
the surprising benefits and costs of urinals

11.26: gear/urinal/unisex

. find a urinal that can double as a backup potty,
like the Passport Potty, but it's ok to spend more
on something less annoyingly small .
[12.31: Passport Potty:
$70 non-spillable toilet" passport potty toilet 1.0
(10L #6003, 2.6gal water closet, 2.6 gal sewage)
509 921 5350
wholesaler" maurice sporting goods; 4674 aircenter circle; reno, nv 89502-5949
importer" cedar key manufacturing; northbrook, illinois 60065
manufac" sanitation equipment ltd; ontario, canada, L4K 2S7
The problem with urine is that it is
the main source of some of the chemical nutrients
that have to be removed in sewage treatment plants
if they are not to wreck ecosystems downstream.
Despite making up only 1 per cent of the volume of waste water,
urine contributes about 80 per cent of the nitrogen
and 45 per cent of all the phosphate.
Peeing into the pan immediately dilutes these chemicals
with vast quantities of water,
making the removal process unnecessarily inefficient.
A lucky few, however, live or work in
one of the buildings in continental Europe
where you can find a future must-have eco-accessory:
the urine separation toilet.
These devices divert urine away from the main sewage stream,
allowing the nutrients to be recycled rather than treated as waste.
They could solve all the environmental problems associated with urine
and even turn sewage plants into
net producers of green, clean energy.
Tue Mar 04 16:41:28 GMT 2008
Is any one in the USA working on the urine separation toilet
what to do with the urine? Personal Systems?
There is a lot being done in other parts of the world,
little in the US, I work in Ecuador.
also my blog inodoroseco.blogspot.com (Spanish).

The liquid waste vessel will contain approximately 2.2 gallons of urine.
The translucent material of the container allows easy visualization of the liquid level.
review (with good pictures):
. the way it's shaped and how narrow it is,
you'd think urinating would present a back-spray problem .

This urine-diverting composting toilet – which is 100 percent PVC fee –
uses no water and keeps solids separate from liquids,
reducing odor and making it possible to reuse waste and urine
for composting and fertilizing.
The Separett Villa can be deployed where no plumbing exists,
allowing for a greater reach of the technology
www.ecovita.net Separett of Sweden Urine-Diverting Composting Toilets
Ecovita is the exclusive North American supplier
of Separett urine-diverting composting toilets. www.separett.eu/
--Separett urine-diverting composting toilets
and waterless urinals provide attractive, inexpensive,
easy-to-maintain, odor-free ecological sanitation
for waterwise comfort!
A urine diverter only to make your own system or to improve an existing pit latrine
The Separett Privy kit transforms your outdoor toilet
into a modern urine-separating toilet
As urine and solids are separated,
you are spared latrine odor and the waste is very easy to take care of.
Feces collect in the latrine or a garbage bag while urine drains via a hose
to a soakaway or tank.
The kit is easily installed under the bench of the outdoor toilet.
To ensure comfort all-year-round,
the kit includes a seat that feels warm as soon as you sit down.
Comes with plans for making a urine-diverting composting toilet
and a graywater system.

Just under the seat is something called a Separett,
a device that sends urine through one hole and feces down another.
Each lands in lidded, 5-gallon containers,
which are vented to the outside
and accessed through a small door on the side of the house.
When the receptacles fill up, they're emptied.
Nitrogen-rich urine is diluted with water
and fed to plants;
feces is left to mellow for a year,
at which point it has decomposed enough
to ameliorate health concerns
and can be used for amending soil.
. I found a Separett online and bought it for $127.
I planned to put my backup toilet in my bedroom.
The chief environmental health specialist
for the L.A. County Department of Public Health
couldn't tell me if composting toilets were even legal,
so I also wanted to make sure my system could be easily disassembled.
Following advice from the Separett manual
and a book that is something of a composting toilet bible,
"The Humanure Handbook,"
I affixed the Separett into the supporting sides of the bench,
just beneath its hinged lid. I set up the collection buckets.
. used hamsters' pine bedding for the "bulking agent" .

