
inflammation syndrome

8.15: news.health/chia is the best omega3 grain:
. see:
. salba[brand] nutritional facts (grams)/100g:
21.2 protein
34.5 fat
6.3 omega6
22.8 omega3
1.9 mono
37.5 carb
3.4 sat
3.5 sf (soluble fiber)
34 insoluble fiber .

8.29: sci.health/(full-)motion aerobics:
. just putting all joints through all angles
seemed to involve a surprising amount of air;
wondered if there's much toxins not being flushed
but by motion
or if moving in new ways
both works the brain
and causes mass use of usually relaxed muscles .

12.10: health/hormonics/inflammation syndrome:
. one thing with old age could be this spiral of no gh,
more calls on the non-gh branch of immune system,
more inflammation, which then calls cortisol,
cortisol further increases insulin resistance
which aggravates lack of gh .
(because insulin resistance resists gh too).

Atkins diet in eskimos

8.14: co.apt/health/atkins in eskimos:
. Atkins was a doctor who specialized in heart health;
the medical community went against him because
he went against their keep it simple program
which said that saturate fats were bad
without mentioning that sat'fats were only bad when
combined with usa's main product:
grains .
. Eskimo's traditionally eat nothing but fresh, raw blubber (plenty of vit.c
in addition to megadoses of the satanic saturated fats),
and other raw animal products .
. they rarely had heart disease until western grains were introduced .

how obesity can increase intelligence

8.8: health/cortisol confusion:
. I had thought that cortisol
was the source of greater success among the obese,
but now I'm thinking the relation is like this:
. adrenalin dips sugar which raises cortisol
that causes insulin resistance;
and then adding grain diet to that condition
raises insulin, which raises inteligence .
[ cortisol does raise blood sugar for the brain's benefit,
but I was confused at how
increases of this could both increase intelligence
and be the source of brain damage ] .

Holford's Optimum Nutrition for the Mind

psy/Holford's Optimum Nutrition for the Mind:

. Holford's flax seed info contradicts that of Zone diet .
. gla(primrose, borage) good for schiz'ia .
. pyroluria: like schiz'ia but cured by b6, zinc .

. The three best sources of GLA are Borage Seed Oil, Black Currant Oil,
and Evening Primrose Oil.
Borage Seed Oil (usually about 24% GLA)
contains about 5% more GLA than Black Currant Oils,
and more than twice as much GLA per capsule
as Evening Primrose Oil (which usually contains about 10% GLA).
As a result of its high percentage of GLA, when you take Borage Seed Oil,
you end up taking less of the undesirable Omega-6 (lenoleic acid) oils.
) .
Borage Seed Oil is the second of the four most important diet supplements,
which are: Fish Oil, Borage Seed Oil, Green Tea and Magnesium.
-- [12.21: eating plenty of greens will provide magnesium,
the most important mineral supp' is selenium .]
. I'm already familiar with this advice:
beans are a great source of zinc, tryptophan, vit.e, glutathione,
and of course, slow-releasing carb's and high-protein .
we differ some:
. I think the safe forms of niacin are a bit spendy,
[12.21: I recently started using it though];
he thinks carnitine is too spendy;
he doesn't mention huperzine or galanthamine .

8.18: web.health/www.mentalhealthproject.com:

cancer risk related to autoimmune risk

8.6: news.health/cancer risk related to autoimmune risk:
. tumor necrosis factor helps fight cancer,
and suppressing it can also suppress autoimmune disorders
-- tho' now they are finding it raises risk of leukemia .
. this gave me the idea that
autoimmune disorders might be a symptom of
the body having to raise its tumor necrosis factor
in order to fight high levels of tumor creations;
so that if one could reduce cancer risk
there might also be a reduced risk of autoimmune disorders .

. Capsaicin is weakly mutagenic in the Ames test, and a co-carcinogen in rats,
enhancing gastric carcinogenesis.
Ten percent of mice exposed to capsaicin developed duodenal cancer,
versus 0% of those not exposed. A study in Mexico found that consumers of chili pepper
had a more than 5-fold increase in risk of gastric cancer
(age- and sex-adjusted odds ratio of 5.49; 95% CI 2.7-11.1) compared to nonconsumers;
high-level consumers had an odds ratio of 17.11 (95% CI 7.8-37.6).
In India and other Southeast Asian countries, eating of chili peppers is associated with
oral submucosal fibrosis, a precancerous condition of undetermined etiology.(7,22-24) .

buffelgrass control with grasshoppers

8.20: web.pol/buffelgrass control with grasshoppers:

. some grasshoppers will eat buffel grass .
. if there was an easy way to catch them,
they could both eat the buffelgrass and serve as food,
as they do in many places -- including japan .
. this is an economical way to get grass-fed meat .

