Showing posts with label med. Show all posts
Showing posts with label med. Show all posts


#Crohn's disease #saccharin #sucralose

1.14:'s disease:
. Crohn's disease, also known as regional enteritis,
is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD);
which can increase the risk of cancer.
. the cause is officially unknown; but,
lifestyle choices that raise risk include
# saccharin or sucralose
# oral contraceptives,
# smoking or 2nd-hand smoke
# diets that provoke yeast or fungal overgrowth
(high in sugar or refined carb's;
or low in fiber that feed bacteria
that compete with yeasts)
# aluminum pollution in urban areas.
# low vitamin D
# nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
# prior use of antibiotics
(often killing the good germs results in
the growth of bad germs after antibiotics are discontinued;
IBD may be the immune system's response to a certain germ;
some are cured with a fecal transplant(good germs);
some go into remission on antibiotics.
. the GAPS diet might also work as an antibiotic:
it is a high-fat low-prebiotic diet that removes bad germs
followed by a fermented diet that adds good germs).
. being left-handed, you might be more inclined
to choose a lifestyle that increases risk.


curcumin for #parkinsons


. curcumin is found in turmeric spice;
curcumin can reduce the progress of Parkinson's
by inhibiting the misfolding and bunching up
of the brain cell protein alpha-synuclein.
. curcumin can reduce ROS (stressful oxygen radicals)
that are associated with Parkinson's.
. alpha-synuclein toxicity can cause apoptosis (cell suicide),
and curcumin can protect cells against that
[BMC Neurosci. 2010].

other things curcumin can do for the brain:
. Curcumin can chelate metals that cause
oxidative damage to lipids, proteins, and DNA.
. it can inhibit inflammation (stongly associated
with brain cell death in Parkinson's)
and, stimulate beneficial microglial phagocytosis
[immune cells in brain eat unwanted material]
to clear amyloid out of brain.

. removing amyloid might reduce the formation of
the α-synuclein amyloid fibrils found in Parkinson's;
because, the α-synuclein tends to form aggregates
when seeded by other aggregates (amyloids)
[J Biological Chemistry 2005].

. curcumin extracts are poorly absorbed;
perhaps the most potent curcumin formula
is Relentless Improvement's Curcumin
unless you're allergic to Polyvinyl pyrrolidone.

lucidamide for #parkinsons

7.22: summary:
. noöpept (available as lucidamide)
has been shown in nerve cells in a dish
to save them from death due to the addition of
the alpha-synuclein that is associated with
cell damage in Parkinson's .
. while this alone hardly warrants use in humans,
noopept is known to be safe for humans,
and is used for enhanced memory and less anxiety.


some flu #vaccines don't contain mercury

7.12: vaccine/beware thimerosal:
. some flu vaccines still contain thimerosal
delivering about 25 micrograms of ethylmercury.
It is known that as little a 0.5 micromole
[114.825 micrograms]* of ethylmercury
[ 5 years of thimerosal-flu vaccines ]
can produce a 50% inhibition of the
brain's most important protective system
against excitotoxicity.


#dementia linked to anticholinergics

2.4: linked to anticholinergics:
. a study in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine,
has linked dementia to "anticholinergic" medicines,
including over-the-counter treatments for
conditions such as insomnia and hay-fever.
. in elderly people, higher doses and prolonged use
(every day for 3 years or more)
were linked to higher dementia risk [cdcbbc].


born 1945 - 1965? #hepatitisC test

/born between 1945 through 1965 is high risk:
The CDC urges everyone born between 1945 through 1965
to get a hepatitis C blood test.
Testing should be initiated with anti-HCV.
A reactive result should be followed by
nucleic acid test (NAT) for HCV RNA.
see rationale.

why would Estrogen agonist promote thrombosis? would Estrogen agonist promote thrombosis?:
Raloxifene (Evista)
Raloxifene is approved for the prevention and treatment of
osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.
It is a mixed estrogen agonist/antagonist
formerly known as a SERM
(selective estrogen receptor modulator).
Side Effects
While side effects are not common, they include hot flashes,
leg cramps and deep vein thrombosis (blood clots).

how is Evista promoting venous thromboembolism?:

breasts enlarged by weight gain but not reduced by weight loss enlarged by weight gain but not reduced by weight loss:
. a postmenopausal woman became obese after using Evista,
(an estrogen agonist or antagonist for bone density)
and it was discontinued after a few years .
. the breasts had gotten larger as she became obese,
but they didn't downsize with the rest of her body
when she lost weight;
perhaps she has poor circulation in breasts
so the fat there is the last to be used?
or, perhaps taking estrogen agonists/antagonists
caused the breast tissue to grow ?


AIDS from organ transplant antirejection drugs

6.21: transplant/AIDS from antirejection drugs:
. the first year after transplant with antirejectives
there is increased risk of the same sort of cancers
seen by those with AIDS from HIV infection;
5 years later there is an increased risk of
all the most common cancers .
. if you can get a transplant from a close relative
there is a chance of living without antirejectives .


