
an economic recovery that can save lives

5.2: gear/traffic/4-way speed ripple:
. the most effective traffic light is one that doesn't involve trust:
either there is a rotary that forces slow downs,
or there is a 4way flashing light that not easy to overlook
as 2 people would have to be distracted at the same time .
. a cheaper way is to have a 4-way speed ripple at every intersection,
where the car made noise and vibrated
but without throwing the wheels into the car .
. anyone surprised by this would know they just missed a stop sign .

7.14: pol/econ'recovery can save lives:
. replace all traffic lights with measures that
don't rely on trust of red-light runners:
use radial merge circles,
and 4-way yields that include a speed bump as reminder
of the need to yield ahead .

7.23: rn.pol/health care/kidney failure epidemic:
. there is a major need for kidneys
mostly due to the dramatic rise in diabetes
and high blood pressure [both mostly related to the same
lifestyle choices or entrapments that entail metabolic disorder] .

communism green and democratic

. we should do with jobs
what they plan for health care:
you can have private ownership of business,
but there should be some full job insurance
a sort of communism where taxes are used for
buying stable businesses,
esp'ly job-heavy businesses or automation for creating essentials,
so that everyone can say they own
part of the american money machine .
. when population gets high, then product gets thin,
and so one of the essentials of a gov'
is determining how much a given place can produce,
and not allowing a place's population to exceed its limit .
. democracy can decide who can be parents;
and, parenting-coops share the caring of children
both to share in the joys of raising children,
and ensure against the neglect and abuse
found in private parenting .
. our pay-differentials could be based primarily on
cooperating with democratic parent selection .
. payments from gov to a coop could depend on
how well their pop'control program is going .
. there may also be more pay for
those places accepting immigrants
-- esp'ly when accepting the overflow of
children and their primaries,
from places where democracy dictates a popularity of gene pool
that can't fit within its origin .

7.7: rn.pol/child care/getting into inlaws:
. a radio show about being virtually -- and unexpectedly --
married to inlaws, appeared at first to be proof that
extended families don't work;
in fact,
this was merely proof that 2-parent families don't work:
keep chanting this:
. I'm not your child, I'm the future's adult,
and I deserve the very best parenting science can find .
) .
. with that in mind then,
the way to communalize parenting
is to find whatever folks you can live with,
and share your children with them .
. if you can't get along with any group,
there should be no way you are caring for kids alone .

7.19: free-repro's give wealthy class a bad name
. the rich [as framed by communist dogma]
are really the product of our ignoring
regulation of reproduction:
"(rich) is really code for the attitude of being
free of controls over reproduction (free-repro's);
the attitude of:
. go ahead and reproduce all you want,
think you're chosen because people pity your children?
you're chosen when you command the money to
command even more money:
the free-repro's sent the middle class migrating to america,
the free-repro's merges the small biz's into large biz's
and the free-repro's wonder why even in free america,
the free-repro's are losing their jobs
and being sent to war against that
other free-repro's flavor: communism .

8.22: co.relig/crying about workaholics? why all be family raiser?:
. workaholics are not a problem;
what is a problem is glossing over the fact that
not everybody is going to be a perfect parent !
. communal parenting insures that children aren't stuck
home alone with workaholics .

8.4: fam/pol/society better off parent cooping:

. [someone] recalls the israeli communes were eventually failures,
and parental cooping may be impossible?
well atleast there should be robotic monitoring
(artificial intelligence manning the children's security cameras)
. my main point is that I'm not saying neglect is the parents fault
-- when parents fail and burn their own kids on a regular basis
(hundreds of thousands every year),
then it's time for society to stop being insane,
and realize they are burning us
-- we were all kids at one time .

9.24: rel/communal parenting
. the very fact that only a few parents are incompetent
lulls us into the belief that
"(practically) all parents are competent .
. every year, we uncover thousands of child abuse cases;
and, if our society would admit that this is simply not acceptable,
then they would see the only practically safe parenting
is when we communalize it,
-- eg, by mandating membership in a parenting coop --
to cover for those over-worked parents,
and to also allow parents to watch each other parenting
-- not because we don't trust ourselves --
but because we admit there's no way to tell
who we can't trust .

. I'm all for robots taking all our grunt work,
and for women taking all the mgt jobs:
it's not women's place to stay at home;
but neither is it children's place
to be entrusted to a single- or double-parent homesite .

