
music to study by

7.16: todo:
. find background music that increases concentration .

7.18: web.addn/background music increases concentration:

. I can't believe people are generally entranced by classical music;
after much searching I found the best genre was
-- what else -- trance!
. in fact, there was proof that classical was not helpful: ]

[12.16: electronica was the first genre among free tunes I found
that was both feel-good and not distracting with lyrics:]
. add tunes (garageband is a common studio),
listen to ilikes by genre .

spendy ideas:

7.21: mis.addn/mac.firefox/report crash:
. when I was using an mp3 player at garageband.com
it wouldn't load the entire thing;
I kept trying this, and then it crashed .
. other times it would not load the song details,
but then the next button press it would .

7.21: proj.addn/dev.audio/stream juicing:
. I'm in love with just some parts of colide`razor sharp;
now how to get just the juice?
. set soundflower to pipe garageband.com into audacity;
cut out the parts leading up to or interrupting the juice .
. make mp3, find how to repeat it in itunes:
open with itunes,
file/new playlist,
drag icon to playlist,
open playlist,
controls/repeat/{one, all};
play song .

7.21: feel guilty? buy the cd! Chasing The Ghost
Shipping: $2.97, Total: $17.96

7.27: proj.addn/dev.audio/audacity with cd:
. ask audacity to open an aiff into a new project .
. audacity brought it in just as if I'd recorded it via soundflower;
the play button started it up;
but when I asked for a bunch of zoom-in's,
it was playing 1sec of left channel, then 3sec's of silence,
then again for the right channel, repeatedly;
all while displaying the unresponsive button,
for 3min's;
then it was continuous but scrambled .
. sounded like it was abusing the cd player drive?
kill anything using that, and eject .
. when I opened the audacity project again,
playing it resulted in no movement from the volume bars, and no sound;
but the data appeared to be there .
. tried opening it, said it was doing the same import,
and then again no sound after pulling the cd out .
. this time (after doing what?) it says I can export to {mp3, ogg, etc},
so try ogg: blank .
. try opening and keeping the cd while trying to ask for edits?
. if you select what it just imported, then the play.button plays,
and the record.button goes through the motions but does nothing .
. select entire tract and export as ogg;
it's doing this .
. ogg is like jpeg, having a quality 0-level (lowest) is 2.1mb,
10-level (highest) is 14.1 mb
while the m4a that itunes made is 9.2mb .
. after saving a selection like that,
then when saving the project, it did save with a lot of data .
and, it's making sound without the cd!
-- this is where I wanted to be, with audacity making a lossless copy .

8.26: sci.addn/net.pandora.com/re-try:
. garagband.com down? try pandora... new age ambient,

mis.addn/net.pandora.com/find its browser window to continue music:
. pandora down? need to find the window asking if you're still there .

. boo a song? doing that makes the station your own;
prev' owner's changes will stop being applied .

sci.addn/net.garageband.com/get different for better service:
. pandora boring? garageband has been witholding access to my fav'lists;
but, what about asking for something diff'nt?
see garageband`group-specific: Zygadenus Elegans` Everything
.... ok .

9.2: news.addn/net/free tunes:
. I used to use Pandora a lot but it isn't available in Canada anymore
so now I use Blip.fm
. if they want a similar service that will work in any country
Oh, and more free music with an eclectic bent:
for those in the UK:
or Spotify -- need to download a programme

9.2: pos.addn/net.pandora.com:
. changed [ambient].channel to [study flow];
changed [new age ambient].channel to ambient.channel .
. started out on psy trance moving what I like to [study flow],
but there's so much of what I like,
I just move what I do like but is breaking flow to:
has words? electronica,
no words? ambient;
but then for [psy trance]:
. when it has words, all the words were spoken;
words (not singing)? ambient .

