
why lie about man-made global warming?

5.14..15: pol/gemini/science/climate change/
why lie about man-made global warming?:
. the evidence for global warming being man-made
is said to be weak or even faked;
but why would the establishment want to lie?
I got a new sense of why
after hearing just what a nightmare it will be
if we can't do anything about it.
. why lie about existence of superhuman aliens?
(astronauts say we are suppressing disclosure)
. we lie for morale, to make us feel safe;
if it were true that global warming
is going to happen no matter what we do
then that would make us feel hopeless,
and people who think the end is near
may act as if they have nothing to lose
which could endanger the establishment.
. we need underground cities
to protect us from climate change
but that is some very expensive housing
and we can't afford to help everyone.

hereandnow 5.14:
. journalist David Wallace-Wells
tells Here & Now's Robin Young
scary excerpts of his new book
"The Uninhabitable Earth".
. warmer women will give birth to
babies that have a lower IQ:
"Temperature affects cognitive performance.
The number of days that a baby spends
in the womb over 90 degrees
can be seen on its lifetime earnings."
. also, warming caused a gut germ to change
which resulted in the extinction of a species:
saiga antelope (a dwarf that lived in Siberia).
. we really can't do anything about this?

. other reasons for lying
might include political control:
we could have a new tax on carbon;
because, even if carbon doesn't harm us;
the tax would help in other ways
to preserve the environment.
. other aspects of anti-warming programs
could promote #wealth4all reductions in population,
increase the use of smart cities
that could enhance surveillance technology
and keep us safer from terrorism.
. see work by Andrew Johnson:
usa control subverted by global gov;
more about UN Agenda 21;
hidden evidence.
. these changes work against the
popular mandate to expand population;
and lying is the only way to
get cooperation for a program
that protects not only wealthy usa,
but also animals and indigenous peoples.

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