
new parents struggling with infant sleep

 2023.1.18: bk.care/children/
new parents struggling with infant sleep:

. a comment on this book:

Susan R Brooks 2022`Sleeping Problems With Your Infant Or Toddler? Struggle No More!: 

A Parenting Guide With Simple & Proven Strategies To Implement

For You & Your Baby To finally get good quality sleep.


4-star/facts not supported by references:

. there are a lot of references

but the text does not refer to them.

it takes a village:

. there are some ways that optimal parenting can

make a kid's sleeping habits better,

but generally, the way to get good sleep

despite an infant's chaotic schedule

is to get someone else to share in the babysitting.

. when this book mentions co-sleeping

it suggests sharing a bed with an infant

could have you worrying about 

rolling over and suffocating them;

as if that choice depended on how much you worry;

but shortly after that, there is a warning

that infants should not share the same crib.

. shortly after that, the warning is repeated:

don't even put stuffed animals with the infant

because of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).

. some people who delay vaccinations

claim it reduces the risk of SIDS,

but some studies show that 

what actually reduces the risk

is not only keeping infants sleeping face-up,

but also getting them immunized on time.

[BMC Pediatr. 2015:

Association between sudden infant death syndrome

and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis immunisation: an ecological study;

Jacqueline Müller-Nordhorn, et al]

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