
legumes that are lectin-compatible with your blood type

12.30: web.health/legumes that are lectin-compatible with your blood type:
. mercola keeps referencing the diets that are specific to blood type,
but the theory is honked as a scam by many:
. I found a brief on it:
. The new blood on the [evolutionary] block,
Type AB combines most of the strengths and weaknesses
of both Type A and Type B.
Chicken and corn has lectins that may render Type Bs
even more susceptible to slow-grow nerve-damaging viruses .
. the lectins of some beans interfere with insulin production:
lentils, garbanzos, pintos and black-eyed peas .

drip-feeding protein along with glucose

12.5: news.health/hormonics/drip-feeding protein along with glucose:
. the addition of essential amino acids to the low-calorie diet
restored egg-laying capacity; but, it also reduced lifespan in the flies.
. adding just the essential amino acid methionine
restored egg-laying without reducing lifespan .
Previously, other researchers had found that reducing methionine
in a normal diet could extend lifespan.
ÒThere's a sort of asymmetry in the relationshipÓ
between methionine levels and calorie counts, Piper says.
ÒWhen food is low, lots of methionine is OK.
When food is high, reducing methionine can lengthen lifespan.Ó
But other researchers who study aging and calorie restriction
aren't so sure that balancing amino acids will have the same effect
in humans and other mammals.
. it really is calorie content that matters for lengthening lifespan .
. previous findings about human response to protein
was that cutting protein could reduce levels of IGF-1, involved in aging
(SN: 10/25/08, p. 17).
. it would be a nearly impossible to experimentally find
the correct amino acid balance for humans,
but human cell investigations are hopeful .

constitutions promoting consensus

12.13: pol/constitution/promoting consensus:
[. we should divide states not only by the constitution one prefers,
but also by issues, so that the states that want a war on
{drugs, christians supporting israel} can themselves pay for such wars;
. this would be a virtual tax state,
whereas the constitutional state would require city-wide approval,
and gated communities would esp'ly be constitution-specific
while cities could have charters that define the range of permitted constitutions .
. the fed constitution would basically say how states define constitution;
with no laws at all .
. what did become fed law -- without constitutional backing --
would simply be the things people could obviously alll agree on,
like the infrastructure projects:
roads, phone, net, finance, and homeland(only) defense .
. that still leaves open
bizarre diff's like slavery and abortion .
. if the fed was designed around negotiation rather than majority
we could have pulled a plan for actually
paying for the slaves we freed .
. abortion is much more subtle and difficult:
there's also a lot of confusion about privacy
the root of most evils -- which both sides cling to .
. we could admit that doctors are not juries,
and every baby deserves a trial by jury;
women deserve a right to health,
and babies deserve euthanasias free from pain .

jury duty in the age of internet

rn.pol/jury for misdemeaner is a waste:
. one writer laments how expensive the jury system,
being used even for petty misdemeaners ?
. we need to get all people involved by internet
for easier access to many opinions of those interested in jury duty .
. doing it by internet would let people stay home,
and interact in the process they way they wanted to .
. many people don't listen well,
and they need to have a recording they can replay,
or have it transcribed to text for reading .
. they have some unbelievable fairness rules,
vaguely recall they said not to write any notes down,
as it was important to memorize all the reams of junk they throw at you
and not let notes bias against what you might hear later .
. the jury system I saw reminded of sports
continuing to use umpires when we now have video
. and what kind of justice is served with circumstancial evidence?
this place is planet of the apes .

dietary supplement selection

12.3: ideas from various sources

Many people with an adequate intake of folic acid and vitamins B-6 and B-12
still have high homocysteine levels.
Those individuals need to take trimethyglycine (TMG)

Anyone at risk for a heart attack should also carry at least
two regular aspirin tablets with them at all times.
should be chewed up at the first sign of a heart attack.
-- bad aspirin begins to smell like vinegar.

In some people, supplements of L-carnitine or acetyl-L-carnitine
(about 1000 to 2000 mg. per day) will significantly increase HDL levels.

. taking more than about 1000 mg. (1 gram) of niacin or inositol hexanicotinate
per day should have liver enzymes checked
250 mg. of gugulipid and 250 mg. of inositol hexanicotinate * 4

. protect respiratory system by keeping it moist
. drinking plenty of water and using a [/]mucolytic agent:
such as N-Acetyl-Cysteine (500-1500 mg. daily)
or guaifenesin (500-1500 mg. daily), or both.
. antihistamines are anti-cholinergic when their sideaffects include
sedation, impairing memory, judgement and reaction time.

arginine's growth hormone release is enhanced by choline and B5 (calcium pantothenate)
The choline can be in the form of any available form of choline or DMAE
it's reduced by other amino acids or significant amounts of insulin .
. conversely, it has insulin-blocking effects. [causes insulin resistance?
gh can do that too depending on the route getting at it]
. hgh-raising potency is reduced by age early 50s,
[suggesting the need for both low insulin and high insulin sensitivity ]
. usual dose is 1200 mg of L-arginine pyrogluamate and 1200 mg of lysine


Flush-free niacin (if you're talking the hexanicotinate) will lower cholesterol.
Don't take it for anything else,
and don't take more than 500 mg a day
without a doctor following your liver enzymes
"Steve Harris, M.D"
Newsgroups: alt.brain,alt.health,alt.human-brain,sci.life-extension,sci.med, sci.med.nutrition
Subject: Re: Niacin and blood flow
Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001

