
flat-free tires

 2022.7.2: web.gear/bike/flat-free tires:

. solid tires are slower with

a much higher resistance to rolling

because they don't conform to bumps,

but I have felt such a sense of security

knowing that my commute to work 

will not be slowed by a flat repair,

which can get messy and complicated,

not sure to succeed.

I've gotten a lot of mileage out of amerityre


but they have made some design changes

since the tires I've tried.

. a folding bike I'm considering

comes with:

Muffin® Airless tires installed/$149


. another great choice is Tannus.


the unexpected hazards of being a statistic

 2022.6.22: pol/healthcare/
the unexpected hazards of being a statistic:

. there was a problem with exploding air bags that killed people

but they didn't have them disarmed until replacement

because statistically, if they did disarm the air bag

there would be more people dying from accidents

than there would be deaths from air bag explosions

because seat belts alone are far deadlier than

seat belts with air bags.

. but those statistics just show the cost to society;

what about the cost to my family

when they know I may never have died from an accident

but I did die from an air bag explosion?


regenerative farming for mycelium for ergothioneine #health #diet

 2022.6.20: news.health/diet/ergothioneine/regenerative farming for mycelium:


. regenerative farming means not tilling the soil;

not tilling preserves the fungal biomass of the top soil;

fungal biomass is our primary source of ergothioneine,

an amino acid related to histidine,

which is taken up by the plants we grow in fungal soil,

and then taken up by the animals that eat those plants.

. ergothioneine may be reducing our risk of Alzheimer's,

possibly by protecting mitochondrial function.

. the beef from a regenerative farm also had 

a higher ratio of omega-3 to omega-6.


"cis-gender" are you calling me a cis?

 22.6.6: web.psy/cis-gender/are you calling me a cis?:

. cis-gender people identify as 

the same gender they were assigned at birth, 

while transgender people identify as

a gender different from that assigned at birth.

[Canadian Med Assoc J JUNE 6, 2022]


. I wondered if that terminology was meant to

make straight people ask rhetorically:

"are you calling me a cis?"

but the source of that term actually comes from

their latin definitions.

. there may be trans-nationals

but there are no cis-nationals;

so why should there be cis-genders?

. some confusion comes because 

trans- has 2 meanings in Latin:

you can have a transnational corporation

because trans- can mean "beyond",

so a transnational is beyond national borders;

but you can also have a trans-gender,

because trans- also means "on the other side".

. trans-gender can mean "beyond gender"

if you are choosing to appear asexual or ambiguous,

but conventionally it means moving across genders,

going from one to the other.

lowering vegf helps #amd? several herbs lower vegf #health #diet

 22.6.6: web.health/diet/blindness/amd/

lowering vegf helps amd? several herbs lower vegf:


. several methods of cancer treatment

are anti-angiogenic: they work by

stopping new blood vessel growth.

. one thing that cancers and amd blindness

have in common, is excess production of vegf

(vascular endothelial growth factor)

that causes the rapid growth of blood vessels

that tend to be leaky and result in edema.

. for wet amd (age-related macular degeneration

with high vegf that results in leaks and edema)

the only anti-vegf treatments have been injections

that are very expensive and can be painful.

. several herb are known to lower vegf,

and I wondered if taking them orally

could lower vegf in the eye.


more orange yolk means less AMD blindness

2022.5.23: health/diet/egg/blindness/
more orange yolk means less AMD blindness:


. a yolk that is more orange (than yellow)

is likely to have more lutein and zeaxanthin

that reduces the risk of AMD blindness.

. organic eggs have rules about

the coloring additives added to chicken feed.

. if you are not certain about the quality

of the coloring in your egg,

you can supplement with zeaxanthin and lutein.

[eg, MacuGuard® Ocular Support with Saffron:


10 mg free lutein, 

4 mg meso-zeaxanthin & trans-zeaxanthin.]

. taking the supplement with yolk

might increase its bioavailability

because MacuGuard claims to use Phospholipids

in order to enhance lutein absorption,

and egg yolk contains Phospholipids.

[ Nutrients. 2015


Egg Phospholipids and Cardiovascular Health.

Christopher N. Blesso]


suggestions for a globalized pandemic preparedness and response

 2022.4.12: co.who.int/pol/healthcare/
suggestions for a globalized pandemic preparedness and response:

the intro from WHO:


the form to give your comment:


the question:

“What substantive elements do you think should be included

in a new international instrument

on pandemic preparedness and response?” 

my comment:

. one thing we should do to prepare

is teaching people about who survived the pandemic;

it was people with a diet that promotes

low inflammation, low cortisol, and low insulin,

for enhanced insulin sensitivity.

. and for elders it was high levels of vitamin D, vitamin A,

with vitamin K2 to prevent bone loss from vitamin D,

melatonin, and zinc.

. we don't want a global effort of 

forcing everyone to take risky vaccines,

when we could work to isolate the vulnerable,

while we rapidly build natural immunity,

and get the lock-downs over with sooner!


does copper improve or worsen schizophrenia?

2022.4.10: psy/schiz/diet/copper/
does copper improve or worsen schizophrenia?


. it was found in 1959 that ceruloplasmin, which carries copper,

could improve psychotic symptoms in many schiz'ics.

. however, it was also found that some measure of copper

is elevated in schiz'ia,

or in any condition causing chronic stress or fear.

. ceruloplasmin is used as a measure of copper

because 95% of blood copper is in ceruloplasmin

but ceruloplasmin is an acute phase reactant, 

increased during inflammation, infection, trauma, pregnancy, etc. 

. some who are assuming that copper is a cause of schiz'ia

are theorizing that ceruloplasmin may be 

catalyzing the oxidation of epinephrine 

to some psychosis-inducing indole-like material.

. but if ceruloplasmin can improve psychotic symptoms,

it is likely that the rises in ceruloplasmin 

are a reaction to the stress of schiz'ia,

and not the cause of it.