
reinterpreting "Lord you gave your life so I could be free" #liberal vs #christian

9.9: relig/christian/"Lord you gave your life so I could be free":
. I heard this line on a christian music station:
"Lord you gave your life so I could be free".
. "Lord's life" means Jesus;
but that line also makes sense within my religion theory,
which does not equate Jesus with the god
(I assume, without being a Muslim,
that Jesus was one of many sincere and wise prophets;
ie, people who are correcting their culture).


lecithin granules lipid composition #cook

9.7: web.cook/lecithin granules/lipid composition:
. I've been thinking of using more lecithin
such as Now Food's non-GMO soy lecithin granules
by using it in all my cooker recipes;
so, how much omega-6 am I getting ?
granules are 33-35% soybean oil,
and half of that is an omega-6 poly'oil;
also 10% of soy oil is palmitic acid,
the bad (atherogenic) saturated fat,
which becomes dangerous when adding grains to diet .


#usa was and is stingy with #Jewish immigration #5777

8.27: news.pol/zionism/usa was and is stingy with Jewish immigration:
9.6: summary:
. this is my edit of an article by
tabletmag's Mark Oppenheimer August 27, 2014 
[ with my comments in brackets ];
. this article reminds us that some Jewish people
are not that excited about Zionism
but the usa offers them no place to go but Israel
when things are getting much hotter for Judaism
in Europe, but also soon in Israel .
. it seems obvious that Zionism will lead to WWIII
and that is going to devastate not only Israel,
but major cities in the usa, by Fall 2016 .
. we should invite more of the Jewish gene pool
into rural america .


#liberals associated with #Lyme disease

8.27: news.pol/liberals associated with Lyme disease:
. this map of gay marriage (liberal) states (found here)
is similar to the Lyme outbreak density (found here).
. the Lyme ticks are thickest in liberal states
except clean NewMexico is liberal,
and infested Wisconsin is not .

webcam pedophilia sting operation like drones

8.27: news.pol/children's rights/
webcam pedophilia sting operation like drones:
27: summary:
. webcam pedophiles (defined as those who are
asking children to masturbate in front of the webcam
and may involve exposing children to adult masturbation)
are getting caught by a new policing strategy
because they can't tell the difference between
a human and a computer-generated character;
and, they show their face during the crime,
which can lead to identification of the offender .

Morphic Resonance #parapsych #paraphysics

8.27: news.psy/parapsy/Morphic Resonance:
. the idea that your brain's memory is more like a
radio receiver than a computer storage,
is included in a theory known as Morphic Resonance .
. just as there is a shared evolving memory for minds
there are shared memory stores for some natural laws
such as epigenetics and crystal formations .
video: Dr Rupert Sheldrake: 
"Morphic Resonance, 
Collective Memory and the Habits of Nature" .


#solar #oven by sunoven.com

2014.2.9: web.gear/solar.oven/compare amazon offerings:
All American Sun Oven

base oven is $294.00, extras is $45.5:


Antichrist war is officially declared

news.pol/purges/wwIII/Antichrist war is officially declared:
defense.gov Aug. 21, 2014:
Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey,
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
ISIS has an "apocalyptic, end-of-days" vision 
that will eventually have to be defeated.