
weightlifting away alzheimers

7.18: news.health/alz/weightlifting away alzheimers:
. comparing weightlifting to aerobics
for reductions in cognitive decline;
weightlifting was much better for women
at least if they started doing it
before the cognitive decline advanced much .
. the comparison used only women because,
an aerobic study of men found that
among the elderly, only the women
responded cognitively to aerobics .
. while weightlifting was better than aerobics
aerobics can do some good for women,
but only at near-daily application of
an earnest 80% target heart rate;
ie, 4 days per week was interesting,
while 2 days of less intensity was not .
. if she had only 2 days to work,
resistance training is what helped .

. he is welcome to do aerobics
but needs to also do weightlifting,
or needs to complement aerobics with
a diet that optimizes these parameters:
Fasting insulin, cortisol, and IGF-I .
. other tests that male aerobics didn't help
were brain-derived neurotrophic factor,
and β-amyloids 40 and 42 .

. light aerobics in women
did improve one memory test:
the Rey Auditory Visual Learning Test.
( given a list of 15 unrelated words
repeated over five different trials
and are asked to repeat.
Another list of 15 unrelated words are given
and the client must again repeat
the original list of 15 words
and then again after 30 minutes.
Approximately 10 to 15 minutes
is required for the procedure
(not including 30 min. interval)).

another win for heavier aerobics
(walking 45 minutes 3 days per week)
was that at an age where the hippocampus
was normally declining 1.5%,
that level of aerobics was increasing it by 2% !
. it also increased BDNF
(brain-derived neurotrophic factor).

"By midcentury, care for people with Alzheimer's
will cost the U.S. over $1 trillion.

Four Clinical Trials Further Clarify The Role Of
Physical Activity In Cognitive Function And Dementia.

Moderate walking may grow brain region related to memory;
increase nerve growth factor.

Resistance Training Promotes Cognitive and
Functional Brain Plasticity in Seniors With
Probable Mild Cognitive Impairment.

Resistance training and executive functions:
a 12-month randomized controlled trial.
-- contrast Baker's study:
Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Mild Cognitive Impairment

Refining Exercise Prescription
to Promote Executive Functions in Older Adults
using Multi-State Transition Modeling
-- that description matches this study:
Resistance training and executive functions:
a 12-month randomized controlled trial.

online art galleries

7.25: news.wealth/online galleries:
The Web Gallery of Art:
. a virtual museum and searchable database of
European painting and sculpture of the
Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque,
Neoclassicism, Romanticism periods (1000-1850),
currently containing over 29.000 reproductions .
the smithsonian
The Museum of Modern Art
the british museum
France's Louvre
[offline at the time]

huperzine complements

7.20: news.wealth/things that go good with hup:
a reviewer of huperzine commented:
This is one of the best staples in my regime
for concentration and motivation.
Any effects on mood, I can easily
counteract it with Ashwagandha
or even a cup of coffee.
Great to mix with Pine Bark
for an added mental kick and proper dosing.
My concentration improves some,
and my recall / short term is always 100% sharper.
4g huperzine.

MAO-A inhibitors in tribulus

7.30: news.wealth/tribulus/
"reversible" Monoamine Oxidase A inhibitor:
. related to dopamine?
Tribulus extracts may contain "reversible"
inhibitors of Monoamine Oxidase A .

MAO-A can selectively metabolize
adrenaline, noradrenaline, serotonin,
and dopamine to inactive compounds.
Tribulus contains Harmine,
a short-acting, "reversible" MAOI-A inhibitor
The inhibition of MAO-A prevents the degradation of
adrenaline, noradrenaline, serotonin, and dopamine
and the result can be increased mood,
alleviation of depression  and more energy.
High dopamine levels can stimulate the pituitary gland
to release lutenizing hormone (LH)
which leads to an increase in testosterone levels
and thus elevating libido, another mood enhancer.
Harmine is "reversible" because it
does not bind permanently to MAO-A,
thus is not as contraindicated with
tyramine-containing foods (cheese, red wine, etc)
as irreversible MAOI's,
nor does harmine raise levels of tyramine per se
since it allows tyramine to be metabolized.
The short-acting and non-permanency
of it's binding capabilities means that
the anti-depressive effects of harmine
usually cease 24-48 hours after stopping therapy.
. with a half-life of 2.5 hours,
several doses are necessary;
eg 3 * 750 ... 1,500 mg
of standardized 45% steroidal sapponins.
. lef member suggests tribestan .
tribulus at Beyond A Century:
(bac's 1kg, 100g, High-Protodiocin 50g).
[. this was added to the health store page
under performance/mood enhanced .]

schiz'ia thought to be related to autism

7.31: co.fb/med/schiz'ia/thought to be related to autism:
How Autism is Changing the World for Everybody     io9.com
[@] news.med/autism/
How Autism is Changing the World for Everybody

There's not much doubt that autism, along with Asperger Syndrome,
is finally becoming accepted as a normal part of the human fabric.
Even if some people still see autism as a condition that needs to be "treated,"
it's increasingly obvious that people on the autism spectrum
are finding ways to...

