Showing posts with label psy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label psy. Show all posts


intuition, probabilities, paranoia, and serially attracted to abusers

20.5.12: psy/schiz/intuition, probabilities, paranoia,
and serially attracted to abusers:
. is intuition something we need to trust?
I explore what intuition has in common with
paranoid schizophrenia,
and being serially attracted to abusers.


happy birthday, mom!

first the god made the world
to hold our feelings,
then the god made humans
to appreciate our world;
and when I became fully human
I came to appreciate my mom
and the way she worked the garden of my life:
planting the seeds and pulling the weeds,
opening the light, and asking our god
for the attention a struggling life needs.
I'm thanking the god for this world,
these feelings, and my mom;
happy birthday 2020, mom!


#easter #goodnews the spirits influence our minds!

20.3.21: relig/judaism/psy/schiz/the spirits influence our minds:
3.23..24: summary:
. according to Jewish biblical authors
(including the first Jesus followers)
spirits, demons, angels, or the national god
-- with a mind of their own --
are influencing your dreams and thoughts;
suggesting that the mind is more like a
radio receiver than a computer,
exchanging data with supernatural stations.
. I list some examples of this from bible,
and review the scientific evidence that supports it.


#schizophrenia and PsychENCODE's lab-grown human brain organoids

2020.3.2: psy/schiz/PsychENCODE
Dr. Thomas Lehner for PsychENCODE
claims that some of the genes for schizophrenia
are unique to humans; that makes sense,
because one advantage we have over other animals
is a bicameral mind
where cognitive functions were divided between
one part of the brain which appears to be "speaking",
and a second part which listens and obeys.
. the schiz'ic can use this arrangement
to hear the voice of a god and other telepathies.

. we are actually experimenting on
living human brains, grown in a vat!
Laura Sanders 2018:
"Lab-grown brain organoids
mimic the real thing, analyses suggest.
Along with other parts of a large research effort
called PsychENCODE,
the organoid results may offer new clues about
psychiatric diseases such as schizophrenia."


go for country gold

20.2.8: co.self/dream/psy/drugs/go for country gold:
[. logging this dream reminded me
life can seem to be of high or low value,
while drugs can make a low life feel high,
without actually providing the core high value of
protecting the community and the future.]


#Asperger's syndrome --what is a mental illness? @1a

9.27: psy/Asperger's syndrome/what is a mental illness?:
. an adamant correction by @1a's Joshua Johnson
had me retorting:
how is Asperger's syndrome (autism spectrum disorder)
not a mental illness?


#science how to get more #natives involved

9.6: news.psy/science/how to get more natives involved:
. on @scifri radio they featured how to
get more natives involved in science.
. First Native Americans are
making up only 0.2% of usa's
STEM[sci tech eng math] workforce
in 2014, despite being
2% of the total population.


single women live longer than married? #health #peterprinciple

6.8..9: health/social/
single women live longer than married women?:
. according to Heather Havrilesky
married men live longer than single men;
but single women
live longer than married women.
[the week magazine 5.3; p36].
how can this be?

. perhaps the typical guy who doesn't marry
is a "weekend warrior" prone to
death by poor diet and sleep loss.
(shifting sleep to later on the weekends
is a form of sleep disruption;
as is binge drinking).
. but how are single women living longer
than married women?


Paul Hodson`Be The Best Person You Ever Met

18.8.7: tv.psy/Paul Hodson`Be The Best Person You Ever Met:
Talks at Google 2018.8.3:
Paul Hodson`Be The Best Person You Ever Met:
. instead of watching news, read books;
the top books that helped him were...:


menstrual synchrony supports #telepathy

news.psy/parapsy/telepathy/menstrual synchrony:
10.28: 12.9: summary:
. menstrual synchrony refers to
the ability of women who live together
to align their menstrual periods
implying they would have to reset
the duration of their period.
. snopes calls it unproven.
. see list of all the conflicting studies
concerning Menstrual_synchrony.
. one problem with this theory
is that no physical communication
such as human pheromones
have been found to explain it,
thereby leading to the idea
that it involves being influenced by
a collective subconscious,
and if that exists,
it would support the idea of telepathy
which is considered a "bizarre delusion";
ie, there is widespread suppression
of even good telepathy evidence.
[ Rupert Sheldrake`telephone telepathy]
. see Rupert Sheldrake`The Extended Mind.
. the suppression of telepathy evidence
is part of both establishment atheism,
and biblical laws against remote-viewing
and other uses of the collective subcon'mind.


the cross(product) has set you free

9.19, 10.26: psy/parapsy/relig/christian/
the cross(product) has set you free:
. there is a subconscious part of self
that comes from the devil and the god
that influences our decisions and emotions
because the universe was made to define
the indefinite experience
(an infinite diversity of experiences)
that involves feeling both good and evil.



