
eye wear prescription data at home

2023.4.7: update: 19.12.8: aq.med/eyes/
generate eyewear prescription data at home
. one cool thing about at-home testing
of the eye's need for prescription lenses,
is knowing that there are eye wear providers
that accept your eye wear data
without proof that you have a prescription.
. this is valuable to me because
I have not felt comfortable with
the script that my eye doctor wrote:
the distance vision adjustment was
too strong, and the near vision was good for a foot away
when I would like to see what is in my lap.
. my first response was to wear various reading glasses
over my distance vision glasses;
but what I would prefer to do is
just order bifocals with my
preferred prescription strengths.
. I would still see an eye doctor to check for
diseases, such as glaucoma and AMD.


a doctor's path to reversing artery plaque from insulin resistance

19.12.2: tv.med/heart/a doctor's path to 
reversing artery plaque from insulin resistance:
Ford Brewer MD MPH Apr 18, 2017
How I Reversed 20 years of Arterial Plaque: 
Heart Attack Proofing?
. ACE inhibitors, like statins,
are designed for one thing
{lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol}
but they are actually most helpful because
they are reducing inflammation.
. he reduced high-glycemic carbs,
[noted in the captioning]
and because that lowers insulin
which improves blood lipids and pressure,
he was able to lower his dose of medications;
. he also used niacin, and ate salmon every day.


how to avoid malware on flash drives

19.11.20: cyb/sec/how to avoid malware on flash drives:
. any computer is prone to infections from
visiting malware-infected websites or pdf's;
most usb peripherals contain firmware
that can be infected with malware,
so that a website can infect computer firmware;
then it can infect your flash drive firmware
which can then infect other computers.

arrythmia better or worse from low iron?

19.11.25: med/heart/afib/
arrythmia better or worse from low iron?
. an elder who visited the doctor for afib
(atrial fibrillation or arrythmia)
was told that one aggravating factor was that
her ovo-vegetarianism had resulted in low iron
and that she needed to take iron supplements.
. I was surprised to hear this,
because it was previously believed that
higher iron levels involved oxidative stress
and men were being encouraged to give blood
in order to keep their iron low.
[Amer J Epi 1998]
. however, ...


how moderate red wine use affects hormones

19.11.11: web.health/hormonics/diet
/red wine and alcohol:
. red grapes fermented or not
may raise levels of free testosterone (T)
by reducing conversion of T into estrogen;
and can also lower the binding of T with SHBG.
. alcohol may reduce inflammation for heart,
[Dr.Sears, the inflammation zone]
and it may reduce what is binding T,
but may also convert more T to estrogen,
and might reduce progesterone levels.
. red wine compared to white wine,
gives more free T and lower SHBG levels.


#Asperger's syndrome --what is a mental illness? @1a

9.27: psy/Asperger's syndrome/what is a mental illness?:
. an adamant correction by @1a's Joshua Johnson
had me retorting:
how is Asperger's syndrome (autism spectrum disorder)
not a mental illness?

bluff email ransomware for bitcoin# 1C2EbKJCZKtHMJawxBqyzZ9SHQVwRyfist

bluff email ransomware for bitcoin# 1C2EbKJCZKtHMJawxBqyzZ9SHQVwRyfist:
. this letter was in my spam
(Oct 6, 2019, 12:50 PM
subject: Hohe Gefahr. Konto wurde angegriffen.)
seeming to come from my own account;
but gmail warns there is no way to verify this;
it warns of a trojan but I use a chromebook,
which is not so prone to trojans.
. here is what the letter said
translated by google from german
(not necessarily the language of the attacker):


boric acid #cook

9.28: aq.cook/boric acid:
. boric acid has some medical uses;
and, when you get a good price,
it will be for technical grade;
whereas we should have NF or USP grade
for use in eyes, ears, and internally.