
#easter #goodnews the spirits influence our minds!

20.3.21: relig/judaism/psy/schiz/the spirits influence our minds:
3.23..24: summary:
. according to Jewish biblical authors
(including the first Jesus followers)
spirits, demons, angels, or the national god
-- with a mind of their own --
are influencing your dreams and thoughts;
suggesting that the mind is more like a
radio receiver than a computer,
exchanging data with supernatural stations.
. I list some examples of this from bible,
and review the scientific evidence that supports it.

4.12: Happy Easter!
. it was during the Easter when my wisdom teeth erupted,
that I first experienced a spiritual awakening,
with thoughts that seemed authored by others:
my thoughts had become a companion!
. I realized this is what the bible is talking about
when they spoke of god the Father,
the Holy ghost, and the Satan.
. I had always thought of my thoughts as being
by me in my own best interest,
but now I was free to imagine
that my thoughts could be designed by others
set on using me, or testing me;
now I was free from addictions
knowing if others can be free of addictions
I can tap that part of our mind too!
. I also realized we can keep secrets
only with the blessing of the Holy spirit,
who is the source of intuition and telepathy;
and that made it easier to be honest,
to either internalize my culture's norms,
or to be brave and openly challenge them.
. I had been raised to respect Christian values,
but with the caveat that we don't believe
anything supernatural such as ghosts;
however, I came to realize such belief
(the spirits being active in our life)
is the most important part of the bible!

"The stone which the builders rejected
Has become the chief cornerstone."
[Psalm 118:22].
"Anyone falling on the cornerstone will be broken;
but, anyone the cornerstone comes down on,
will be crushed to dust.
--Jesus [Matthew 21:44]
. Jesus was talking about treatment of prophets,
but it can also mean this:
. if you judge the spirits (do they really exist?!)
then your will can be broken by a spirit you can't see;
but if the spirits judge you,
your entire fate is determined without free will,
as spirit is the cause (and the cure) for
addicts, gluttons, criminals, and psychopaths.

"And you will have knowledge of truth;
and, the truth will set you free."
-- Jesus[John 8:32].

"... keep your position against all the
deceits of the Satan (one opposing our god or culture):
For our fight is not against humans
but against the spirits of evil in the heavens"
(ie, the supernatural influences in the mind;
astrology studied how the heavenly bodies above,
that is arrangement of the stars and planets,
affected the earthly bodies below ).
-- evangelist Paul [Kehillah in Ephesus 6:10-12]

the ultimate war is spiritual


summary of judeochristian theory:

. every nation or culture has a theory
about the nature of the universe.
. the main way a culture's theory evolves
is when a subculture has an evolving theory
and it spreads to the superculture.
. another way is federalization where a conquering nation
will adopt portions of theories of the conquered,
to make it easier for the conquered
to adopt the federal theory.

. in Jewish theory, our luck seemed to depend on
supernatural influences, or a god,
and there were some known as prophets,
who claimed to communicate with our nation's god,
and since every prophet was knowing
that nation's same god,
a prophet would never contradict prior prophets;
thereby, building on prior national belief,
which can be synergistically powerful in 2 ways:
. those who have the same beliefs
can be expected to act in the same way,
coordinating with instead of resisting each other.
. people who are wishing for the same future
are more likely to bring about that future
to the extent that the future depends on
random processes in physics and psychology;
ie, the choices of nature that don't follow a rule
can be decided by the wills of beings,
either living or supernatural.
. see Radin psychokinesis.

. a primary purpose of a theory
is to build morale by reassuring people
that there is hope of justice and a better future.
. for example, how do we convince the nation
that our god is actively punishing evil
and rewarding good when what we see is
many evil ones are living well
while many good ones are suffering?
or why do bad things happen to the Good?
. the main form of propaganda for a theory
is the interpretation of evidence:

# evil is the god's justice:
. if bad things happen to the god's beloved,
it could be proof that they secretly sinned.

# evil is testing not punishment:
. the god could be testing our faith
as in the book of Job:
you obey god when the god makes life easy;
but do you still obey when life is hard?

# evil is natural:
. losing only proves the god is an evolver:
this world is meant not for the good,
but to weed out the weak and stupid.

# evil is all of the above:
. all the theories could be true at various times:
the god is an evolver,
letting the weak lose without punishing them;
but at the same time the god could use its influence
to support and empower some of the weak;
thus, even if the weak are not the most adapted to
the natural part of the universe,
they may be the most adapted to the supernatural part.
. this applies to ancient Jewish theory:
pleasing the god could give us an advantage
either by making us luckier at either
winning or avoiding wars;
so, if we lost a war, there is the possibility
it was due to angering our god.