9.6: addn/net.pandora.com`psy trance for study:
. most people using music to enhance learning
would use certain classical music to study by;
I found that rather surprising
because after exploring the suggested classics
they seemed to be very expressive, as if telling a story;
and, this may help IQ by stimulating the mind;
but, I think it only works as a pre-treatment:
as a concurrent activity the classics were always hogging my attention .
. many of them were also curiously aggravating,
perhaps familiarity breeds contempt?
but then it reminded me of being surprised on the bus
when some would become vocally angry
at others talking around them in a foreign language .

9.10: news.addn/net.pandora/has a monthly limit,

9.13: aq.addn/net.pandora.com/You Are Approaching your Free Listening Limit:

date Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 5:29 PM
You Are Approaching Your Free Listening Limit

We wanted to let you know that you are approaching your monthly free listening limit. Pandora gives you 40 hours of free listening per month.
Why is free monthly listening limited?

If you'd like to listen more, you have three options. We hope that one of these works for you:
1. Pay 99 cents. Once you reach Pandora's free monthly listening limit,
the music will stop and you will be presented with an option to pay just 99 cents
to continue unlimited listening for the rest of September.
This is a one-time fee which requires a credit card,
and it does not recur automatically.
2. Pay $36 to upgrade to Pandora One.
For unlimited monthly listening as well as other cool features,
you can upgrade to Pandora One for $36 per year.
Learn more about Pandora One
3. Pay Nothing. If neither of the above options is right for you,
simply come back in October to start listening to your stations again.
The Pandora Team

. it's a one time fee means it's not recurring,
you have to pay again every month .
1) Pay 99 cents for the rest of the month. In the message window that has appeared, you can pay 99 cents to receive unlimited listening hours for the remainder of that month. You can only pay the 99 cents when you actually hit the limit and the music has stopped. Anything you see until then is just a friendly warning that you're approaching the limit.
The 99 cents is a one-time fee which requires a credit card, and it does not recur automatically. We use the same security measures banking sites use to protect your credit card information.
NOTE: Paying the 99 cents does not remove advertising, or the daily skip limit; it just gives you unlimited listening hours for the remainder of the month.
If you reach the listening limit in a future month, you will have the option to pay 99 cents again with just a few clicks.

my response:

. that is a good deal ...
. another way is to use several vmwares,
or delete cookies .
. it does cost energy to stream music ...

the only miracle was tele.conspiracy

relig/jesus.christ/the only miracle was tele.conspiracy:
. the leadership of j.c's day said that
being crippled was due to god cursing them
for the sins of their past or their family;
this was actually true in the sense that
sins such as breaking social taboos
were met with a massive tele.whispering campaign
which left the sinful unable to work with others, jobless,
and wondering how they could get more money as beggars .
. the leadership officialized this social rejection by mandating:
"(no distractions in the temple) .
it wasn't the evil leadership that was being unfair with the crippled;
rather it was a reflection of what people considered to be a distraction .
. jesus found himself rejected for being conceived out of wedlock,
and this personal experience made him very sensitive to the
unfairness of social taboo reactions;
we are told his only friends were other social rejects .
. the Spirit of Fairness fought back with its own tele.whispering campaign:
. jc's powers came from tele.conspiracy,
where the only one's who were called by the Spirit to be cured
were those afflicted either with mental illness,
or with having to fake a physical illness in order to
cover for being mentally ill or socially rejected .

god the man -- bible(Numbers, 23, 19)


co.relig/jesus.christ/god the man -- Numbers 23:19:
"God is not a man, that he should lie,"
says the Scripture in Numbers 23:19,
The context of this passage is
Balak's hiring of Balaam to curse the children of Israel.
Although Balaam attempted to curse the Israelites God forbid him,
and commanded him to bless them instead. After doing so,
Balak was upset at his actions. As a result Balaam went back to God
to try to get God to allow him to curse the Israelites. God still refused.
Numbers 23:19 is part of Balaam's speech to Balak
concerning the Lord's answer.
He said that God is not a man that He should lie,
or the Son of Man that He should change His mind.
God had spoken what He had spoken,
and that was the end of the story.
Balaam was told to bless the Israelites, and He did.
Now that He had blessed them, and subsequently God had blessed them,
there was no reversing the blessing.
. from reading that it appears that "(god is a man)
means (god works through a man)
which is a far cry from the christian christ is god .
. anywhere you find jc talking about himself as god,
it is referring to being one of many that had been used by god,
certainly not "(the only begotten son) .