. interesting that an article about
people misunderstanding autism
also noted that some had seen autism
as related to childhood schizophrenia;
because, schiz'ia too is quite misunderstood .
. medicals claim it's all about
being detached from reality:
having delusions about thoughts as objects
-- thoughts being sharable between people .
. the truth is,
not being able to control communications
(because thoughts are given to us
-- not made by us) means that
schiz'ia can be a lonely disease
and one filled with much frustration,
popularly known to end in mass murder
(people who think together, die together!?).
. what makes our medicals think that
this thought sharing is delusional?
. it may be delusional to think you control it,
that's where
a belief in the supernatural makes sense;
a belief in god
apparently makes a lot of sense,
but a belief in the devil is in the bible too,
yet even among many religious,
it's downplayed,
just like rational thought about schiz'ia .


leukemia from promiscuous kissing

9.22: news.health/cancer/
risk factors for leukemia include promiscuous kissing!:
. risk factors for leukemia include promiscuous kissing!
. One is EBV, the Epstein-Barr herpes virus,
that can inhabit B-lymphocytes and nasopharyngeal cells.
Infection with EBV occurs by the oral transfer of saliva;
90 to 95 % of adults have been infected .
. it also causes chronic fatigue syndrome
but not everyone with leukemia and lymphoma
showed traces of it in their blood work .
. other causes of leukemias include chemical exposures
and ionizing radiation (eg, for treating other cancers).
. one important reason for exporting jobs is that
many 3rd-world countries
don't ban chemicals like benzene
that are needed in manufacturing
but that are known for causing leukemia .
. also interesting note that those employed overseas
can buy the products that are banned here:
cigarette smoking is linked to myeloid leukemias .
. other viruses known to cause leukemias
include HIV and HTLV-1
(the human T-cell lymphoma/leukemia virus).
The HTLV-1 virus is closely associated with
T-cell lymphocytic leukemia,
found in Japan, Africa, and the Caribbean.
. less than 4 percent of those infected with this virus
develop leukemia.
. farmers might be at risk handling cows who have
Bovine leukemia virus;
but cats with feline leukemia virus
are definitely not contagious .
. a high sugar diet can cause it indirectly;
because it leads to kidney and heart disease,
so then Kidney and heart transplantation
require the immunosuppressive drugs
that have been implicated in secondary leukemias.
. finally, a society that spurns eugenics
will never escape from genetic predispositions
to chromosome instabilities .
. adapted from Patient-Centered Guides © 2000
adapted from Barbara B. Lackritz `Adult Leukemia


spontanious combustion in wood chips

7.30: news.phy/spontanious combustion/in wood chips:
. huge piles of wood will spontaniously
combust within 6months
if not turned over to remove
anaerobic decomposition
-- just like smaller piles of dung
that do the same much sooner .
[@] www.nrbp.org/papers/055.pdf

Danny Aerts and Kenneth Ragland.

Y (male) chromosome degeneration

7.10: news.biol/Y (male) chromosome degeneration:
Professor of Human Genetics
at the University of Oxford since 1997,
Bryan Sykes, discussed his DNA research ,..
Sykes described his work on the
"Seven Daughters of Eve."
The Y (male) chromosome in general has been subject to
more degeneration and mutation than the X (female) chromosome,
and, he warned, if this continues
males might eventually become extinct .
. y-chromosome holding male-ness is decomposing;
we could move male genes to another chromosome,
or we could just clone without males .
[ Primate Y chromosomes, including in humans,
have degenerated so much
that primates will also evolve relatively soon,
new sex determination systems
in about 14 million years in humans.[7][25] ]
Criticism of the book and theory at Discover Magazine/
Jean M Says: June 1st, 2011 at 11:17 am: "(
Bryan Sykes heavily invested,
both academically and commercially,
in his vision of The Seven Daughters of Eve (2001)
– the matriarchs of the European population,
only one of whom (Jasmine i.e. mtDNA J)
he pictured as arriving from the Near East with farming.
The rest he saw as more ancient in Europe.
Unfortunately for Sykes, he was just plain wrong.
Now that aDNA researchers have better techniques
to guard against contamination,
and can test to a much higher degree of
resolution on the mtDNA tree,
the picture has turned completely around.
Two papers last year showed that
Neolithic people in Northern Europe
were completely unrelated to their Mesolithic predecessors,
who were overwhelmingly U4 and U5.
New papers attempting to set their own material in context
do not always reflect the latest discoveries.
There is often a long delay between
submission and publication of a paper.
This is the second paper which has attempted to
reconcile the old Sykes story with
what is emerging from Y-DNA,
not realizing that the Seven Daughters saga
has gone the way of the dodo.
Some of the mtDNA haplogroups found in this study
are indeed ancient in Europe – the U5 for sure.
But not the majority.
It no longer looks as though H1 and H3 were
spread from the Franco-Cantabrian refuge
either. See my blog post:
Franco-Cantabrian refuge for what? Not mtDNA H1, H3.)
[. that post is not archived, but there is
a follow up at eupedia.com .]