Dr.Jay Sordean`outsmarting the dementia epidemic:
book review of Dr. Jay Sordean 2015`
Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic:
7 Key Memory Care Actions to Avoid Alzheimer's
and Successfully Keep Your Brain Safe, Sharp
and Sexy Into the Future.
. his website pages related to this topic
and fb news feed.
1/3 of usa will get dementia;
(1/8 of usa will get alzheimers dementia);
he lists problems associated with dementia;
(includes both symptoms and causes):
autoimmune disorders,
allergies to food or anything:
[autoimmunity and allergies are a source of
inflammation, associated with dementia.]
hypertension and high cholesterol:
[. could be both a cause and a symptom;
dementia might cause this dysregulation,
and also some dietary causes of
hypertension and high cholesterol
(a high glycemic and high fructose diet)
are the same dietary problems that
promote dementia.]
poor digestion, acid reflux:
[. while dementia might cause indigestion,
poor digestion can also be caused by gut infections
that are associated with inflammation,
a source of dementia.
. acid reflux can also be a symptom of insulin resistance,
a major source of dementia.]
sexual or erectile dysfunction,
dry eyes and other symptoms of
hormone imbalance:
[most dementia happens to the elderly,
who have not only more inflammation
but more hormone imbalance:
too much cortisol,
and not enough growth hormone,
progesterone, and testosterone
DHEA, melatonin, thyroid.]
dementia includes down syndrome,
and parkinson's disease;
(some parkinson's is caused by trauma)
[he has no advice for reducing the risk of
down syndrome]
obesity raises risk of stroke, and
crusty brain syndrome:
"The parts of your body that are harmed by
high sugar includes your brain cells.
This is what I have called 'crusty brain syndrome'...
This is why I have emphasized the need to
address your blood sugar and diabetes early on."
p20: obesity raises risk of dementia,
fatty organs (deep gut fat vs skin fat)
reduces brain size and raises risk of dementia.
p24: inflammation of gums
causes leaky brain syndrome
[related to dementia.]
p26: trauma:
. traumatic brain injury causes
meningeal compression and torqueing:
chronic traumatic encephalopathy.
[a degenerative brain disease that results in
dementia similar to Alzheimer’s disease (AD).]
p40: dementia from toxins:
. it has been shown that some working with pesticides
are more prone to parkinson's disease.
. so many chemicals, so little testing:
from 1900 to 1950,
we developed 10,000 chemicals;
from 1950 to 2015,
we've introduced 100,000 chemicals.
. use a water filter;
reduce use of cleaning chemicals,
pesticides, incense, perfume, mothballs.
[. doesn't mention eating organic food
even though it uses only a few natural pesticides]
dementia from excessive sugar:
p47, alz is type III diabetes;
sugar causes inflammation;
[inflammation promotes dementia.]
. he shows sugar consumption skyrocketing recently;
but the graph was very fuzzy and unreadable;
others differ:
usa Sugar Consumption the past 200 Years:
graph shows approx'ly:
1820: 10lb per person rising steadily until
1929: 120lb; dipping and slowly increasing until
1980: 120lb and quickly increasing again until
2000: 150lb and falling again.
yet another source that differs:
US Department of Commerce reports:
. increasing steadily from
6.3 pounds per person per year in 1822
to a maximum of 107.7 lb/person/year in 1999.
Department of Commerce and USDA
reported production, not consumption.
To arrive at a reasonable estimate of consumption,
authors adjusted the whole data set
for post-production losses
using the USDA's current loss estimate of 28.8%.
supp's that enhance brain function:
huperzine (lef, Nowfoods)
proline-rich polypeptide complex from colostrum
avoid foods you are sensitive to;
many are sensitive to gluten and nightshades.
p60: having sex may help preserve brain function.
[might have some effect on hormones?.]
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