
Dr. Judy Wood on openlibrary.org

. this is what I contributed to openlibrary.org,
in their wiki for cataloging every book .

Where did the towers go? 1 edition

About the Book

The 9/11 event (2001) resulted in the "dustification"
of the World Trade Center (WTC) complex;
and this book presents the evidence
for what could have done this.
All conventional technologies are ruled out;
and, many of the features of the event
are similar to Hutchison Effects,
thereby leaving as the only possibility
that this "dustification" was done by
some classified "beam weapon."

worsening weather from EM field pollution?

10.23: news.phy/increasing radio waves and risk of hutchison effect:
Dr.Wood warns of electromagnetic pollution:
. the Hutchison Effect releases  dramatic amounts of energy
by combining a static field with self-canceling radio signals,
that turn transverse waves into longitudinal pulses
in the electromagnetic fabric that light and radio travels on .
. the smart meters, wifi, cell, and digital tv
are increasing the amount of interfering signals
that could accidently produce the Hutchison effect .
. the increase in supercell weather events
has coincided with the emergence of
new radio frequency transmission towers
for the digital television switchover in 2009.

lef.org vs Nordic Naturals #fishoil #omega3

12.4: proj.cook/fisho/lef.org vs Nordic Naturals #fishoil #omega3:
. Children's DHA by Nordic Naturals
caught my eye as the only brand at my local store
that had the "3rd party testing" label
or any mention of a testing agency such as IFOS .

grasshopper socialization

10.17: news.apt`wildlife/grasshoppers/socialization:
. there was a meeting of 3 of the hoppers
(call them north, west, and south);
north came over to west
and they rubbed their back legs like a communication,
and then west flew away to south
as if to say "I'm interested in elsewhere"
in response, north flew in front of west,
and then turned its back on west .

olives and tannin woes

10.27: proj.cook/olives:
. I picked and pitted some of brother Art's olives .
. as the pits are pushed out of the olive,
there is a chunk of olive that comes with it,
which is usually discarded, but I tried to salvage them .
I boiled the pits and then the fruit flaked off;
but it smelled rather unfamiliar, so I tossed that water
even though it had some oil in it .
. then I pureed the half cup of fruit with 2 egg shells,
and re boiled . this smelled and tasted like olives .
. next time I'll skip the fruit separation,
just adding an egg shell puree to boiled pits,
and then do the separation in my mouth .

proc.cook/olive soup:
. cup/2 pitted olive meat was boiled in plenty of water;
the water was tossed, then this was boiled again:
vitamixing of meat and 2 egg shells .

10.28(next day):
olive cake side affects mostly gone now:
. I was having hot urine, sour stomach,
phantom olive odors,
... but I have looser stools now, and more cramping .


salt is real money during inflation!

co.amazon/cook/Himalayan Natural Unprocessed Cooking salt:
The Spice Lab's 1 Kilo Coarse - Himalayan Natural Unprocessed Cooking salt
salt is real money during inflation:
. I like to use this like rock candy,
but I'm a little worried about cooking with it,
because I got the impression that natural salt
is a good source of nitrates (or nitrites?)
and when these mix with protein in the stomach,
they can promote stomach cancer .
. according to a reagan-era top economist
we are headed for an inflationary depression,
and salt will be like real money again .
hoard salt now !

10,000 mcg Methylcobalamin B12

10.2: co.amazon/cook/Superior Source No Shot Methylcobalamin
 Vitamin B12 Tablets, 10,000 mcg:
so much methyl in one place!
. this makes me feel rich;
the methyl form is the best, and the potency is very high;
I'm getting better brain function too,
not like b12 in college with better memory,
but I'm getting more help with creative thoughts
while I'm trying to design software . I'm over 50 now .

#fructose kidney damage short magnesium

10.17: news.health/kidney/fructose damage may be from magnesium deficiency:
"We showed that hypomagnesemia independently predicts
the progression to end stage renal disease
in patients with advanced type 2 diabetic nephropathy" .
"Our findings suggest that magnesium supplementation
may be renoprotective in this population."
[Diabetes Care 2012 Yusuke Sakaguchi]
-- this could be how fructose causes kidney damage:
it creates insulin resistance,
which in turn causes magnesium resistance .