
#autism #glyphosate #Roundup глифосат аутизм

10.16: web.pol/healthcare/autism/glyphosate evidence:
. some suggest glyphosate (Roundup) causes autism;
Russia discourages the use of genetically modified crops;
would they have lower use of glyphosate?
and would they have lower rates of autism?
. some feel that Russia ignores autism,
diagnosing it as psychosis or retardation.
. some see autism rises with other birth defects,
and some see glyphosate causing birth defects.


#cancer #depression #Psilocybin the oracle

12.18: news.med/cancer/depression/Psilocybin/the oracle:
. a brain cancer patient who would later die from it
did Psilocybin and it was like an oracle
(here is what is in store for you):
it gave her a very bad experience
but also the message that while life looks bad,
a big part of it is how you look at it:
don't ruin the precious here & now
worrying about the hopelessness of the future.


Pima Air & Space and Titan Missile Museums

Pima Air & Space museum:
adjacent to DM Air Force Base
Titan Missile Museum:
This preserved Titan II missile site,
officially known as complex 571-7,
is all that remains of the 54 Titan II missile sites
that were on alert across the United States from 1963 to 1987.
the Titan II was capable of delivering a 9-megaton nuclear warhead
to targets more than 6300 miles (10,000 km) away in about 30 minutes.


LOL "too Jewish" radio said alt news is fake news!

12.11: news.pol/purges/media/
LOL "too Jewish" radio said alt news is fake news!:
. I love to listen to Rabbi Sam Cohon
hosting "Too Jewish" radio in Tucson
because Israel and Jewish culture are important
for several reasons:
# most of the terrorists we are fighting now
are Islamic reactions against Israel's creation
which confiscated land from Islamic Palestinians;
and Israel's Zionism is genuine Judaism.
# you will never know the real Jesus (Yeshua)
without knowing more about Judaism.
. but today I was surprised to hear
"too Jewish" radio say alt news is fake news.


politicalCompass.org`@addn is near @BernieSanders

11.15: proj.pol/politicalCompass.org`@addn is near @BernieSanders:
. I took a test from politicalCompass.org
that measures your position within
a political space of 2 dimensions:
an economic scale going from Left to Right
(from communism aka state-controlled economy
to neoliberalism aka liberated capitalism)
and a social control scale going from
libertarianism aka anarchy to authoritarianism.
following are the questions they asked me,
and my detailed response.
. the test allows only 4 responses:
strongly or mildly agree or disagree.
. they claim my location is shared by Bernie Sanders;
moderate anarcho-syndicalism (libertarian socialism);
although I'm sure we have some major differences,
such as my belief in childrens' rights to
parents without genetic diseases (eugenics).
. my Political Compass out of -10...+10:
Economic Left/Right: -5.5
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.13