
#oleic acid and #breast #cancer

10.1: web.health/cancer/oleic acid and breast cancer:
10.4: summary:
. there is some confusion between oleic acid
and virgin olive oil rich in oleic acid .
. frying with refined oils is not healthy,
but simmering virgin olive oil in herbs may be ok .


reasons to cook oils at lower temperatures

9.30, 10.3: web.health/reasons to cook oils at lower temperatures:
Advanced Glycation End-products:
Foods with significant browning, caramelization,
cooking done at temperatures above 120°C (248°F),
the use cooking oils high in polyunsaturates
as opposed to monounsaturates (olive oil, almond oil, ...)
will result in Advanced Glycation Endproducts (AGEs)
which increases inflammation and causes heart disease .


Revised Rules for the Food Safety Modernization Act #FDA #organic #healthcare #petition

9.26: co.pol/healthcare/fda/
Revised Rules for the Food Safety Modernization Act:
petition to FDA:
I read with interest that your agency has released
several revised rules pertaining to the
2011 Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).
I was pleased to see that the FDA listened to stakeholders.
Your revisions are heading in the right direction,
but unfortunately they don't go nearly far enough.


PĒCE Do Happy Today outreach

9.22: co.pol/Partnership for Equity and Civic Engagement
/Do Happy Today outreach:
. PĒCE (Partnership for Equity and Civic Engagement)
had a planning meeting for their Do Happy Today outreach .
 . part of happiness is getting a sense of community;
(eg free food may bring the community together)
. do you measure success in gross domestic product,
or do you measure it in national happiness levels ?
. and consider long-term happiness too:
you're high on sugar but what did alzheimer's cost?
you feel lucky but are you prepared for
climate change and limits to population growth?
. as a closing message,
I seconded the gentleman who earlier showed concern about
preparing for climate change:
even 3 days without infrastructure
would be as devastating as nuclear bomb .
(he adds that people are happy when they are grateful,
rather than being grateful when they are happy).
. we should use some of this time promoting happiness
to talk about long term happiness
remind people how fragile our supply chain is,
and that we need to relocalize,
telling people about backyard gardens and chicken raising .
[ but perhaps not a good message for a desert like Tucson
as it has more people than local water supplies .]


#USAFREEDOMAct reauthorizes #PATRIOTAct until after #wwIII is over

news.pol/privacy rights
/#USAFREEDOMAct reauthorizes #PATRIOTAct until after #wwIII is over:
. it's ok to lose privacy; we're in a war until 2017;
and after that we're in a global union;
how can you keep global peace
without keeping an eye on every guy
since you can't know who's evil until you look .
sign the petition:


the most paleo nuts

9.17: news.health/diet/omega-6/the most paleo nuts:
. "paleo" refers to a Zone diet (hormonics),
that keeps the glycemic index low (all nuts win)
and balances the omega-3 to match omega-6
(nuts and seeds vary widely in this regard).
. total poly'oils should be low relative to
mono'oils, and the good, non-palmitic sat'fats
(the palmitic sat'fat when combined with grains
will promote strokes and heart attacks)
. proteins that were not complete
were usually lacking lysine, and/or cysteine/methionine .
. the omega-3 found is usually Linolenic(18:3);
the omega-6 is Linoleic(18:2).

why is #GAPS #diet only #bean the white navy?

9.16: web.med/GAPS.diet/why is GAPS.diet only bean the white navy?:
. the GAPS diet (for Gut and Psych Syndrome)
lowers most types fiber and pours on the fats
in order to flush out the bad germs;
but, it allows the following legumes:
"Lima beans, Lentils, Peas;
White navy beans, properly prepared" .
. navy beans have a high saponin content;
Saponins exhibit antibacterial and anti-fungal activity,
and have been found to inhibit cancer cell growth.
. navy bean is the richest source of
ferulic acid [antibacterial] and p-coumaric acid
among the common bean varieties.
White beans are the most abundant plant-based source of
phosphatidylserine (PS) yet known .


reinterpreting "Lord you gave your life so I could be free" #liberal vs #christian

9.9: relig/christian/"Lord you gave your life so I could be free":
. I heard this line on a christian music station:
"Lord you gave your life so I could be free".
. "Lord's life" means Jesus;
but that line also makes sense within my religion theory,
which does not equate Jesus with the god
(I assume, without being a Muslim,
that Jesus was one of many sincere and wise prophets;
ie, people who are correcting their culture).