
vegetables having bitter anti-cancer goodness bred out of them

 2023.5.12: news.health/diet/
vegetables having bitter anti-cancer goodness bred out of them:

. when you hear that certain foods have anti-cancer effects,

consider that some are trying to breed sweeter vegetables

that could reduce their anti-cancer effects.

. many brussel sprouts have been bred to have less

bitter glucosinolates, which made them more popular.



. glucosinolates are known for beneficial effects including 

regulation of inflammation, stress response, 

and phase I metabolism.

Glucosinolates that combine with myrosinase, 

can become an anti-cancer isothiocyanate.

. foods with high glucosinolates 

should not be the primary source of energy

because heavy doses can result in goiter, anemia, 

organ lesions, and reduced growth.


. in what other ways are healthy fruits and vegetable

made less healthy or anti-cancer by breeding that makes them 

sweeter or less bitter?

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