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bike model owned:
Trice Q, faring, crank shorteners, Terracycle Dual Idlers, rear disk brake
tucson, az, usa, earth, sun#1
software engineer


free podcast hosting 8.24:

[12.20: summary:
. trying to find some place to host audio recordings;
and, youtube.com was my first idea,
but you needed to mix it with video to be taken there .
. there are examples of that being done, I found,
but it looked like a bit of work,
so I kept searching .
. another first idea was podcastalley.com
but that is not hosting, it's just a directory:

. one place that did work out was podbean.com;
the free deal is 5GB Monthly Bandwidth, 100MB Storage,
with loads > 30MB requiring pay-only ftp .
.jpg, .gif, .mp3, .m4a, .ogg,
mp4, .m4v, .mpg, .mov, .avi, .flv, .3g2, .3gp, .wmv, .pdf, .doc, .xls, .ppt, .zip
. I registered for a page on podbean:
and was able to publish:
title: obama health care 2009.8.22
tag: pol, health care;
. recording of Obama stumping for health care
after grumblings about death panels .
--. this was a copy of a news report,
edited for brevity with audacity on the mac .


8.24: aq.addn/net.feeds.feedburner.com/finish:
. feeds.feedburner.com
SmartFeed for both 'docs and 'duh blogs
Reach the widest possible audience
while publishing a single feed on your blog or site.
Translates your feed on-the-fly into a format (RSS or Atom)
compatible with your visitors' feed reader application.

google's knol

8.3: mis.addn/net.knol.google.com/shifting url's:
. I had an url at linkedin.com for my knol:
but it would give an error now unless I shortened it to this:
. which then expands to .../4#
so I guess that number might be for versioning .
. later I'd find the numbers are perm's not versions;
get a link from the perm'link widget ! ]


8.3: news.addn/net.twitter.com/twitter used at Fortune 100 Companies:
. Lots of big brands are embracing social media,
but which platform is most popular?
At least as far as Fortune 100 companies go,
Twitter easily takes the top .

8.30: todo.addn/net.twitter/app's for subj-org'ing:
. another way to use twitter is to see them as emails,
and have a gmail system for them (tagging, org by subj);
it exists google twitter app's

8.31: sci.addn/net.twitter.com/following you:
. it was a false notice, I check the page at twitter,
and that acct has no followers or follows;
just one tweet:
"(Last week, lawyers for the National Bank of Mexico (Banamex)
submitted a memorandum against inv
. the acct's picture of self is a butt .
google the link, and there are other links to duanwz.com
that similarly have twitter acct's whose pict is a female genital scene .


8.6: mis.addn/mac.iphoto

force quit:
. steps needed to trigger the data:
large data set;
edit, crop, froze .
-- how about have the app record inputs?
. below is the report .

froze again but work saved:
. after waiting one hour before doing the force-quit,
iphoto had saved most of the changes
-- wait longer or the luck was from
closing an operation;
eg, after doing several croppings,
ok the changes, and open another tool ?

the Hereafter

7.4: news.relig/islam/believe the Hereafter:
Ruling on the one who denies the Hereafter,
and how to convince him
. how can we be so concrete about
interpretations of "(hereafter)?
. the solid truth I find
is that my ancestor's elders wrote of the hereafter
in order to bring awareness of the
the nature of feelings as being
created by spirits which include
both the deceptive and the omniscient .
. but most of all, the story of the hereafter
is to bring awareness of
the hereafter of feelings:
after self,
there is the same precious feeling in
every other person;
and, worrying about what effect
this world has in the next world
is a tangible model of how
handling situations for my feelings
has important consequences for
the feelings of others
-- and the feelings of self
in the living future . ]

egg fried by loud music

7.16: news.health/egg fried by loud music:
remembers that in the 70's teens would bring raw eggs to a rock concert
and put them on the front of the stage.
The eggs would be hard boiled by the music before the end of the concert
Dr. Earl W. Flosdorf and Dr. Leslie A. Chambers showed
that proteins in a liquid medium were coagulated
when subjected to piercing high-pitched sounds .