. a primary stance of ancient Jewish theory was
"sure we are cursed by god to die,
but we are not free to act like a dead man
with no reason to care about the world,
because until you do die
how you act in this world,
is known by a god who reads your mind,
and the god determines your luck until you die."

. if someone treats us poorly and goes unpunished
it was at first just a sign that god was punishing us;
but a later prophet Daniel cheered us up by claiming
the god was not punishing us with such mistreatment;
and, those who mistreated unjustly should be punished;
indeed, everyone will be judged later
even if it means they must be woken from the dead
(in what came to be known as resurrection).

. Jesus was saying that Daniel is true,
that god does judge us in the afterlife,
but Jesus also said we were not pleasing god
unless we made certain changes to
the Jewish culture of his age:
we needed more unity:
more acceptance of anyone who would repent,
regardless of how their forefathers had sinned;
and we needed to ease up on the oppressive rules
that provoke us to secretly disrespect unity,
and that make us more prone to disobey
even the morally essential laws.

. Jesus assumed he had the god's blessing,
because god seemed to empower him to break god's curses.
. it was assumed by his entire culture
that sickness was caused by the god punishing us,
and if Jesus could cure sickness
then it was because the god had given him
authority by god to forgive the sins being punished.

. part of the propaganda for a theory
was suppressing the writings of
those who don't support that theory,
so there can be some debate about
who is actually a prophet,
especially as Jewish cultures became divergent,
as when the founders of Christianity
with St Paul [Kehillah] as their prophet,
decided that some Jewish god's commandments
(dietary restrictions and circumcision)
were seen as not globally popularizable,
so they created a myth about Jesus
that had him nullifying the old law,
as if the god could have a change of heart.
. it is true that a main message of Jesus
was to be more forgiving and inclusive
to those who promised to stop sinning in the future;
and, he was said to be angry with his culture's
tendency to burden us with rules;
but this could have been putting words in Jesus's mouth
in order to promote the Christian's globalist agenda.

. Jesus meant to be compatible with Judaism
(but not the extreme legalism of his day)
and in the early church some followers of Jesus
were also faithful to the theory of Judaism,
viewing Jesus as prophet and Messiah,
where the names "son of god" and "anointed one"(messiah)
both meant "king"
and were applied to Jesus because he was seen as
king of a spiritually virtual Jewish nation.


intro to bible as testimony:

. keep in mind when you read the bible
that there is a culture war going on:
. we in modern times
don't believe in the supernatural
for the same reason that the ancients
outlawed access to it:
everyone, at least at an unconscious level,
is truly frightened by the immense power
that the supernatural has to cause trouble:
to jinx, or change luck, and form opinions,
to shift political power differentials,
and determine the timing and outcome of wars.

. there is scientific evidence of magic,
see Dr. Dean Radin and psychokinesis;
see Dr. Rupert Sheldrake and telepathy;
but the majority of scientists are skeptics
despite lacking a strong case,
only because their is a taboo against such admission.

. what has been referred to as demon possession
has later been seen as epileptic brain damage
or a neurotransmitter imbalance in the brain,
but that doesn't prove the spirits have no say
in the timing of seizures,
or the content of hallucinations.
. just as in genetic changes driving evolution,
any mental process assumed to be due to
random physical processes
could also be due to intelligent design
made by some part of the supernatural mind.

. schizophrenia is named after "split mind"
because the fundamental symptom of it
is where the mind's thoughts are split into
thoughts sourced by self,
and thoughts apparently sourced by others.
. you know when there is telepathy with others
because they will say things afterward
that are similar to what you are thinking;
and this could be due to hallucinating their voice,
in which case medication controls it;
or it could be due to a synchronicity,
in which a spirit is inserting the same thought
in 2 beings at once.
. modernity would have you believe that
mental illness is a chemical imbalance
since some hallucinations are caused by
medication-treatable excessive dopamine;
they claim all evidence of telepathy in schizophrenia
is merely evidence of audio hallucinations;
but medication-refractive schizophrenia
is a significant "unsolved" problem,
[Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2004]
with involuntary telepathy by spirits
being a major socialization disruptor.

the {wholey, holy} spirit:

. spirits can access the minds of all of us at once,
so they could provide a virtual form of true telepathy,
giving you the feeling of an inserted thought,
while giving me the feeling of
broadcasting that very same thought.
. another common symptom of schizophrenia
is thought broadcasting,
where the spirit is sharing your thoughts
by inserting them in the mind of others;
you can become aware of this because,
when people are getting thought insertions
it inspires them to joke aloud about ideas that mirror
your thoughts or other invisible activity.