Warm and dry spring conditions encourage nymphal growth.
An early spring followed by cloudy, damp weather
encourages diseases that sicken and kill hoppers.
A long, hot summer ensures a plentiful food supply
and encourages early maturity of grasshoppers and a long egg-laying period.
On the other hand, a cool summer and early fall
slows down grasshopper maturity and reduces time for laying eggs.
Grasshoppers are drawn to monocultures
and dislike nitrogen-fixing crops like legumes and sweet clover.
. all birds love grasshoppers .

. instead of being caterpillars, they develop in an egg,
and hatch as jumping grass or forb [flowering non-grass] eaters;
in a few more weeks they can fly .

The most widely eaten insects in japan are inago
(the grasshopper, Oxya velox F.),
which is preserved by boiling in soy sauce.
-- a luxury item in supermarkets throughout the country, including Tokyo.
Catching inago is done in rice paddies in autumn
. with rice in overproduction, why not let inago feed on the excess,
thus increasing the population of the grasshopper?
perhaps the prefer their rice;
they also like cooking wasps, suggesting it might be just a sport .

insect hazards
Some insects secrete toxins, produce toxic metabolites
or sequester toxic chemicals from foodplants
(Blum, 1978; Duffey, 1980; Wirtz, 1984).
Defensive secretions that may be reactive, irritating or toxic
include carb-oxylic acids, alcohols, aldehydes, alkaloids, ketones, esters,
lactones, phenols, 1,4-quinones, hydrocarbons and steroids, among others.
Phytochemicals sequestered by various insects include
simple phenolics, flavin, tannins, terpenoids, polyacetylenes,
alkaloids, cyanogens, glucosinolates and mimetic amino acids.
Insects are also a source of
injectant, ingestant, contactant and inhalant allergens (Wirtz, 1984; Gorham, 1991 ),
and some insects serve as vectors or passive intermediate hosts of
vertebrate pathogens such as bacteria, protozoa, viruses or helminths (Gorham, 1991).
More attention should be directed toward
assessing these risk factors in the edible insect groups.
The long history of human use suggests, however, with little evidence to the contrary,
that the insects intentionally harvested for human consumption
do not pose any significant health problem.

The Nematomorph hairworm (Spinochordodes tellinii)
develops inside land-dwelling grasshoppers and crickets
until the time comes for the worm to transform into an aquatic adult.
. the mature hairworms brainwash their hosts by producing proteins
causing them to seek out and plunge into water.

Family Anthomyiidae
. -- Members of the family Anthomyiidae are medium in size,
about a quarter-inch (6 mm) long and closely resemble the common housefly.
One species is reported to parasitize grasshoppers .

Acridomyia canadensis Snyder
is the only species of family Anthomyiidae in North America
known to parasitize grasshoppers.
It has been classified as an ÒimportantÓ parasite in Canada
and mentioned as ÒoccurringÓ in Montana and Idaho (Rees 1973).
This fly is known to parasitize at least 16 species of grasshoppers
within all 3 grasshopper subfamilies of the family Acrididae,
the slantfaced, the spurthroated, and the bandwinged grasshoppers.
Melanoplus bivittatus and M. packardii
are reported as this parasite's preferred host species.
. flesh flies, family Sarcophagidae,
are important parasites of grasshoppers in North America.
. their eggs hatch within the uterus
and the female deposits a live larva on the host via larviposition:
the female flips a larva from the tip of her abdomen onto the grasshopper.
The larva quickly penetrates the host's body through an intersegmental space
and begins feeding on the body fluids and tissue .
. species Servaisia falciformis (Aldrich) = Protodexia =Sarcophaga falciformis (Aldrich),
possesses a sharp ovipositor that is used to insert a larva
into the large muscle of the hind leg of the grasshopper.
. mature larva exits through a hole in the grasshopper body wall
and pupates in the soil. These flies target last-stage nymphs and adults
and are generally considered the most effective group of grasshopper parasites
. 3 species of Tachinid flies are considered important parasites
in the United States and Canada .
Acemyia tibialis is the principal tachinid parasite of grasshoppers
and has been reported from Melanoplus bivattatus and M. sanguinipes.
Canadian reports indicate parasitism ranges between 16 and 65 percent
(Rees 1973). Ceracia dentata (Coquillett)
and Hemithrixion oestriforme Brauer
and Bergenstamm have been reported from grasshoppers collected in the United States
and Canada with parasitism rates ranging between 1 and 5 percent (Rees 1973).
. tangle-veined flies (family Nemestrinidae)
are medium-sized, stout-bodied, fast fliers that can hover persistently.
. of six North American species, 2 are parasites of grasshoppers
Neorhynchocephalus sackenii (Will.)
and Trichopsidea (= Parasymmictus) clausa (Osten Sacken) (Smith 1958)
. they favor rangeland and Òidle acresÓ habitats .
Ageneotettix deorum (Scudder), Camnulla pellucida (Scudder),
Metator pardalinus (Saussere), and Aeropedellus clavatus (Thomas)
are preferred hosts of
N. sackenii with parasitization rates between 30 and 95 percent .
. solitary wasps (family Sphecidae) consisting of eight subfamilies,
most of which nest in wood, construct mud cells, or burrow in the soil.
Twenty-nine species are recorded as parasitizing grasshoppers
in Canada and the United States (Rees 1973).
. Trombidiidae is the most important of three known families of mites
that have been reported as parasites of grasshoppers and locusts.
Red mites have been universally observed attached to the wings of their host.
Adult mites appear early in the spring and begin searching for grasshopper egg-pods.
Mites remain in the pods feeding on individual eggs
until the mites become sexually mature.
Mating takes place in the egg-pod, but eggs are laid in cells in the soil.
Larvae emerge after 28 to 30 days and actively seek a suitable host.
Larvae usually attach at the base of the wings on adults.
. mites had little if any effect on the grasshopper hosts;
[they are mostly egg predators .]

