
battered wife syndrome like #schizophrenia

9.11: psy/schiz/like battered wife syndrome:
. in the battered wife syndrome,
despite trying guys with different profiles,
the victim always manages to attract a victimizer .
. I wondered if this was like schiz'ia,
where your guardian angel has a program for you,
and everybody you meet feels like
following that program;
because, we all share the same guardian angel
in order to orchestrate conspiracies
such as battered wife syndromes,
and schiz'ia hauntings .

1000 years of crusades

9.3: news.relig/bible/revelations/1000 years of crusades:
. didn't the 1000 years mentioned in revelations
begin in about 1016 AD ?
here is a file of images of soldiers kits 
from then till now .


8.30: news.care/ready.gov:
12.31: summary:
. Septembers are preparedness months;
ready.gov is concerned mostly with
the increasing damage from climate change;
but keep war in mind too
(you may need more than 3 days of water).

accelerate #baby #communications skill

8.30: news.care/children/accelerate baby communications skill:
Maternal Responsiveness and the Development of
Directed Vocalizing in Social Interactions
Infancy July–August 2014
International Society on Infant Studies (ISIS)

summary by uiowa.edu:
. infants whose mothers responded to
what they thought their babies were saying,
showed an increase in developmentally advanced,
consonant-vowel vocalizations,
which means the babbling has become
sophisticated enough to sound more like words.

#Israel protects #Judaism against #liberalism

8.28: co.{fb,timesofisrael.com}/pol/zionism
/#Israel protects #Judaism against #liberalism:
I am so eager to ask Ron Mizrachi
to help a North American understand how
"North American Judaism" is "failing miserably,
and nearing death throes soon to be replaced by liberalism"
(my motivation: I thought "North American Judaism"
was our only chance of avoiding WWIII by Fall 2016);
so I am ready to accept Zionism is needed
if you can show me usa liberalism corrupts Judaism;
but, perhaps I can answer my own question here:
[!] share:
Ron Mizrachi · Top Commenter · Tel Aviv, Israel
Philip Torrance You don't need to hear it from me,
consult every expert on the topic regarding assimilation,
ties to Judaism etc etc in North America.
Maybe you missed the fact this is a top crisis
for North American Jewry leaders the past 10 years.
Google is your friend.
Yesterday at 5:40am
North American Jewry assimilation crisis:
. a landmark study had found that
young American Jews are growing increasingly
estranged from Judaism.

300 #holocaust survivors say boycott #Israel

8.28: news.pol/zionism/300 #holocaust survivors say boycott #Israel:
ijsn.net`about Saturday, August 23rd:
A letter signed by 40 survivors of the Nazi genocide
and 287 descendants of survivors and victims
ran as a half-page ad in the Saturday, August 23rd
New York Times.
The letter has been getting an overwhelming response.

the terrorists own us

8.25: news.pol/free speech/the terrorists own us:
8.25: summary:
. by targeting of journalists for harassment,
police have assaulted a pillar of democracy.
. it is assumed that "civil disobedience" is non-violent;
and it's debated why the police so often
resort to violence in response to that;
I would tend to give the police the benefit of the doubt,
but lately they are getting violent on journalism,
leading one to suspect that there is
something pathological about policing
or the personalities selected to do policing,
or the drugs or steroids that support police .
. good day when robots do the policing .
. but what if the police felt the journalists
were part of a conspiracy with protestors
who were doing things to provoke the police
in order to film more police violence ?
. what was really interesting about this police action
is that it had Obama defending journalists
only to have journalists lash back at Obama
over his war-time treatment of journalism .