. placing the same thought in 2 beings at once,
is a form of synchronicity
which Dr.Jung saw as evidence of the "paranormal",
based first the scientific evidence that there is
mental content that seems to be "transmitted" instantly;
ie, faster than any physical method can explain.

. a theory of the supernatural differs from the paranormal
in that the paranormal leaves open the possibility that
it is our own mind that has the power of telepathy;
whereas a supernatural theory says all such power
is owned by the spirits, minds without particular bodies,
ie, minds which influence groups of bodies at once.
. the collective unconscious includes
not just a collection of shareable memories
but also a collection of superhuman minds
that determine who will share which memories.

. the primary motivation for belief in spirits,
other than the biblical anecdotes,
is the existence of involuntary telepathy
where the mind is able to torment itself
by sharing personal info with other humans
even when doing so can be very personally damaging
(bullying, "random" violence, job loss...)
and the self wishes the telepathy would be more discrete
yet the "brain" is relentless with self-abusive gossip.
. even more fear can be created by spirits when they
make you feel as if you're being accused of gossip
as the spirit says disrespectful things to others
while claiming it is just sharing what is in your mind;
even though you aren't holding that opinion,
you are merely watching some spirit's thought hold it,
or watching the fear of it being broadcast
when a target seems likely violent or destructive.
. a paranoid schizophrenic can usually be deluded;
but also they can be actually harassed supernaturally
when the spirit is using telepathy to insert
disrespectful thoughts into people nearby.

god the Creator:

. you are normally free to choose from a menu
that is within your mind;
but the spirits can modify the menu,
with thought insertions and deletions;
and the emotions they attach to the choices
can influence your decisions.
. that is the most important way our god is a creator;
the spirits are constantly creating
our emotions and new ideas.
. notice how many times when there is a great idea,
that 2 unrelated people will have that idea at the same time;
and we find out about it because both try to patent the idea.
. such mental content creation is the source of
the bible's ideas of both god the Father,
and the Satan, god of this world.


theories beyond god causes telepathy:

. if you want to distance yourself from idea
that god causes telepathy;
you find some way the "god" in your head
is not actually supernature; or telepathy is not supernature.
. it could be that our collective brains
are the basis for the collective minds
that have the power of telepathy;
but how is the world designed before brains exist?
there was from the first, a supernatural will to
evolve experiences.

. the bible authors spoke truthfully
about the games supernature plays with us;
but some of those games involved being deceived;
even as they admitted that within supernature
there does exist Satan the great deceiver:
who can distinguish Satan from our god?
and thus who can resist Satan,
who deceptively works to oppose our culture?
. that was a main question in Jesus day:
when Jesus is improving our culture in the name of our god,
is he actually just opposing a good culture,
and thus being an agent of Satan?
Jesus said you know a tree by its fruits:
how can casting out evil be of the evil one?
but he was using it as an excuse
to break a rule of the culture:
you don't do any work -- not even magic --
on the day of rest; also,
the culture around Jesus believed
people who were possessed by evil spirits
were actually sinners being punished by their god:
they would be cured only if that god forgave them;
so, was Jesus mocking them and their god
when he said he forgave them as he healed them?
was his good works being done merely as an excuse
to do Satan's work of mocking their god?
. that is just one example in the bible
of it not being clear who is of the good god,
and who is of his opponent, the deceptive Satan,
even as everyone claims to be of a good god;
thus as the bible claims to be the word of good god,
we need to look at every fruit on that tree;
eg, is it really good to kill homosexuals,
and subjugate women in the name of maximum fertility
and minimized disease risk?
. under Satan's delusions mistakes could be made,
by both the bible's authors and their characters;
and they did deliberate cover-ups, such as
the virgin birth hiding a far more likely event
to avoid bringing shame on the story's hero.

. all these non-truths may be obvious
even to those that say the bible is entirely
the True Word of our god,
but people who claim to believe that
are actually telling you
their culture is basing its morality on
the god claimed by that bible,
and you will not question their morality;
therefore, you will not question the
authority or truth of that bible
upon which their morality is based.