10.22: summary:
. before you are aware that the devil
influences your thoughts and emotions
you think of every thought as self,
and have an unquestioning allegiance to them;
you are a puppet of the devil
until you begin to question yourself,
then you become a human, like Pinocchio.


child-marriages how is this allowed in usa?

8.24: news.psy/child-marriages/how is this allowed in usa?:
time.mag 6.12 p15:
. 17-year olds can join the military;
thus they should be able to marry before then,
to start their family before they get killed.
. most laws are based on parental rights,
[and many parents feel their children are sexual
and it safer to get them married
so that at least the unavoidable sex will be legal
(sex with your under-age wife is perfectly legal
while other under-age sex is statutory rape).]
. a problem with under-age marriage
is that in some states,
the under-aged cannot retain a lawyer
and thus cannot file for divorce
or fight for custody of their kids;
"legally, a 17-year-old is the same as a 7-year-old."
-- Fraidy Reiss, Unchained At Last


laws against the #paranormal #judaism #christianity

6.1: 6.6: news,web.relig/judaism/
laws against the paranormal:
. in case you were wondering why
remote viewing and ESP could be considered
pseudoscience despite overwhelming evidence;
historically science had been dominated by
Christians (following the god of Judaism,
who commanded that remote viewing and ESP
are secret arts punishable by death or stoning).


Dan Harris 10% Happier #meditation vs #schizophrenia

5.21: co,web/psy/meditation/Dan Harris`10% Happier:
. "happy Sunday!" I greeted a coworker;
. from listening to a radio preacher today,
I was revisiting the idea that our thoughts
-- which we assume to be our self --
are actually influenced by the god or devil;
just like I saw on a cartoon once,
where the character has a devil and an angel
perched on each shoulder,
telling him different ways to react:
a supernatural game of good vs evil.
. I might like a book about handling thoughts:
Dan Harris`10% Happier:
How I Tamed the Voice in My Head,
Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge,
and Found Self-Help That Actually Works--A True Story
-- it's about the benefits of meditation,
and quitting drugs and alcohol.

. the primary benefit of meditation
is mindfulness -- being aware of your thoughts
objectively without automatically reacting.
. I do have some experience with meditation;
at times when I feel too toxic to work or sleep
I try to control my breathing and
and that becomes my only thought.
. however,
what I found most useful for mindfulness
was not meditation but schizophrenia.


happy mother's day

. mother is a social engineer:
shaping the mind of the new generation
to fit within the day's culture:
mother prunes the thorns of the devil
and develops fruitful shade trees.
. mother encourages the timid,
and sobers the foolish;
she would be the first to teach,
and the last to leave.
. and when her time on Earth was done,
the god kept her voice with us always.
shrine for a Mexican social engineer


manganese toxicity #adhd

3.25: toxicity:
. someone mentioned that modern life might be
exposing us to toxic levels of manganese;
and a source of that is leaching from stainless steel;
I use a stainless steel pan to boil bones in acidic water.
how do I know if I have manganese toxicity?


healthier people tend to be more optimistic

3.24: people tend to be more optimistic:
. the more optimistic people tend to also be healthier;
so, it is conjectured that being optimistic
can be learned and can enhance health.
. it could be that optimism creates less stress,
and stress can be a source of disease?
. there are studies of visualization
showing that you can get better sports performance
by visualizing what it is you want to do;
so, perhaps learned optimism could involve
visualization of better health?
. optimism might be the opposite of depression;
and depression is an inflammatory disease,
that seems to coexist with many other
inflammation-related diseases
(cancer, heart disease, stroke, etc).
. ways of learning optimism might involve
learning to mentally control inflammation.


high usa #vet #suicides are part of high #elder suicides

2016.12.7: web.psy/suicide
/usa vet suicides are mostly among elders and normal rates for elders:
. the most notable thing about the suicides among vets
is that they happen during old age
(average age was 60);
there is the same problem for non-vets,
high rates of suicide among elders;
suggesting it's not from service-caused pain.
. guy's who appreciated being in top physical shape
are finding themselves with low hormones
and thus many physical and sexual problems.


2016.12.5: web.psy/gremlin:
. when hearing ventilation systems or motors
it sounds like there are voices from them.
. this reminded me of reports from air service during the war
when the voices of gremlins could often be heard
due to sound of motors and winds.
. it is true that during survival extremes
people may tend to hallucinate,
but gremlin noises may also come from
a bored mind finding patterns in random sounds
like when seeing animals or faces in clouds.