
Kevin Ryan deepstate operation with energetics #911truther

7: news.pol/911truther/Kevin Ryan/deepstate operation with energetics:
. I was recently made aware of Kevin Ryan
a 911truther concerned with who did 9/11,
introducing a deepstate operation theory .
. this would fit in perfectly with
Dr. Judy Wood's beam weapons theory
as who else but a deepstate operator
could expose New York to beam weapons?
however, back in 2011 he appears to be
distancing himself from Dr.Wood's theory;
it is interesting that he would use the term "energetics"
to describe conventional explosives
when the Russians used that term for beam weapons .


Dr. Walter Haut vs beam weapon theorists

7.1: pol/911truther/Dr. Walter Haut/beam weapon theorist:
. "Dr Walter Haut" appears to be a fabricated mockery
of my hero Dr.Judy Wood;
amazon.com has Dr Haut listed as writing about
beam weapons on 9/11 -- just as Dr.Wood does --
but none of his books were available or in print,
so I wondered if his series was a publicity stunt
put on by truthers adding to Wood's beam theory
or counter-truthers trying to associate
beam weapon theorists such as Dr. Judy Wood
with conspiracy theorists ad adsurdum
who would have have us distrust
Freemasons, Obama, and FEMA camps
(quite the contrary:
when this country is ripped apart by WWIII,
FEMA camps will be our only source of
food, water, and safe policing
unless you thoughtfully prepared by 2016).
. I couldn't find any other mention on the web
of a Dr Walter Haut but there is a
1st Lt. Walter Haut
famous for being an alien truther .
. here he is talking about aliens
( Glen Dennis, Walter Haut and Mark Bean
Disclosure Project Witness Testimony Archive).


flaxseed and chia vs fishoil

6.27..28, 7.04..05: health/crp/flaxseed and chia vs fishoil:
6.30, 7.4: summary:
. flaxseed and chia are interesting because they are
much cheaper than fish oil, and they contain
ALA, α-linolenic acid, a short-chain omega-3 polyunsaturate,
that can be converted into the very beneficial
long-chain omega-3's found in fish oil .
. ALA needs to be converted to fish oils
(long-chain omega-3 oils, EPA, DHA),
-- men's conversion to DHA is very inefficient:
DHA should be considered an essential fatty acid
(it's found in fish and eggs).
. the conversion to EPA is efficient
only only if your diet is paleo;
ie, low in the omega-6 (vs omega-3) polyunsaturates
that is heavy in grains, grain-fed meat & dairy,
fatty legumes (soy, peanut, chickpea), nuts
and most seeds except flax and chia .
. there was some controversial evidence for
ALA increasing the risk of blindness
or the advanced versions of prostate cancer
but you'd need to take a lot of chia fiber
to start worrying about chia's ALA load .
. getting more of any type of omega-3
may beneficially balance my diet's omega-6
(I get plenty from eggs, nuts, and olive oil).
. some flax has been genetically modified;
"organic" means the same as "non-gmo" .


new chapter in the war on cancer

27: news.pol/healthcare/cancer/new chapter in the war on cancer:
. according to a this JAMA article
with details here at greenmedinfo.com,
A new report commissioned by a working group
sanctioned by the National Cancer Institute
asserts that USA's practice of oncology
is in need of a host of reforms and initiatives
to mitigate the problem of overdiagnosis and overtreatment .

to what extent is menstruation lunar?

25..28: web.psy/to what extent is menstruation lunar?,
summary: fun with Lunar effect


defense.gov remembers WWI 100 years ago

25: news.pol/purges/wwIII/
defense.gov remembers WWI 100 years ago:
"One day the great European War will come out of
some damned foolish thing in the Balkans."
This prophecy came in 1888,
from German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck,
and On June 28, 1914, the excuse for WWI happened
with the assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne,
while visiting Sarajevo, the capital of the
Austro-Hungarian province of Bosnia-Herzegovina
and a center of unrest against foreign rule.
. it lead to the downfall of the Ottoman Empire
which sowed the seeds of the current troubles
in the Middle East .


blogger's health info disclaimer

2016.12.12: fake news disclaimer:
. many of my blog postings are sourced from
organizations that could be generating fake news;
even peer-reviewed science articles
can be corrupted by Big Money.
. my own opinions could unwittingly be
influenced by a number of fake news readings.
. all I can honestly say is that this blog
documents what I actually believed at the time:
I've been deluded before and it will happen again.

22: news.adds/blog/blogger's health info disclaimer:
23: summary:
. when bloggers or other writers
give health and medical info
they can expect that others will be
using the advice for solving their own
health and medical problems,
so, they need to be warned that this is
for informational use only,
ie, it is simply documenting how the
authors are solving their own problems;
and the authors can't possibly solve
all of the readers' problems
because every reader tells a story
and you've got to listen to that story
in order to help the individual .
. readers are also to be reminded
that all actionable medical claims
must be approved by the FDA,
and that the author's claims are not so approved .
. finally, readers are to be given an idea of
what to do with unapproved medical claims:
they can seek a licensed medical professional,
about how to apply the author's info .