. the people who selected the books of the bible,
for both the Jewish Old Testament,
and the Christian new Testament,
tried to include the few documents
that were definitely inspired by their good god;
as if such inspiration was quite rare;
but is it not possible they are deceived by Satan?
. certainly if at least once the supernatural
can fill a human's mind with Truth or deception,
it can happen to any human,
and may be happening all the time:
everyone is potentially full of
inspiration from the supernatural,
whether it be from their culture's god,
their culture's Satan, the god of gods,
or some ugly mixture.

. when the bible says of Moses
that he changed the world with magic,
even if Moses is a mythical character,
a theme in all the "man of god" stories
is that people are assumed to believe in magic;
that magicians were seen as empowered, and thus approved of,
by the nation's god;
ie, magic is proof of the god's power.
. Moses is said to be the greatest prophet,
and after his leadership was ensured with magic
he claimed their god would no longer tolerate magic,
or wonder workers, or sorcery:
you would know subsequent prophets by their predictions,
and not their magic or miracles.
. is Moses the truth or a hypocrite?

. hence, we need include all the evidence,
not just what we find the bible.

"All the good that is in a man is due to God."
--Thomas Aquinas 1225-1274
. Aquinas, a forefather of christianity,
is defining the term "god" as
that part of your mind concerned with
beyond the self, the community,
or defending the feelings of everyone.
. our mind's decision to be honest
is often from the influence that the god has on us;
either from a love of the god and his way,
or because we're unconsciously possessed by
the spirit of the god.

bible passages about being possessed:

Iyov [Job] 27:
2 By the life of {El, god}
who has taken away my right;
and of the {Shaddai, Ruler of all},
who has made my soul bitter;
3 (For all my {breath,neshamah} is still in me,
and the spirit of {Eloah, a god}
is the source of my life);
4 Truly, there is no deceit in my lips,
and my tongue does not say what is false.

Job 32:
2 Elihu was angry with Job, because he
seemed to himself more right than {Elohim, gods};
3 And he was angry with his three friends,
because they had not made Job's sin clear.
6 And Elihu said,
I am young, and out of respect for my elders
I kept my thoughts to myself;
7 I said to myself,
It is right for the elder
to say what is in their minds,
and for those who are very experienced
to give out wisdom.
8 But truly it is the spirit in {enosh, man},
even the breath of the {Shaddai, Ruler of all},
which gives them knowledge.
9 It is not the old who are wise,
and those who are full of years
have not the knowledge of what is right.

Isaiah 42:
[the voice of Israel's god:]
1 See my servant, whom I am supporting,
[referring to Moshiach, Messiah;
see Zech 3:8; Isa 52:13],
my {loved one, Elect One, Chosen One},
in whom I take delight:
I have put my {spirit, Hakodesh} upon him;
he will give {mishpat,
the knowledge of the true God}
to the {nations, Goyim}.
5 {HaEl, the god} theLord, ...
gives {breath, neshamah (soul)} to beings;
and {life, ruach, spirit}
to those who go about on earth.
. that god says:
6 I the Lord have made you the
vessel of my purpose,
[the god influences your mind
to have your actions fit god's purpose;]
I have taken you by the hand,
and kept you safe,
[the god influences your ideas and decisions
to set you on the safe path]
and I have given you to be an
{agreement, Brit, Covenant} to the people,
[Matthew 26:28]
and a light to the nations:
7 To give eyes to the blind,
to make free those who are confined to the dark.

Yechezkel [Ezekiel] 36:
[the voice of Israel's god:]
26 And I will give you a
{new heart, lev chadash}
and put in you a
{new spirit, ruach chadashah}:
I will take away the heart of stone
from your {flesh,basar,body},
and give you a heart of {flesh,basar};
[flesh is responsive to feelings,
intuition, and spiritual guidance.]
27 And I will put in you
{ the god's Holy Spirit, Ruach Hakodesh}
causing you to be guided by
my {rules, chukkot},
and you will {keep, be shomer over}
my {orders,mishpatim}
and do them.
[the god's spirit, not just fear of the god,
will be influencing your decisions.]
28 So that you may go on living in the land
which I gave to your fathers;
and you will be to me a people,
and I will be to you {a god, Elohim}.

Ezekiel 37:
1 The hand of theLord god had been on me,
and he took me in the spirit,
--[ the god is creating a vision I had]--
and put me down in the middle of the valley;
and it was full of bones;
... 11 Then he said to me, Son of man,
these bones are all the children of Israel:
and see, they are saying,
Our bones have become dry: our hope is gone,
we are cut off completely.
12 For this cause be a prophet to them,
and say, This is what the Lord has said:
See, I am opening the graves of your dead,
and I will make you come up
out of your graves, O my people;
and I will take you into the land of Israel.
13 And you will be certain that I am the Lord...
14 And I will put {my spirit, My Ruach} in you,
so that you may come to life... .
[. the god will influence your will to live,
to dream and to have hope.]

