and serially attracted to abusers:
. is intuition something we need to trust?
I explore what intuition has in common with
paranoid schizophrenia,
and being serially attracted to abusers.
. intuition is like walking with a guardian angel;
a voice of the supernatural that can do remote viewing,
alerting you to dangers and opportunities
that you have no physical way of knowing about.
. however, any feeling that you get from a spirit
could come from a mind worried about probabilities;
so it is not just about trusting your intuition,
but also knowing where your hunches come from:
the supernatural,
that may know the truth but not tell it,
and the physical mind,
that may not know the truth
but can make some educated guesses about it.
. "paranoia" can refer to an overly cautious mind,
but "paranoid schizophrenia" is a whole new game;
because, a key feature of schizophrenia,
is when your guardian angel can not only
know when trouble is around the corner,
but can also use its telepathic influence
to inspire others to make trouble in your life.
. according to the professions of
psychology and psychiatry
your only hope when confronted with such abuse
is to assume that anything about the supernatural
is literally impossible,
and any proof you have of it,
can only be proof that you are hallucinating evidence
or too trustful of speculative ideas.
. if paranoid schizophrenia happens to you,
the best you can do is be optimistic:
remind yourself it could be a delusion:
surely you may have been able to predict a
stranger's comment related to you
but you may have hallucinated the comment,
or run into an illusion,
where it seemed they were saying one thing
when they actually said something unrelated.
. the profession of theology can admit
that the devil can make trouble in our life
but if you give your heart and mind to your god,
to loving everyone and appreciating the creation,
and the rich diversity of experiences it provides,
then you can find a way to feel loved
regardless of what life throws at you.
. it is possible that battered woman syndrome
could be due to realizing change is hopeless,
that any mate the woman selects
is going to eventually become abusive
because of seeing from past experiences
that self is being serially attracted to abusers,
or to people who eventually become abusers.
. there could be a natural cause of this "luck"
such as tending to prefer criminal mates
because they are a source of drugs or pride;
or tending to give mates subtle emotional abuse
or not being submissive to mates who expect that;
but there could also be a supernatural cause
where paranoid schizophrenia gets involved,
and the woman's guardian angel or the devil
is telepathically being abusive to the mate,
or supernaturally encouraging abuse.
. if you feel that is your place in life,
consider what your guardian angel wants for you:
enough of feeling dependent on others,
you want the freedom and novel experiences
of solitude.
. in this time of covid-19 "social distancing"
you can often hear people lament about
how much people need socialization,
but why are some people being loners or hermits?
it is possible some loners are actually
paranoid schizophrenics who realized
if the spirit is going to abuse socialization
then self needs to put such a spirit
on socialization restriction.
. in times of seeking solitude,
we should remember our higher self;
our real self is actually a superhuman
creating not only the personality of the self,
but also the personalities of our spirits,
our guardians, and our demons.
. it may seem you are forced into solitude,
but the superhuman you chose it.
. you are not vulnerable to demons;
rather you are an artist painting a
dance between the humans and the spirits,
because you love this creation,
and the diversity of experience it provides.
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