
curcumin absorption with piperine or Phytosome

1.21: web.cook/curcumin absorption with piperine or Phytosome:
. some believe black pepper is needed
in order to absorb turmeric's curcumin?
. I once said I was leary of black pepper,
but I researched it again,
and found that pepper's piperine extract
is healthier than whole black pepper .
. another way of absorbing curcumin
is by binding it with phosphatidylcholine .
[6.18: curcumin and MAO-B inhibition:
curcumin may inhibit MAO-B .
"Curcumin (10-80 mg/kg, i.p. in mice) dose dependently
increased serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT)
as well as dopamine levels (at higher doses),
and inhibited MAO-A (and in higher doses, MAO-B)"
[ Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2008 ].


foods I use found at iherb

1.20: web.cook/foods I use found at iherb:
. adapted from a list made for a friend
who wanted to do all their supplement shopping at iherb.com .


reversing gum disease

6.13: summary:
. in 2013 I was starting to get a chronic gum infection;
and, for the past few months I've gotten fair results
from twice-weekly flossing, and daily listerine soaks .
. after the listerine I often use 1/4 capsule of
Garden of Life`Raw Probiotics (local fridge).
. when not soaking in listerine, I'm often soaking in
xylitol, green tea extract, and  Ultimate Ascorbate C.
. after meals I soak in Carnitine, arginine,
and ALA (alpha lipoic acid).
. you may get better results from
having any scale removed from roots,
and not leaving other dead things in your mouth
as is the case with root canal jobs .

1.20: news.med/reversing gum disease:
. looking through iherb.com`reviews;
user#alloriginal offers this story:

#selenium helps preserve #vitaminC

1.20: news.health/counterexample to elder's vit'c use:
nutrition.org 1989:
. in the elderly, supplementing with vit'c
resulted in raising the ratio of
dehydro-ascorbate (oxidized C) to ascorbate;
this may be due to their lesser glutathione function
which is needed to reduce dehyrdo-C to vit'C .
news.health/se/#selenium helps preserve #vitaminC:

how to raise #glutathione #health

1.19: news.health/diet/how to raise glutathione:
Mark Hyman, M.D. practicing physician
and founder of The UltraWellness Center,
a pioneer in functional medicine.
. free radicals are handled by a cascade:
from vitamin C to vitamin E to lipoic acid
and then finally to glutathione .
. the production or functioning of glutathione
is depleted by poor diet, toxic medications,
stress, trauma, infections and pollution
(80,000 toxic industrial chemicals,
electromagnetic radiation, mercury and lead).
[see all Glutathione-lowering pollutants .]
. supplements taken consistently:
multivitamin[with good minerals],
fish oil, [long-chain omega-3]
and the following glutathione boosters:

who wrote that constitution? #childcare

1.19: co.self/dream/psy/who wrote that constitution?:
. in this dream,
I was really excited to be in the presence of
someone who helped write our new constitution;
I went over to him and asked:
"is it true that you helped write the constitution?"
. then our shared voice gave me a nudge, saying:
"when you put it like that
to a guy who looks a bit odd,
then you seem to be asking
why that job wasn't done by someone photogenic" .


sodium ascorbate may have stability issues

6.12: summary:
. I was looking around iherb reviews
for what people thought of sodium ascorbate;
wondering if it might be stable like ascorbyl palmitate
only water-soluble instead of oil-soluble .
. I got the impression that anything water-soluble
is more prone to interact with moisture in the air .

ascorbyl palmitate vs Liposomal Vit'C

6.12: summary:
. ascorbyl palmitate is my preferred vit'c,
because it stores longer without refrigeration;
and, the Now Foods product is cheap and trusted;
but, Liposomal Vit'C may have unique benefits .
. it's very expensive and the competition is hot,
so some of the rumors about Mercola's product
may be planted by those working for Livon Labs,
or some other Liposomal Vit'C maker .

1.20: who encapsulated vs who formulates:
. notice Mercola's main encouragement
is that Capsugel is great at encapsulating,
but who formulates what goes inside the capsule?
what did he do to validate the formula?