Dr.Oz #arthritis cure like #GAPS #diet

2.23: arthritis cure like GAPS diet:
Dr.Oz`guest: Jacob Teitelbaum, MD:
The 6-Week Arthritis Cure:
Rule out and treat infections and food allergies,
which can aggravate arthritis.
I usually treat my rheumatoid arthritis patients
with the antibiotic doxycycline
as this has been shown to be helpful in several studies.
The question is whether it
acts as an anti-inflammatory on its own
or is killing an infection causing the arthritis.
Dr. Oz and Suzanna's JIA 2013.2.21:
. in this show Dr. Oz talks about
a cure for juvenile arthritis
that was reported by the nytimes 2013.02 .


over-fluoridated water might lower IQ

2.13: summary:
. usa's legal fluoride limit may be
higher than needed to control cavities;
and cavity-fighting levels of fluoride
may not significantly lower IQ;
but fluoride is an unnecessary expense:
only people who eat grains and sugar
get the cavities that need to be
patched by this added fluoride .


fish oil for reducing inflammation #arthritis

11.3: oil for reducing inflammation:
fish oil helps autoimmune arthritis 
[Arthritis Rheum. 1995]

Vin Kutty, MS, nutritionist:
Dr. Charles Serhan of Harvard Medical School
reports that the body converts Omega-3 into
joint-protective compounds 10,000 times stronger
than the original Omega-3.
These newly discovered compounds called Resolvins
help stop inflammation.
Minor Diet Changes Make a BIG Difference
. Taking fish oil supplements
is not the only answer to reduce arthritis.
You will need a diet makeover:
Less sugars, less starches and less wheat
(yes, less of even “healthy” whole grain wheat!)
Completely cut out vegetable oils made from
corn, soy, sunflower and safflower.
Use [extra virgin] olive or coconut oils instead.

#med washed out vision

11.1: out vision:
. several eye disorders can give a symptom of
colors seem washed out;
my other vision problem (word being read disappear,
or am distracted from reading by eyes feel full)
seems to be helped by exercising my lens,
so it might be high-pressure glaucoma
since lens exercise may help massage the duct
that is there to release the pressure .

me/med/eye strain/lens exercise helped:
. rapidly alternate between looking at somthing near
and something far away .
. that can cause aggression or excitement too .

#med accelerated wound repair with #arginine

10.29: wound repair with arginine:
. one thing that may accelerate growth for sports injury repair
is arginine and vitamin c .
. quackwatch says arginine doesn't raise growth hormone;
but look at this:
"Arginine Enhances Wound Healing and
Lymphocyte Immune Responses in Humans." Surgery. 1990.


modern #medicine idol worship

10.11, 10.16: pol/healthcare/modern medicine idol worship:
. there are several meanings of "idol worship":
it was believed by the authors of the Bible
that each culture was ruled by its own god,
and that one's own god was the ruler of other gods
such that other gods were basically lifeless
and unable to work magic or bless their followers;
one's god required that certain commands be obeyed
and would provide rewards for doing so;
drugs were outlawed because they cheated the god
by taking rewards without doing the god's will .
. cheating the reward system is a form of idol worship;
because, it doesn't obey the culture's god
therefore it is worshiping some other culture
-- some non-god, an idol .


#ketogenic #diet works when #DASH diet doesn't #cure #hypertension

ketogenic diet works when DASH diet doesn't:
Dr. Steve Phinney`beyond DASH diet:
. a ketogenic low-carb diet cured his hypertension
that was not responding to a DASH diet*
-- he was overweight too (indicating he was
too carb'intolerant for a DASH diet).


why is #GAPS #diet only #bean the white navy?

9.16: is only bean the white navy?:
. the GAPS diet (for Gut and Psych Syndrome)
lowers most types fiber and pours on the fats
in order to flush out the bad germs;
but, it allows the following legumes:
"Lima beans, Lentils, Peas;
White navy beans, properly prepared" .
. navy beans have a high saponin content;
Saponins exhibit antibacterial and anti-fungal activity,
and have been found to inhibit cancer cell growth.
. navy bean is the richest source of
ferulic acid [antibacterial] and p-coumaric acid
among the common bean varieties.
White beans are the most abundant plant-based source of
phosphatidylserine (PS) yet known .


blogger's health info disclaimer

2016.12.12: fake news disclaimer:
. many of my blog postings are sourced from
organizations that could be generating fake news;
even peer-reviewed science articles
can be corrupted by Big Money.
. my own opinions could unwittingly be
influenced by a number of fake news readings.
. all I can honestly say is that this blog
documents what I actually believed at the time:
I've been deluded before and it will happen again.

22: news.adds/blog/blogger's health info disclaimer:
23: summary:
. when bloggers or other writers
give health and medical info
they can expect that others will be
using the advice for solving their own
health and medical problems,
so, they need to be warned that this is
for informational use only,
ie, it is simply documenting how the
authors are solving their own problems;
and the authors can't possibly solve
all of the readers' problems
because every reader tells a story
and you've got to listen to that story
in order to help the individual .
. readers are also to be reminded
that all actionable medical claims
must be approved by the FDA,
and that the author's claims are not so approved .
. finally, readers are to be given an idea of
what to do with unapproved medical claims:
they can seek a licensed medical professional,
about how to apply the author's info .


reversing gum disease

6.13: summary:
. in 2013 I was starting to get a chronic gum infection;
and, for the past few months I've gotten fair results
from twice-weekly flossing, and daily listerine soaks .
. after the listerine I often use 1/4 capsule of
Garden of Life`Raw Probiotics (local fridge).
. when not soaking in listerine, I'm often soaking in
xylitol, green tea extract, and  Ultimate Ascorbate C.
. after meals I soak in Carnitine, arginine,
and ALA (alpha lipoic acid).
. you may get better results from
having any scale removed from roots,
and not leaving other dead things in your mouth
as is the case with root canal jobs .

1.20: gum disease:
. looking through`reviews;
user#alloriginal offers this story:


John E. Whitcomb, M.D anti-aging

4.30: E. Whitcomb, M.D anti-aging:
5.4: summary:
. a friend using integrative medicine for cancer
(using both chemo and functional medicine)
introduced me to an anti-aging doctor
who has a blog I found very helpful
and who has a clinic in Brookfield, Wisconsin
with BHRT (bioidentical hormone replacement therapy)
probiotics, and anti-aging diet management .
. I briefly explore his blog's advice,
and give a summary of his site .