CLA also supports response to allergies & joint inflammation
and healthy blood glucose and insulin levels
while improving energy expenditure
Our >77% CLA safflower concentrate gels
contain about 37% each of c9, t11 & t10, c12 isomers,
shown to be most effective for fat control and immune stimulation.
3-4 grams per day is typical for fat loss.
100 capsules, 750mg of CLA, $11.50. Code 732.1
-- about the same in chick feed .
PANTETHINE is overpriced as cure for metabolic disorder symptoms .

forms of mg
the anti-inflammatory endpoint represents the true cellular absorption
that you really care about. Here, the orderings are mostly reversed,
with orotate the best, but chloride close.
Organic Mg salts were slightly more available than inorganic Mg salts.
Mg gluconate exhibited the highest Mg bioavailability of the ten Mg salts studied.
Urinary 26Mg excretion varied from 0.20 mg to 0.33 mg,
and feeding with the organic pidolate, citrate, gluconate and aspartate salts
resulted in higher urinary 26Mg excretion than with inorganic salts.
Ultimately, 26Mg retention was higher in the rats receiving the organic salts
such as gluconate, lactate and aspartate than in those receiving the inorganic salts.

Orotic acid helps to fixate Magnesium-ions in the cell and so stabilises ATP-levels,
this makes it cardioprotective.

Magnesium taurate
Both have sedative effects, and are neuroprotective
and causes no gastrointestinal upset.
. magnesium glycinate is a cheap option too though .

mag orotate great, but the cancer risk was never fully resolved
mag glycinates (albion) reliable

Orotic acid, first discovered in ruminant milk, is an intermediate in the
pyrimidine biosynthesis pathway of animal cells.
Its synthesis is initiated by the formation of carbamoyl phosphate (CP)
in the cytoplasm, with ammonia derived from glutamine.

Magnesium Miracle, page 245, "Magnesium taurate does not have a laxative effect
and is the recommended form of magnesium for people with heart problems."

12.4: news.health/spir:
. not only were radionucleides reduced by 50%,
but the spirulina also had the effect of normalizing allergic sensitivities.[xx]
. 5 grams spirulina per day in study of 270 children of Chernobyl
12.18: health/tmg/sweetener:
. a sweetener that is good for heart (homocysteine control) .

the good doctors at Health 2.0

Pulmonologist & Intensivist at Novant Health:
Speaking as a physician, I see many attempts to engage via email in particular.
Others attempt via discussions such as on Sermo.
The reality is that physicians time is increasingly at a premium.
Given the concern today with undue influence on physicians,
I don't see many engaging with outside entities.
I think those in groups really tend to
turn inward to their own colleagues.
We cannot continue in a vacuum from the outside world.
While medicine (and healthcare in general) is not a free-market economy,
we can still and in fact must benefit from the outside world.
We have begun to see the drift of six sigma/TPS/lean methodologies into the market
but physicians are generally a cautious bunch and are, as individuals,
slow to adopt to these changes. I am also not convinced that the C-suite inhabitants
in all Healthcare organizations have yet grasped this 'new reality

Time is at a premium; many don't use smartphones (distraction),
don't give out cellphone #s to patients
and (dirty little secret) use pagers/faxes to filter calls.
(I speak with my brother's colleagues--mainly psychiatrists--
and that is how they manage patient calls which aren't urgent.)
In the older group,
many avoid email and being online till they retire!
It is not just the 50+.
I am a little surprised at the responses so far.
We use social media in our practice daily.
We do no communicate personal health information this way
but use it as a way to spread information and for brand building.
It also creates a feeling of access for our patients.
We also use a practice portal
which gives patients full access to their chart.
The portal also has a feature that allows secure messaging
(HIPAA compliant Email). We have patients emailing the docs, nurses,
scheduling appts online, requesting refills etc.
None of our doctors would say this impacts thier ability to work
or takes too much time. It is much more efficient to communicate this way.
Think about how fast a nurse can contact a patient
with lab results, explanation and direct them to pick up the medication
which was sent electronically to their designated pharmacy.
This is much faster than playing phone tag.
Patients are very respectful with online communication in our practice.
Most questions are directed to nursing staff first.
From a doctors perspective,
this form of communication allows me to handle simple questions quickly and easily.
It also generates more productive appointments.
I have heard nothing but praise from our patients
since we integrated this into our practice.
I invite all of you to join the weekly discussion
on topics like this on Twitter.
There is a group that meets on Sunday nights at 8 p.m. Central.
The easiest way to join in is to go to tweetchat.com
and log in to the room #HCSM (health communication and social media)
It is a very good group. I have learned alot from them.

rotating bed

12.31: gear/rotating bed:
. the bed is a cage with foam fit all around
with hole for face .
. it provides movement to avoid bed sores .
. the pivot points for head-to-foot axis rotation
are at adjustable heights like so:
change the angle of the head-to-foot from horz'al
by having 2 pulleys at foot and head,
so the bed is held at either end
by a single chain that is held by both pulleys
such that lowering the foot of bed
will in turn raise the head of the bed .
. the rotation engine can use it's own weight
for the torque to slowly rotate the cage;
it hangs like a balast from one end,
and as it cranks on the bed,
it either has to raise itself or turn the cage .