10.27: proj.cook/olives:
. I picked and pitted some of brother Art's olives .
. as the pits are pushed out of the olive,
there is a chunk of olive that comes with it,
which is usually discarded, but I tried to salvage them .
I boiled the pits and then the fruit flaked off;
but it smelled rather unfamiliar, so I tossed that water
even though it had some oil in it .
. then I pureed the half cup of fruit with 2 egg shells,
and re boiled . this smelled and tasted like olives .
. next time I'll skip the fruit separation,
just adding an egg shell puree to boiled pits,
and then do the separation in my mouth .
proc.cook/olive soup:
. cup/2 pitted olive meat was boiled in plenty of water;
the water was tossed, then this was boiled again:
vitamixing of meat and 2 egg shells .
10.28(next day):
olive cake side affects mostly gone now:
. I was having hot urine, sour stomach,
phantom olive odors,
... but I have looser stools now, and more cramping .