. early christians claimed they believed
the spirits can cause pregnancies
the same way they influence our mind:
Mattityahu [Matthew] 1:
18 Now the birth of Rebbe,
{Melech HaMoshiach, the king Messiah}
was in this way:
when his mother Miryam promised marriage to Yosef,
but before she received his seed,
the discovery was made that
she was with child by the
{Holy Spirit, Ruach Hakodesh}.
.. {an angel of the god, malach Hashem}
came to Yosef in a dream,
[an aspect of the god designs our dreams]
saying, Joseph, son of David,
have no fear of taking Miryam as your wife;
because her pregnancy is of the Holy Spirit
[not the seed of a human].

. the mind is born of god with the power of god:
Lukas [Luke] 1:35:
35 And the angel in answer said to Miryam,
The {Holy Spirit, Ruach Hakodesh}
will come on you,
and the {power of the Most High,
gevurah of HaElyon}
will come to rest on you,
and so that which will come to birth
will be named {holy, HaKadosh (The Holy One)},
Son of {the god, HaElohim}.

the Holy spirit is our mind's intuition:
Mark 1:12:
[John the Baptist says of Jesus:]
8 I have given you baptism[tevilah]
{with water, in a mikveh mayim}
but he will give you baptism with
{the Holy Spirit, the Ruach Hakodesh}.
9 Jesus was given baptism by John.
10 And straight away, coming up out of the water,
he saw the heavens broken open
and the {Spirit, Ruach Hakodesh of the god}
coming down on him as a {dove, yonah}:
11 And a voice came out of {heaven, Shomayim}
You are my dearly loved Son,
with whom I am well pleased.
12 And straight away
the {Spirit, Ruach Hakodesh} sent him
[the god influenced his decision to relocate]
out into the {desert, midbar}.

Yochanan [John] 3:
[Jesus said:]
6 That which has birth from the flesh
is flesh,
and that which has birth from the Spirit
is spirit.
7 Do not be surprised that I say to you,
It is necessary for you to have a second birth.
[body and mind is born from mother;
and mind is reborn from spirit]
8 The ruach (wind, Spirit)
goes where its pleasure takes it,
and the sound of it comes to your ears,
but you are unable to say
where it comes from and where it goes:
[KOHELET 11:5];
so it is with everyone whose birth
is from the {Spirit, Ruach Hakodesh}.
Kohelet [Ecclesiastes] 11:5
5 As you have no knowledge of the
{way of the wind, derech haruach}
or how the fetus grows,
even so you have no knowledge of the
{works of the god, ma’asei HaElohim}
who has made all [bodies and minds].

John 6:
[Jesus said:]
56 He who takes my flesh for food
and my blood for drink
is in me and I in him.
[. as you appreciate Jesus' sacrifice for you,
as he was speaking for justice for all
even when he would be tortured for it;
you keep him in mind and he keeps you in mind;
ie, you influence each other's decisions.]
As {the living Father, HaAv HaChai}
has sent me,
and I have life (after death)
because of the Father,
even so he who takes me for his food
will have life because of me.
63 {The spirit, Ruach Hakodesh}
is the life giver;
the {flesh, basar, body} is of no value:
the {words, dvarim} which I have said to you
{are spirit, are as spirit}
and they are {life, Chayyim}.
64 But still
some of you have no {faith, emunah}.
65 This is why I said to you,
No man is able to come to me
if he is not given the power to do so
by the Father(our god).
[the god influences your decisions.]

Bamidbar [Numbers] 24:
1 Now when Balaam saw that it was
the Lord's pleasure
to give his blessing to Israel[Yisroel],
he did not, as at other times,
make use of {secret arts, nechashim}
(sorceries, divination, looking for omens)
but turning his face to the desert
2 And lifting up his eyes, he saw Israel there,
and the spirit of Elohim came on him.
3 And moved by the spirit,
[with a spirit influencing his thoughts]
he said,
These are the words of
the man whose eyes are open:
4 falling down [prostrate in deep respect],
but having his eyes open:
whose ears are open to
the words of {El, the god},
who has seen the {vision, machazeh} of
{the Ruler of all, Shaddai}
9 ...
May a blessing be on
everyone who gives you blessing,
and a curse on
everyone by whom you are cursed.