Grasshopper nymphs eat vegetation contaminated with the eggs of
the Mermithidae species of Nematodes;
The infective nematode larva is released from the egg
during the digestive process.
The larva eventually penetrates through the host's gut wall into the body cavity,
where it remains for 4 to 10 weeks.
The mature larva exits the host (usually killing it) late in the summer
and overwinters in the soil.
Known North American distribution is limited to the
upper Midwest, Northeast, and small, restricted areas in the Western United States.
Moisture in the microhabitat, probably in the form of free water,
is required for successful development of nematodes.
When the required conditions occur,
the incidence of infestation in localized areas can exceed 60 percent .

. the Gordiacea class of roundworms (Nematomorpha)
are known as horsehair worms or Gordian worms. closely resemble nematodes
. they are opportunists that attack many hosts
-- incidental parasites of grasshoppers and Mormon crickets .
Adults are free living and aquatic.
Larvae are parasitic in crustaceans, grasshoppers, crickets, and beetles.
Females lay thousands of eggs in long, gelatinous strings in water.
Upon hatching, larvae seek an immature form of aquatic insect as the primary host.
Later the larvae become terrestrial
and seek a secondary host (usually a cricket, grasshopper, or beetle),
where they feed and continue to develop.
The mature larva exits the host (causing death)
and returns to an aquatic habitat (ponds, animal watering troughs,
intermittent pools, streams, or similar area),
where it reaches sexual maturity.

. There are 856 species of Asilidae (robber flies) in North America;
26 are reported as predators of grasshoppers
Six species exhibit a definite preference for grasshoppers (Rees 1973).
. Two species of family Anthomyiidae have been reported as
predators of grasshopper eggs
Female Òdigger waspsÓ (family Sphecidae)
prefer grasshoppers as provisions for their nests
and are sometimes mentioned as efficient grasshopper predators
(Lavigne and Pfadt 1966).
A typical species of this group, Prionyx parkeri Bohart and Menke,
requires about 1 hour to capture, cache, and lay an egg on an adult grasshopper.
Upon hatching, the wasp larva begins to consume the live grasshopper,
which remains paralyzed.
These wasps are generally rare in most grasshopper habitats,
but there is a report in Idaho (Newton 1956) of three Tachysphex spp.
reducing a population of Oedaleonotus enigma (Scudder) by 84 percent.
. The wolf spider, Schizocosa minnesotensis Gertsch,
and a jumping spider, Pellenes sp., are two species of nonweb-builders
that are often quite abundant on rangeland
and are reported as predatory on various rangeland grasshopper species.
The black widow spider, Latrodectus mactans (F.),
is also a common rangeland predator of grasshoppers in Wyoming and Idaho.
. Adult mites appear early in the spring and begin searching for grasshopper egg-pods.
Mites remain in the pods feeding on individual eggs
until the mites become sexually mature.

accountability tax

8.14: co.apt/pol/health care/accountability tax:
. instead of rationing, we should collect more taxes
on exactly the foods that cause the most damage .
. tag every food and drug with an insulin resistance index
and a glycemic index .
. some of the venom behind rationing is racial;
because the people who don't get medicare are the chronically unemployed,
who are mostly the racial minorities .
. one problem with this is that
people could understandably be livid
supposing this glycemic index is the next cholesterol scare:
what if it was all just the industrial (mental) disease?
. there should be manditory health insurance,
but there should be plans for those who
believe that glycemic index makes a difference,
and who will not ask for glycemic-related care .
. let our money talk the American way .