$1,399 BioLet 30 NE, Non-electric composting toilet (homedepot.com)
A waterless composting toilet used primarily where it is not practical or economical to install a conventional toilet. It is an on-site, self-contained, biological toilet that uses aerobic decomposition and evaporation to reduce human waste to a nutrient rich, hygienically safe humus. The BioLets reduce the volume of waste entering the toilet by approximately 90%, leaving only 10% of the original volume for disposal. This can be recycled back to nature in a safe way w/out polluting the environment.

* Most Advanced Composting Toilet In The World!
* Requires no water, septic, or chemicals and produces no odors!

hormonics in pregnancy

. in the United States, One in eight babies is born prematurely,
defined as before 37 weeks of gestation,
a rate that is twice that in most European countries.
Spontaneous labor accounts for 50 percent of preterm births,
30 percent occur after the spontaneous rupture of the membranes,
and 20 percent involve medically induced deliveries
to protect the health of the mother or the infant.
The hormone progesterone has been shown to help prevent premature labor and delivery, ...
--[notice that need for progesterone
may be implicated with estrogen dominance ]--
. but why would usa women have more problems with estrogen dominance
than european women, when they both have industrial diets?

whey selection

11.12: web.aq.cook/iherb.com/lef`whey ok? yes:

The whey protein isolate is made using a process known as
Cross Flow Microfiltration,
which produces an isolate that is 87% protein,
99% of it in the bioavailable undenatured from,
and retains all important subfractions in their natural ratios.
This protein contains low amounts of sodium, and added BioFerrin
which is a 95% pure bioactive form of lactoferrin.
The Enhanced Life Extension Protein has up to 300% more lactoferrin
than other whey protein supplements on the market.

With the array of more recent processing techniques used to make WPI's
- or pull out various subfractions - such as Cross Flow Micro filtration (CFM¨)
CFM¨ is a trade mark process of Glanbia Nutritionals,
a large dairy company out of Ireland with offices in the US.
ultra filtration (UF), micro filtration (MF), reverse osmosis (RO),
dynamic membrane filtration (DMF), ion exchange chromatography, (IEC),
electro-ultrafiltration (EU), radial flow chromatography (RFC)
and nano filtration (NF),
manufacturers can now make some very high grade and unique whey proteins.
Perhaps the most familiar micro filtered isolate to readers, would be CFM¨*.
Although the term "cross flow micro filtered" is something of a generic term
for several similar ways of processing whey,
The CFM¨ processing method uses a low temperature micro filtration techniques
that allows for the production of very high protein contents (>90%),
the retention of important subfractions, extremely low fat and lactose contents,
with virtually no undenatured proteins.
CFM¨ is a natural non-chemical process which employs high tech ceramic filters,
unlike ion exchange,
which involves the use of chemical regents
such as hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide.

inflammation syndrome and colon cancer

11.16: health/colon cancer

. inflammation syndrome seems to be a key;
foods tend affect risk in proportion to their inflammation index:
grain-fed meats, high-glycemic fruits
are inflammatory,
while wild fish and low-glycemic veg's
are anti-inflammatory
. aspirin too reduces both risk and inflammation,
though the dose that might be useful
might also be kidney problems .

inflammation syndrome
. conditions that contributes to inflammation of the colon can lead to cancer.
Diabetes Can Lead to Colon Cancer
According to WebMD, people with diabetes have a 30-40%
increased risk of colon cancer.
So it's important to maintain a normal weight
and to lose weight if an individual is obese.

