
ethyl esters of fish oil raise fasting #insulin

7.5: web.health/ethyl esters of fish oil raise fasting insulin:
7.5: 12.29: summary:
. the natural form of fish oil
is to bond the EPA and DHA fatty acides
within a triglyceride or phospholipid;
but a more concentrated cheaper way
is by bonding with an ethyl ester;
testing of olive ethyl ester was positive,
but ethyl esters of fish oils
resulted in significantly increased
fasting levels of insulin
(suggesting they cause insulin resistance?)
. the doses of fish oil were rather high;
so does an equivalent dose of natural fish oil
have a similar effect on insulin ?

more exercise may prevent myopia #health #eyes

news.health/eyes/more exercise may prevent myopia:
7.3: 12.29: summary:
. this study is consistent with the theory that
myopia is related to high blood sugar
that is causing hypergrowth of the cornea;
but the study didn't prove the theory .

some food sanitized with nuclear radiation

7.2: news.pol/healthcare/food is now sanitized with nuclear radiation:
. radiation virtually cooks food;
so it's not easy to tell what's fresh;
there is a label you can see
that tells you your food is not fresh .
what does "not fresh" mean?
is irradiation denaturing proteins or oxidizing vitamins?


AIDS from organ transplant antirejection drugs

6.21: web.med/organ transplant/AIDS from antirejection drugs:
. the first year after transplant with antirejectives
there is increased risk of the same sort of cancers
seen by those with AIDS from HIV infection;
5 years later there is an increased risk of
all the most common cancers .
. if you can get a transplant from a close relative
there is a chance of living without antirejectives .

Mormons are Jewish++

6.19: news.relig/judaism/mormons are Jewish++:
adapted from tabletmag.com:
. unlike many other Christian groups,
Mormons do not believe that
God abrogated his covenant with the Jews
or replaced them with a non-Jewish "new Israel".
Rather, Mormons consider themselves to be
part of the Israelite community including Jews.
. LDS theology is "inclusionist"
rather than supercessionist.

shaver weasel conspiracy

6.18: pos.gear/shaver/weasel conspiracy:
. I had a good electric years ago,
but during my last move sending it by mail
one of the employees went postal on it .
. I looked for electrics but was surprised at
how they all depended on unreplaceable batteries
-- how long is that supposed to last,
so I started using manual razors (blades).
. I reuse one many times by spraying it with alcohol
to avoid water corroding the edge .


6.17: web.health/paprika:
. paprika is dried fruit (to be limited
as an excessive source of oxidized vitamin C);
but even dried, it apparently has a lot of
usable vit'E, B6, lutein and zeaxanthin .


homeschooling for accelerated learning

5.16: news.care/edu/homeschooling for accelerated learning:
The Brainy Bunch: The Harding Family's Method to
College Ready by Age Twelve
by Kip Harding, and Mona Lisa Harding;
-- information about
getting into college through loopholes.
--  "timelines/suggestions about
homeschooling and acceleration"
-- "the Hardings provide a behind-the-scenes
glimpse of the method they iterated over the years
to work for their own family.
It’s enormously useful in that sense.
Young homeschooling families can learn
the pitfalls of trying to replicate "school",
what the challenges of homeschooling are,
that working parents can homeschool too,
[ get older kids to tutor younger ones ]
and how to hack education so that real learning happens."