9.29: relig/christian/communal parenting:
. the new testament noted that
the poor cannot commune with the rich,
which I had sneered was their basis for "(family values);
ie, parents owning their children .
. in fact,
it merely means what you see today:
. birds of a feather flock to the same neighborhoods,
and go to the same churches;
it's been one of the strongest forces in pushing suburban sprawl:
providing the ability for the rich
to avoid being near the poor .
. indeed,
there are plenty of people you might church with
and yet not commune with!
. your commune is your family,
the people who are like those you'd prefer to bed with:
this can entail all sorts of discrimination besides wealth:
race, relig, education, moral codes, ... .
. my thoughts on this seem confused to me now .
. assuming that I recall the story correctly,
JC's disciples thought it communalism was right neighborly,
but in the process of presuming to share the same values
they found that the rich and poor were still clashing .
. being rich might have meant be a saver
(the truth will keep us floating in flood and famine)
being poor might have meant being an evangelist
(the truth will multiply
-- even when it's not so fruitful) .

every game needs regulation

7.5: pol/finance reform/book out of china:
. some euro banker for china is saying
the finance field needs morals ?
. if you want to give a no-equity guy a home loan,
you need to guarantee his job, not his loan!
you really need a communism .
. for bankers,
people cared about their product because
a lethal bulk of our nations jobs depend on short-cycling loans .
. I can see why banks should stay privatized,
but why aren't they writing books crying for regulation? .
. no regulation is like a sport with no doping rules:
how much dope can you take before your liver gets wacked? yo:
how much margin can you spare and still win that lottery ?? .

10.20: co.apt/pol/financial deregulators deserve being leached:
responding to radio news:
. the banks high salaries show they are not humbled by handouts?
we were the greedy ones
being the deregulators who turned their market into a shark tank:
pulling out real regs with teeth .
. how to compete with high-risk loaners
other than to find higher risks
and off-load wherever laws allowed?!

co.apt/pol/moron deregulation/rap:
. the news about being warned about opaque derivatives
was reminding me of 9/11:
talking big bucks to take big risks
(we'd lose big with airlines jacking up security),
and the rich
who put congress through election campaigns
get all their income from stocks
which were going through the roof fueled by the
big bets on those derivatives .
. notice obama got in after congress took
the big money gamble
of telling the big voting block seniors
that they couldn't buy from canada
due to safety issues
when they were obviously funded by
those living off owning big pharma stocks .

Peak Energy

7.20: bk.health/peak energy:

. notes from the book Hamner, D. & Burr B.`Peak Energy:
The High-Oxygen Program For More Energy Now!
New York: G. P. Putnam’s sons, 1988

. pro-oxygenaters: ginseng and dmg .
created when trimethylglycine donates one of its methyl groups .
After giving off a methyl group, TMG becomes dimethylglycine (DMG),
a naturally formed feedback inhibitor of
betaine homocysteine methyltransferase,
although it is a methyl donor in its own right.
TMG is used by the ton in livestock farming,
paired with lysine to increase "carcass yield" .

tylenol has become too-helpful suicide aid

7.2: rn.health/tylenol is too-helpful suicide aid:
. the typical dose of tylenol has crept up;
it's being used discretely in many products
that are often used in combination
without realizing they are double dosing some ingredients .
. tylenol's useful dose is very close to its
liver-killing lethal dose .

Comfort keyboard has short lifespan

7.31: mis.addn/ergo.kybd/failure after plugging into mac a second time:
. this time on the mac I was trying it from my bedside,
and doing it without the ups for the first time .
. the first time it seemed like the touchpad wasn't registering,
so I replugged in both,
and that's when the ergo.kybd stopped registering .
. it was obtained through this discount place that took forever
-- as if they were waiting for returns they could refurbish!


mac'finder needs better undo or trash backup

7.19: mis.addn/mac/finder needs better undo or trash backup:

. I should have fixed that cranky card drive
so it would fit the usb socket:
it has this habit of spontaniously losing its connection
-- sometimes during a folder transfer --
so that it will leave an empty folder at the destination;
then when you try the transfer over again,
it says you're overwriting a folder of the same name .
. if you're sure it's from connection loss,
then it's safe to overwrite,
but if your downloading a camera folder,
and didn't rename the last download,
then you need to stop and rename .
. in this case I had both a connection problem,
and I'd forgotten that I recently downloaded without renaming,
so I accidently overwrote this morning's photo' set
with the most recent photo download .

mac does the strangest undo:
. I was hoping I could do something user-friendly on the mac
like cure an accidental overwrite with a simple undo;
unfortunately, even the 10th version of mr.user-friendly
is falling flat on its iconic smiley face .
. the undo returns the moved folder to it's original location;
but, it has not returned the overwritten folder to the mov's destination;
so, try undo again, then it asks for admn permission .
. OK'ing that, I then notice the overwritten has appeared since then
and is now being removed? did I see that right? .
. testing again, I see what happens is that
the next undo (cmd-z) is actually an undo the undo: [redo mov] .

. I'm really surprised that
while the cocoa frameworks supports infinite undo,
the system finder doesn't take advantage of it .
. this is the same stupid behaviour you get from ms`dos:
it has a trash can for things you delete,
but not for things your app's will delete with an overwrite .

. that should be my highest developer priority:
a suite of common app's that provide universal undelete .
. instead of asking you those stupid questions,
it simply renames your name-clashes
unless you ask for clashes to be moved to trash .
. it also offers to do an ms`dos-style merge of clashing folders
if you set the configuration that way:
this merges an subfolders that have clashing names,
and unlike ms`dos,
it will rename filename clashes during a merge
unless you ask for clashing folders to be moved to trash .