Joseph A. Olson not quite the #fauxscience slayer:
. I heard Joseph A. Olson on coasttocoastam radio
and was interested by his attempts at
rooting out faux science
at his site
Joseph Olson is most notable for
"debunking the greenhouse gas theory".
(see his book as well as his site).
. does he have a position against
the Big Bang theory? yes, but
his theory is even more absurd:
assuming the bizarre Relativity theory
is proof of even more-bizarre time travel.
. he thinks the elites are hiding time travel
because they are trying to rewrite history.
. I would agree that remote viewing (ESP)
is a sort of time travel;
and there is evidence that is possible,
but Olson seems to be talking about
time travel based on a physics theory,
and claims the purpose of Big Bang theory
is to destroy any ideas of time travel.
Joseph A Olson, PE 2010:
. Known as the “Godel Metric”,
this theory was first presented in 1949,
by Einstein friend and fellow
Princeton professor, Kurt Godel.
Following disclosure, Kurt believed
[people were trying to poison him]
and quickly starved himself to death.
What was so Earth shattering about this theory ?
Albert proclaimed that the Godel Metric was….
“an exact solution of the
Einstein Field Equations ...
.this solution has many strange properties,
in particular the existence of closed timeline curves,
which would allow a form of time travel.”
Option One, the ‘Big Bang’ hypothesis
was chosen for the obvious reason that it
prevented any discussion of the
even more compelling theory
that allowed time travel
and possibly even teleportation
Option Two, the ‘closed timeline curve’
would allow humanity to ‘review’ history
and verify the exact nature of our past.
To a shadow government,
the loss of the ability to ‘spin history’
would reduce the ability to
herd the masses into their desired future.
The Godel Metric must therefore be
actively destroyed.
Option Three, ...
it may be possible that ‘universal time’
is not constant. What may not be measurable
in daily and annual rotation of our planet,
may over billions of years,
vary in time so this could also cause
‘red shift’ observations.
[ Big Bang theory is supported by
evidence of an expanding universe;
and ‘red shift’ observations
are mistakenly taken as evidence of expansion.
. a belief that 'universal time' is not constant
is an absurd way to attack
the equally-absurd Big Bang theory.]
Joseph A Olson, PE 2012:
The first big government sponsored lie
was undoubtedly the big bang hoax,
begun in 1927, but incorporated as a
national security issue in 1949.
THE BIG BANG LIE, began as an article,
“Big Bang Rebuttal”
“The Cure for Cosmology’s Peptic Ulcer”
“Mysterious ‘Dr X’ Says Universe is NOT Expanding”
“Federally Funded Franken Science”
“Franken Science Finales”
all of the current false paradigms.
Fractional Reserve Banking Begat Faux Reality:
. see G Edward Griffin's
The Creature from Jekyll Island.
Olson 2010:
Hubble and the Big Bang:
In 1929, when spectral analysis revealed
a ‘red shift’ in distant galaxies,
astronomer Edwin Hubble speculated that
this might be due to acceleration away from Earth
and a possible expanding universe.
Before he could reflect on other possible explanations,
a radio interview stumbled onto the phrase “Big Bang”
and a run-away train left the station.
Dr Hubble was uncomfortable with
both the concept and the catchy nick-name,
but he had a ‘conflict of interest’ on this issue.
In a Times magazine interview, on Dec 14, 1936,
titled “Science: Shift on Shift”,
Dr. Hubble made his opposition clear.
Einstein and the Big Bang:
[ he resisted the idea:
Einstein applied his theory of
general relativity in the universe,
and suggested a model of a homogenous, static,
spatially curved universe.
However, this interpretation has one major problem:
If gravitation was the only active force,
his universe would collapse
– an issue Einstein addressed by
introducing the cosmological constant.
He then fiercely resisted the view that
the universe was expanding,
despite his contemporaries' suggestions
that this was the case.
... April 1931 Einstein finally adopted
a model of an expanding universe.
Einstein won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1920
for his 1905, Theory of Relativity.
[ --that is not exactly true:
Albert Einstein got the Prize in 1921
"for his services to Theoretical Physics,
and especially for his discovery of
the law of the photoelectric effect".
[Relativity theory was Theoretical Physics
however notice the word "especially"]
. Einstein's Nobel lecture has this footnote:
"Fundamental ideas and problems of
the theory of relativity"
Lecture delivered to the Nordic Assembly
of Naturalists at Gothenburg July 11, 1923
* The Lecture was not delivered
on the occasion of the Nobel Prize award,
and did not, therefore, concern
the discovery of the photoelectric effect.
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