Showing posts with label unemployment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unemployment. Show all posts


#Solyndra loss #relocalization not go-#green

10.2: news.pol/obama/Solyndra's lost battle was
relocalization not go-green:

28 September 2011 Attacking Green Manufacturing
The Solyndra accusations are really just one part of
an ongoing conservative and oil-interests-funded
anti-green-manufacturing campaign drumbeat.
Long before Solyndra's bankruptcy
the Heritage Foundation was running stories like
2008's Green Jobs Are Con Jobs,
2009's The Green Job Myth Exposed,
and this year's Obama’s “Green Jobs” Pipe Dream,
Are “Green Jobs” the Answer?,
Are Green Jobs ‘Gone with the Wind’?...
Media Matters had previously exposed
the nature of this ongoing effort, in
Heritage Foundation Green Jobs Panel
- Bought and Paid For By ExxonMobil,

"( Instead of showcasing the views of
unbiased academics and economists,
the Heritage Foundation put forth a panel of
those financially connected to ExxonMobil.
... The ENTIRE PANEL Received Money From ExxonMobil. )
The Phony Solyndra Solar Scandal:
Even though Solyndra's investors lost out
our country retains the trained skilled employees,
the intellectual property, the innovators funded,
the suppliers, and the factory.
As components of a national effort to trigger a key strategic industry,
those are all still there and in the US.
The purpose of the government's involvement was to
help trigger the development of green-energy manufacturing
in the United States, not to help individual companies.
All these employees are trained,
all the researchers can take what they know
to other solar companies,
the IP is going to be sold
-- and it should be part of the conditions
that it be sold to an American company.
America's larger effort to nurture a solar-power industry
continues toward its goal
with assets enabled by this loan guarantee.
. the problem with this argument is that
even if you believe in going solar
at the expense of oil and coal,
you are also trying to partially, weakly,
break out of the political pattern we are in right now
which is to do the manufacturing in 3rd-word countries .
. any manufacturing usa does (with its high-paid labor)
can only survive if usa already has a trade-protected
subsidized customer for those products .]


equal free #pol'speech #GetMoneyOut

10.1: news.pol/equal free #pol'speech #GetMoneyOut:
. there's a petition at GetMoneyOut for
a constitutional amendment based on this:
"( No person, corporation or business entity
of any type, domestic or foreign,
shall be allowed to contribute money, directly or indirectly,
to any candidate for Federal office
or to contribute money on behalf of or opposed to
any type of campaign for Federal office.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law,
campaign contributions to candidates for Federal office
shall not constitute speech of any kind
as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution
or any amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Congress shall set forth a federal holiday
for the purposes of voting for candidates for Federal office.)
. I signed this pretty easily,
and was asked to tweet the following:
"(I just signed a petition to #GetMoneyOut of politics
via @DylanRatigan )*
but while deciding how I would re-word it,
I realized I had no idea how they intended to
fund our federal election campaigns;
so, I researched and wrote this essay .
. the implied idea here is public funding
where every candidate has equal access to
eno' money to speak to the public;
and, run a debate through advertising .
@DylanRatigan refers to The Dylan Ratigan Show on MSNBC


is it #underemployment or #overpopulation ? #pol

8.16: web.pol/purges/number of purged in usa:


. my definition of the practically purged
includes all forms of societal outcastings
whether it be to prisons or the streets .
. my definition of the homeless poor
are those in such poverty they can't even afford
a warm, safe car to sleep in
(insured, registered, and licensed),
and those having such meager social relations
that they would rather ask a charity shelter for bedding
than seek a place with family or friends:
this segment tripled from 1980 to 1990 .
. often the research on homelessness
will define the homeless as
not living in a house;
but 59% of those "(homeless) were car campers .
. even if cities have a war against car camping,
a person who has the income to do that
and finds somewhere to get away with it,
is not homeless in a warm, locked car .
. it is often conjectured that
many homeless are voluntarily unemployed;
but we should consider overpopulation:
if employees were always scarce,
we could easily find the money
to reserve the loner jobs for loners,
and the easy jobs for the slow;
we could be more generous with
subsidies for the challenged .
. most of a city's quality standard rules
(car-camping bans, maximums on number of
persons at one residence, ...)
are really more concerned with
suppressing overpopulation
than they are with actual safety .
. when you volunteer for employment in our economy,
you volunteer to do the work of 3 men
in order to pay for the wildly inflated
housing made scarce by overpopulation,
and pay taxes to support police & inspectors
that are primarily there just to
suppress overpopulation by
raising the cost of construction
(eg, building codes with min'size requirements,
or bans on factory-built homes)
and enforcing the inflated living standards
with bans on car-camping
(maximises property taxes paid by rents).
. you gotta problem finding a job to
pay for all this?
step across any of our bureaucratic lines
and you're easily purged to prison!
-- we're all about purging; because,
you're all about abundant-life free parenting .]


. out of 307M usa citizens, there are
2.3M prisoners
+ 0.124M chronic homeless .
-- thus our actual numbers of purgables
may be equal to our entire
year-1790 population! (3.9M) .
. our number of "corrected"
-- under correctional supervision --
is the size of our entire
year-1810 population! (7.2M) .