. a person who already has had colorectal cancer
may develop the disease a second time.
. those who have chronic inflammatory conditions of the colon,
such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease,
also are at higher risk of developing colorectal cancer.
# Diet. A diet high in fat and calories and low in fiber
may be linked to a greater risk of developing colorectal cancer.
# Lifestyle factors.
You may be at increased risk for developing colorectal cancer if you
drink alcohol, smoke, don't get enough exercise,
and if you are overweight.
# Diabetes.
People with diabetes have a 30-40% increased risk
of developing colon cancer.
2006, vol. 15, no12, pp. 2391-2397
Obesity and diabetes are established risk factors
for colorectal cancer but have mainly been assessed independently.
There are few data about whether the metabolic syndrome,
which refers to a clustering of cardiovascular disease risk factors
thought to be related to insulin resistance,
including obesity, type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension,
is associated with colorectal cancer risk.
Out of the markers of the metabolic syndrome assessed,
overweight and diabetes are risk factors for colorectal cancer,
whereas, in contrast to their role in cardiovascular disease,
elevated blood pressure and hypercholesterolemia are not.
It has been shown that smokers have a 30-40% greater chance
of acquiring colon cancer than non- smokers.
Obesity can increase the risk of cancer of the colon by up to one third.
High alcohol intake is also known to increase the risk of colon cancer.
However, some common drugs, such as aspirin-like painkillers
and hormone replacement therapy,
are known to reduce the risk of bowel cancer.
Low fat, high fibre diets appear to carry a lower risk.
Greater consumption of vegetables and fruit has also been shown to reduce the risk.
Increased consumption of red meat and processed meat
has been linked to a higher risk.
By comparison, eating fish does not appear to be a risk factor.
Some evidence suggests that certain dietary supplements,
such as calcium, selenium and, possibly, folic acid
can reduce the risk.
obesity from eating for stress may be another link
More Evidence Stress and Cancer are Linked Posted by: Dr. Mercola
Cancer Research November 1, 2006; 66(21): 10357-10364
Science Daily November 3, 2006

Norepinephrine, a hormone produced during periods of stress, may increase the growth rate of cancer.

The norepinephrine can stimulate tumor cells to produce two compounds (matrix metalloproteinases called MMP-2 and MMP-9) that break down the tissue around the tumor cells and allow the cells to more easily move into the bloodstream.

Once there, they can travel to other organs and tissues and form additional tumors, a process called metastasis.

Norepinephrine may also stimulate the tumor cells to release a chemical (vascular endothelial growth factor, or VEGF) that can aid in the growth of the blood vessels that feed cancer cells. This can increase the growth and spread of the cancer.
Researchers traced the harmful effect of norepinephrine after applying it to cancer cell lines used to study nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), an incurable head and neck cancer associated most frequently with those of Chinese descent.


some beans feature complete protein?!!!

. a list of beans classed by
protein completeness
and listed in order of amounts per 100 calories
of protein and fermentable fibers (grams)
*** complete protein (prot, fibr) ***
kdn kidney red (8.5, 7.3)
wsm white small (6.3, 7.5)
grt great northern (7.2, 5.7)
blk black bean (6.6, 6.6)
*** incomplete protein ***
nvy navy (5.8, 7.4)
pnt pinto (6.1, 6.1)
mng mung (6.6, 7.1)
adz adzuki (5.8, 5.8)
. below is a table that lists
certain nutritional values
(and the abbreviation used in the table);
proQ (protein`quality) -- (100+) is complete
pr (protein'mass, per 100 cal),
fib (fiber`mass, per 100 cal),
ai (anti-inflammatory, negative means mix with greens or fisho-oil).
        pnt mng wsm nvy kdn grt blk adz   
proQ:   89  83  104 91  103 104 103 79
pr/100  6.1 6.6 6.3 5.8 8.5 7.2 6.6 5.8
fib/100 6.1 7.1 7.5 7.4 7.3 5.7 6.6 5.8
ai:     -40 -25 -54 -48 -48 -53 -45 -90
-- this lists the inflammation index of beans
but doesn't give a ref;
could it be that the source I gave for protein completeness
did once also have the inflammation factors as well?
there is a book about that (inflammationfactor.com).


11.12: news.relig/islam/abrogation:
. abrogation refers to having
early koranic positions superceded by later positions .
. a view used esp'ly by militant factions .
. why should it be specific to militants?

Naskh, usually translated as "abrogation";
Over the last century, there have come to be
serious objections to the very idea of Naskh
within the Muslim community;
returning to a dissenting attitude from early Muslim history
(e.g., Abu Muslim Al-Asfahani 948-1038 C.E),
many modern scholars now reject it outright.

Many verses counsel patience in the face of
the mockery of the unbelievers,
while other verses incite to warfare
against the unbelievers.
The former are linked to the Meccan phase
when the Muslims were too few
the latter are linked to Medina
where the Prophet had the strength
The discrepancy between the two sets of verses
indicates that different situations
call for different regulations.
[Burton, Naskh, Encyclopaedia of Islam (EI)²]



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