
#gmo academics is not compromised

9.9: news.pol/healthcare/gmo/academics is not compromised:
gmwatch.org folta-affair-exposed-in-the-new-york-times
Folta was revealed by Freedom of Information requests
to have accepted $25,000 from Monsanto,
even though he had repeatedly denied having any Monsanto funding.

There is no evidence that academic work was compromised,
but emails show
how academics have shifted from researchers to
actors in lobbying and corporate public relations campaigns.


National Academy of Sciences` postmarketing surveillance of #GMO foods

8.29: news.pol/healthcare/gmo
/National Academy of Sciences` postmarketing surveillance of GMO foods:
The New England Journal of Medicine 2015:
by Philip J. Landrigan, M.D., and Charles Benbrook, Ph.D.
[cornucopia.org 2015]

[Genetically modified (GM) policy is ignoring the science.]
. unlike traditional selective breeding,
genetic engineering vastly expands the range of traits
that can be moved into plants.
Foods produced from GM crops have become ubiquitous.
And unlike regulatory bodies in 64 other countries,
the usa's FDA does not require labeling of GM foods.

. the argument that [gm foods are equivalent to non-gmo]
misses the point that GM crops are now
the most heavily treated with herbicides
and that two of these herbicides may pose risks of cancer.


Rupert Sheldrake Rediscovering God

2015.8.5: web.relig/Rupert Sheldrake/Rediscovering God
[updated 2020.4.27 relig/christian/Rupert Sheldrake/Rediscovering God]
Rediscovering God with Rupert Sheldrake
at Hollyhock [a place he likes to visit]
(this is a partial transcript of a video
[with my comments in brackets]).
. anatheism means returning to god;
[ it implies turning away from god,
as was the case when scientists supported atheism.]
. having the modern world going back to god
involves learning from atheism as a purifier:
it's purged a lot of rubbish out of religion;
also, do consider all the religious traditions;
[ returning to god doesn't mean
returning to any particular traditional religion;
I include a "born-again" religious experience I had
in I became aware of the existence of supernature,
without references to a particular tradition.].


Rupert Sheldrake The Extended Mind

8.5: web.psy/Rupert Sheldrake/The Extended Mind:
GoogleTechTalks`Rupert Sheldrake`
The Extended Mind[the mind beyond the brain]:
Recent Experimental Evidence
Rupert Sheldrake at GoogleTechTalks!
(partial transcript [and comments])


many safe products now part of #cancer conspiracy

7.25: news.health/cancer/
many safe products now part of cancer conspiracy:
. many chemicals in our environment
are not classed as carcinogens because
they are not by themselves mutagens;
but many chemicals deemed to be safe
can conspire to contribute to cancer risk.


brain-eating infection in rivers and lakes

7.24: news.health/brain-eating infection in rivers and lakes:
Naegleria fowleri are brain-eating amebae
that enter the brain through the nose.
. there is always a low level of risk whenever they enter
warm freshwater lakes, rivers, and hot springs
(for example, when swimming, diving, or waterskiing),
particularly in southern-tier states.
. drinking infected water is not a problem [cdc].


curcumin for #parkinsons

7.21: news.med/parkinsons/curcumin:

. curcumin is found in turmeric spice;
curcumin can reduce the progress of Parkinson's
by inhibiting the misfolding and bunching up
of the brain cell protein alpha-synuclein.
. curcumin can reduce ROS (stressful oxygen radicals)
that are associated with Parkinson's.
. alpha-synuclein toxicity can cause apoptosis (cell suicide),
and curcumin can protect cells against that
[BMC Neurosci. 2010].

other things curcumin can do for the brain:
. Curcumin can chelate metals that cause
oxidative damage to lipids, proteins, and DNA.
. it can inhibit inflammation (stongly associated
with brain cell death in Parkinson's)
and, stimulate beneficial microglial phagocytosis
[immune cells in brain eat unwanted material]
to clear amyloid out of brain.

. removing amyloid might reduce the formation of
the α-synuclein amyloid fibrils found in Parkinson's;
because, the α-synuclein tends to form aggregates
when seeded by other aggregates (amyloids)
[J Biological Chemistry 2005].

. curcumin extracts are poorly absorbed;
perhaps the most potent curcumin formula
is Relentless Improvement's Curcumin
unless you're allergic to Polyvinyl pyrrolidone.

lucidamide for #parkinsons

7.19..22: news.med/parkinsons/lucidamide:
7.22: summary:
. noöpept (available as lucidamide)
has been shown in nerve cells in a dish
to save them from death due to the addition of
the alpha-synuclein that is associated with
cell damage in Parkinson's .
. while this alone hardly warrants use in humans,
noopept is known to be safe for humans,
and is used for enhanced memory and less anxiety.