8.25: co.apt/pol/health care/preventive outreach:
. cancer prevention needs to start with kids diet
which can only be changed by controlling what's available to them:
right now that diet is controlled strictly by the stock market
and the social psychosis:
eg, green light go!
(everyone's oblivious to the dangers of trusting green lights) .
. another reason you could never expect people to diet rationally,
is that there has been so much news about
diet being only a small factor in the
total environmental causes of cancer .

9.9: co.apt/health/look experts telling you, can't wait for obama care:
. is there a correlation between the introduction
of high fructose corn syrup and the rise of obesity
in the past 30 years?
Many factors contribute to the development of obesity,
yet nutritionists, health experts and researchers generally agree
that the chief cause is an imbalance
between calories consumed and calories burned.
. have they ever heard of thyroid resistance,
or jetfueling sugar maybe causing it?
. I hardly eat anything and I'm too tired to exercise?
that's your thyroid ignored in that equation .
The American Dietetic Association notes,
Excess body fat [obesity] arises from the energy imbalance caused by
taking in too much energy and expending too little energy. ...
. look at these expert panels,
I can hardly wait for obama care .

10.15: co.apt/pol/sin tax on fattening foods:
. after hearing that neither side of the debate
feels that a sin tax is warranted,
I'm ranting:
. keep gov out it? what about
it's already ok to tax for charity health care?!
[it's esp'ly the poor who get the most fattening foods
because those are the cheapest
(flour, corn syrup, hydrogenated soy fat) .]

11.17: news.pol/healthcare/metabolic syndrome:
Risk factors for metabolic syndrome, such as
obesity, high blood pressure, and elevated blood lipid levels,
can increase a person's healthcare costs nearly 1.6-fold,
or about $2,000 per year.
For each additional risk factor those costs rise an average of 24%,
according to an illuminating article in a recent issue of
Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders .

cap and tax

8.9: news.pol/cap and tax:

. some of the same forces opposing the health care reform
are also angry with cap-and-tax as being a job loser .
. it's a tax to promote the use of
energy sources that don't contribute to global warming
-- this is a big deal to the rest of the world
although a major initial drawback is that
there is not getting china to cooperate
and they will continue to get our jobs
unless we also have some laws that keep our corparations
employing our citizens .
. the gov could use the tax money to invest in better energy sources
so the long-term prospects of this bill are very good;
but the current players are going to lose their fat seats .
. heritage.org paints a bleak picture of huge job loses 20years out .

. a wall st jou editorial
says we either cut services
or we are going to need to tax the middle class more .
Obama Drops Health Care Reform 8/4/2009
wsj is saying the admn is saying the new strategy is not health care
but health insur needing reform
-- demonizing an industry?
they need regulation just like cities need police .
. manditory insurance is the main target .
. wsj (Weight of the Nation 8/3/2009)
talked about the staggering costs of our nation gaining so much weight
esp'ly since the advent of corn syrup in all the food since the 70's .
. safeway started an accountability campaign
where the employees got cheaper health premiums for keeping weight .
. getting weight is much less invasive than getting blood lipid numbers!

freedomworks.org on health care
. "(Trial lawyers, government mandates, and tax code distortions
are what is making health care too expensive )?
they must be kidding!
if a society insists on manditory health care,
they must pay for it either with charity (gov)
or manditory health insurance .
. in case you couldn't find an advocate for vampires,
here it is at freedomworks.org:
it was revealed that massive beverage tax hikes are planned
to fund part of the $1.5 trillion dollar tab
their socialization of health care is expected to run up
over the next 10 years.
Specifically, they're looking at
increasing the tax on a bottle of wine by 233 percent.
The beer tax would go up 145 percent per six-pack.
The liquor tax would go up 19 percent to $2.54 per fifth.
And an entirely new tax is proposed for [sugar-sweetened beverages]
-- including soda, fruit and vegetable dinks, sports drinks,
iced teas and coffees, and flavored milk and dairy drinks.
This planned beverage tax hike
not only leaves *us* with less money during a recession,
it will also be a *job* killer, [mr.job from the bible?]
particularly in the hard-hit hospitality industry, [hospi- what?]
where unemployment is already over 11 percent.
In an industry that has already lost around 400,000 jobs in this downturn,
a new tax that could destroy an estimated 160,000 more jobs
is a terrible idea.
. oh, my god, I just lost another soda !

FreedomWorks` Tea Party Patriots:

The lobbyist-run groups Americans for Prosperity and FreedomWorks,
which orchestrated the anti-Obama tea parties earlier this year,
are now pursuing an aggressive strategy
to create an image of mass public opposition to health care
and clean energy reform.
A leaked memo from Bob MacGuffie,
a volunteer with the FreedomWorks website Tea Party Patriots,
details how members should be infiltrating town halls
and harassing Democratic members of Congress .
) .