1 Samuel 3:
1 .. In those days,
the Lord god's {word, Devar}
was kept {secret, rare, precious};
there was no {open prophetic visions,
chazon nifratz}.

. even if there is no eternal personal mind,
no "you" existing after death,
the ways of your mind are known to the
shared mind of the supernatural,
so the spirits can sound like you
even after you've died.
1 Samuel 28:
[Saul was still king of Israel,
but he was running out of luck
and couldn't hear the word of the god
because his prophet Samuel had died,
and the god never informed his dreams.
Saul needs to make a deal with the god
in order to deal with a feared enemy.]
6 And when Saul went to the Lord for directions
the Lord gave him no answer by a dream,
nor by the signals of a Urim nor by the prophets.
7 Then Sha’ul [Saul] said to his servants,
Get me a ba’alat ov (a medium,
one who can access a familiar spirit),
so that I may go to her and get directions.
There is such a woman at {En-dor, Ein-Dor}.
[ Saul had trouble getting cooperation from a medium
because he was known for his prior policy
which was to shut down all ovot (mediums),
and the other yidoni (spiritists or seers)
as part of implementing the god's law
(Leviticus 19:31).]
15 And Samuel's dead soul said to Saul,
Why have you made me come up
troubling my rest in the underworld?
... 16 And Samuel said,
Why do you put your questions to me,
seeing that the god has gone away from you
and is on the side of him who is against you?

Bereshis[Genesis] 15:
1 After these things,
[where {Avram, Abram} rescued
his brother's son from captivity,
and accepted no reward from a king who benefited.]
the word of the Lord
[the god of {the Hebrews, HaIvri}]
came to Abram in a vision, saying,
Have no fear, Abram:
I will keep you safe,
and great will be your reward.
7 ... I am the Lord,
who took you from {Ur of the Chaldees, Ur Kasdim},
to give you this land for your heritage.
13 ... Truly, your seed will be living in a land
which is not theirs,
as servants to a people who will be cruel to them
for 400 years;
14 But I will be the judge of that nation
whose servants they are,
and your seed will come out from among them
with great {wealth, substance, rechush gadol}.
15 As for you,
you will go to your fathers in peace;
at the end of a long life
you will be put in your last resting-place.
16 And in the fourth generation
they will come back here;
for at present the sin of the Amorite is not full.
18 ... To your seed have I given this land
from the {river of Egypt, Wadi of Mitzrayim}
to the great river, the river Euphrates:
[naming the 10 nations to be replaced,
including the Amorites.]


original sin:

Romans (Kehillah[Paul] in Rome) 7:
18 For I am conscious that in me,
that is, in my flesh (enslaved to Original Sin)
there is nothing good:
I have the mind but not the power
to do what is right.
19 For the good which I have a mind to do,
I do not:
but {HaRah, the evil} which I have no mind to do,
that I do.
20 But if I do what I have no mind to do,
it is no longer I who do it,
but the {sin, Chet Kadmon, Original Sin}
living in me.
[cf. Romans 8:7-8
7 Because the mind of the flesh
is opposite to, or having enmity toward,
our god;
it is not under the law of our god,
and is not able to be:
8 So that those who are in the flesh
are not able to give pleasure to our god.
22 In my heart
I take pleasure in the law of God,
23 But I see another law in my body,
working against the law of my mind,
and making me the servant of
the law of sin which is in my flesh.
24 How unhappy am I! who will free me from
the body of this {death, mavet}?!

. what Paul describes reminds one of
demon possession;
but he is talking about being tempted;
of having a mind that desires the forbidden;
as he is a follower of Jesus,
whose fundamental changes to the law
included you have broken the law
by just thinking about breaking the law.
. this mattered a lot to Jesus because
he was aware that we share our mind supernaturally
with the god and the unconscious mind of others.
just as we share our actions with the physical world.
Matthew 5:
27 You have knowledge that it was said,
You may not have connection with
another man's wife:
28 But I say to you that everyone
whose eyes are turned on a woman with desire
has had connection with her in his heart.
29 And if your eyes are a cause of trouble,
it is better to undergo the loss of one part,
than for all your body to go into hell.
[ loosely related:
. not more about thought crimes,
but more about following the
spirit of the law vs the letter of the law:
21 You have knowledge of old times law:
You may not kill in anger
without being judged(prosecuted):
22 But I say to you that
everyone who is angry with his brother
will be in danger of being judged;
... and whoever says, You foolish one,
[ie, tries to incite others to be angry]
will be in danger of the hell of fire.

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