
suggestions for a globalized pandemic preparedness and response

 2022.4.12: co.who.int/pol/healthcare/
suggestions for a globalized pandemic preparedness and response:

the intro from WHO:


the form to give your comment:


the question:

“What substantive elements do you think should be included

in a new international instrument

on pandemic preparedness and response?” 

my comment:

. one thing we should do to prepare

is teaching people about who survived the pandemic;

it was people with a diet that promotes

low inflammation, low cortisol, and low insulin,

for enhanced insulin sensitivity.

. and for elders it was high levels of vitamin D, vitamin A,

with vitamin K2 to prevent bone loss from vitamin D,

melatonin, and zinc.

. we don't want a global effort of 

forcing everyone to take risky vaccines,

when we could work to isolate the vulnerable,

while we rapidly build natural immunity,

and get the lock-downs over with sooner!


does copper improve or worsen schizophrenia?

2022.4.10: psy/schiz/diet/copper/
does copper improve or worsen schizophrenia?


. it was found in 1959 that ceruloplasmin, which carries copper,

could improve psychotic symptoms in many schiz'ics.

. however, it was also found that some measure of copper

is elevated in schiz'ia,

or in any condition causing chronic stress or fear.

. ceruloplasmin is used as a measure of copper

because 95% of blood copper is in ceruloplasmin

but ceruloplasmin is an acute phase reactant, 

increased during inflammation, infection, trauma, pregnancy, etc. 

. some who are assuming that copper is a cause of schiz'ia

are theorizing that ceruloplasmin may be 

catalyzing the oxidation of epinephrine 

to some psychosis-inducing indole-like material.

. but if ceruloplasmin can improve psychotic symptoms,

it is likely that the rises in ceruloplasmin 

are a reaction to the stress of schiz'ia,

and not the cause of it.

the definition of schizophrenia

2022.4.10: psy/schiz/the definition of schizophrenia


. schizophrenia as defined by psychiatrists

for diagnostic purposes.

. a bizarre delusion is a belief in something

that the dominant theorists consider impossible,

such as telepathy or magical abilities.


use of a bisphosphonate Fosamax (alendronate sodium) vs vitamin k2 (mk-4)

2022.4.6: health/diet/vit'k2/med/osteo/

use of a bisphosphonate Fosamax (alendronate sodium) vs vitamin k2 (mk-4):


. some studies show that the bisphosphonate 

Fosamax (alendronate sodium)

is not really helpful,and risks might include 

atrial fibrillation, but the evidence is conflicting.

. meanwhile, a study of vitamin k2 (mk-4)

was so effective it was hard to believe!


to optimize a boy's IQ, avoid fluoridated water during pregnancy

2022.3.29: news.health/diet/fluoride/
to optimize a boy's IQ, avoid fluoridated water during pregnancy

. a lower IQ is what makes lead so dangerous,

increasing risky behaviors.

. if your region's water has high or added fluoride,

drinking that water while pregnant with a boy

will lower that boy's IQ.

tea is another major source of fluoride.

. this is not a call to end water fluoridation,

but to drink pure water during pregnancy.

is suicide rejected because we deserve to suffer?

2022.3.28: news.relig/christian/
is suicide rejected because we deserve to suffer?:

. a Tucson public radio story about dying,

said the nurses in a place of dying

will often hear "life review" stories

that are triggered when they ask a visitor:

"you know the dying better than anyone,

are they in need?" 

. when the reporter mentioned that

life review stories can be dark,

I imagined the spouse of the dying basically hinting 

that the dying deserved this medical suffering.

. we are told that suicide is killing,

and the god has a commandment against killing,

but actually the rule is about suffering:

you are allowed to kill if it will 

increase the suffering of the judged,

but not if it will end the suffering of the innocent.

. but are the terminally sick really innocent

in the eyes of the god?

. how many deadly medical conditions are due to 

ignorance of what is healthy,

or willful carelessness, or gluttony?


or you could see the god cares for us:

. how are we supposed to learn from medical research

unless the sick are pushed into experiments

rather than be allowed to euthanize their suffering?

. banning suicide is not about deserving to suffer,

but deserving knowledge and empowerment.


many blog pages crawled but excluded from Google's index

2022.3.27: mis.cyb/net.google/
many blog pages crawled but excluded from index:

 . I was hoping that google indexed everything 

so if I had a quote from my blog,
I would be able to find all of my articles
that mention that quote.
. but there are over 170 pages excluded from being indexed;
some of them are possibly too trivial,
and some may be seen as disinfo,
(or taking on forbidden points of view).
. I gathered all the suppressed pages on one page
so that I could analyze what could be wrong with them.


chronic illness increased after oils of soy, grain, and seeds added to diet

 2022.3.9: health/diet/omega-6/

chronic illness increased after oils of soy, grain, and seeds added to diet:

Dr. Chris Knobbe warns us that we are wrong about

omega-6 oil being healthy at higher doses.

AncestryFoundation 2021


Omega-6 Apocalypse 2 (AHS21)

Catherine Shanahan M.D. 2018: [ad]


Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food.