
Mastering the Mind, Body and Spirit by prof Wil Dieck 2022

 2023.3.4: bk.psy/schiz/Wil Dieck 2022`Mastering the Mind, Body and Spirit:

this is a review of the book by Wil Dieck 2022:

Mastering the Mind, Body and Spirit: 

Secrets of Black Belt Peak Performance 

(Mind Mastery Book 3) 


5-star/good book even if you don't read the series:

. I'm interested in controlling negative inner voices;

the ad caught my eye with "NLP master trainer"

(neuro-linguistic programming)

and psychology professor.

. this is the first of the series I read.

. it's well written; in the ebook version I used,

the references are doubly linked to their text.

. he has another book that tells about NLP:

"NLP - Unlock Your Dreams: 

A Beginners Guide to Neuro Linguistic Programming".


. "mind, body, and spirit" is religious language;

he translates that into secular terms

without getting into The Spirit,

or your higher intelligence.

. "spirit" refers to your psychology,

your mindset.

. a person with a growth mindset believes

you can earn talent;

you are not just limited to natural ability.

[ prof Carol Dweck 2007:

mindset: the new psychology of success.]

. Dieck[loc 1289, 1315] escaped a fixed mindset

by seeing how practice improved his martial arts,

and by learning to change behavior with NLP.

. natural talent can sometimes make you

less motivated to practice;

but, practice is the key to skill.

. if you can identify your limiting beliefs,

and what triggers your negative inner voices;

you are on your way to unlearning them.

. you have to stand up to baseless negative opinions

by countering with an encouraging voice

(I would use an inner voice in the presence of others)

and use body language that expresses confidence:

even if you can't take the superman pose in public,

you can smile and have good posture.

. maintaining this posture of confidence

can be assisted by learning NLP [loc 2070].

. also, imagine the voice with different attributes

(who does it sound like, where is it coming from)

to do a parody of it that lightens the mood.

. part of getting control of your stress reaction

is practicing slow belly breathing.

The Sense of Being Stared At: [ad]

And Other Unexplained Powers of Human Minds

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