditation but schizophrenia.