president's summary of health insurance reform

news.pol/health care reform/pres' summary:
. the primary concern is that costs be controlled,
and that people get the coverage they paid for .
. right now these insur'co's spend there time looking for ways to
not discontinue coverage for those that have already paid their premiums .
. the gov-run alternative is not tax subsidized:
it will be competitive with other insur'co's by demanding premiums .
. if you can find a lower premium you can trust from elsewhere, buy it .
my commentary:
. and this is great for controlling costs;
because, if we can get everyone paying premiums for some coverage,
then we can get money to pay for all those free-loaders
that pay no insur' and then demand charity and the emergency room .
. this is what is making the cost of healthcare skyrocket for the rest of us .
. all those conservatives who want the gov out of this,
what sytem are they conserving anyway?
the system we have now is without accountability,
the majority is demanding that emergency rooms do this charity work,
but then they have no plan for how to pay for it!
. the purpose of the fed is to defend us from predators,
and this sea of free loaders on emergency room service
is a vicious parasite .


. healthcare-now.org'ers don't know what the obama-congress plan is yet
but it can't be good with private insur's still at the table .
. if you're a doctor then you're still dealing with a bureacratic jungle
as patient care depends on the system ...
my response:
. actually doctors do have the power to simplify their paperwork:
they have to accept all fed-insured's (very simple)
and then as much as they want to complicate their life,
they can accept various other private-insured's .
. private insur's can keep the american way by niche marketing;
eg, their line is:
. your fed insurance is all about prevention,
but our doctors won't pressure you to make healthy lifestyle changes;
they get paid for the work they do, not the work they prevent .
. if you can afford our royal premiums, you get royal treatment .
) .

gpl can be american not communism

co.apt/pol/gpl can be american not communism:
[. gpl was once accused of being unamerican communism
in that it stifled competition and reduced quality
by giving the masses low-quality but free substitutes .]
. the key to good competition while revealing source code,
is the fair use of software patents .
. patents are fair when they do not interfere with creativity:
there should be multiple algorithms for doing a job
and a patent goes to those who prove they have an algorithm that is not obvious,
and that is performing better than the obvious .
. even without patents,
the gpl doesn't require documentation be distributed;
so then openware can still demand pay for their programs
by having a copyright on their documentation .
[also, the original vision of the gpl
was that if we all bought your software,
we should be able to share improvements on your software .
. we are not locked into your unamerican but natural habit
of trying to lock us into buying an endless progression of fixes .
. gpl does not mean that we can share your code among
those who did not buy your program . ]

british involvement

. recalling historian claimed that
brit's invited zionists into palestine;
actually, zionism had been a vivid dream of many jews at the time,
and perhaps they simply chose that time for other reasons
so that rather than inviting them,
the brit's simply allowed an immigration that zionists were pushing anyway .
. I've felt this heaviness thinking that the next ww is coming from zionism,
and was paranoid about others thinking that britain
(whom I have citizenship with) really started Israel .
. even if they did, you'd want to look at the actual policy:
how did the state come to make that decision,
and was it a healthy democracy that produced that head's position?
ie, was that decision based on constitutional values,
values generally held by the common man ?
. for example, you could say that much of what usa`pres' Bush did
was a nutty, fundamentalist religious fanaticism,
but how much of it was really just the common cowboy hating arabs? .
. look at how ferociously militarized the religious can be in the uk:
the protestant vs catholic clashes,
just a blood bath over how to follow the Lamb?
. you might imagine there was a large body seething about those muslims,
and you can pretend to defend bullied jews,
but what you really are is
proud christians sneering at those muslims,
like you've always done for a 1000 years .