Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts


chronic illness increased after oils of soy, grain, and seeds added to diet

 2022.3.9: health/diet/omega-6/

chronic illness increased after oils of soy, grain, and seeds added to diet:

Dr. Chris Knobbe warns us that we are wrong about

omega-6 oil being healthy at higher doses.

AncestryFoundation 2021

Omega-6 Apocalypse 2 (AHS21)

Catherine Shanahan M.D. 2018: [ad]

Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food. 


fish oil reduces risk except for angina patients

22.1.2:  2.8:
/fish oil reduces risk except for angina patients:

Mayo Clin Proc. 2021 Feb

Effect of Omega-3 Dosage on Cardiovascular Outcomes: 

An Updated Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression of Interventional Trials.

Aldo A Bernasconi, et al.


"People should consider the benefits of omega-3 supplements,

at doses of 1000 to 2000 mg per day

-- far higher than what is typical, 

even among people who regularly eat fish."


Cares Act 2020 required removing guaifenesin from asthma meds


Cares Act 2020 required removing guaifenesin from asthma meds:

. why was primatene recalled?

a competitor claimed that the Cares Act 2020

required removing guaifenesin;

possibly due to it being known that

guaifenesin may cause birth defects.

but that was known at least as far back as 2003.

[ Am Fam Physician. 2003:

Over-the-counter medications in pregnancy

Ronald A Black, D Ashley Hill.



Berberine prevents heart failure through endothelial and calcium function

 2021.8.9: 9.4: health/diet/heart/Berberine/
prevents heart failure through endothelial and calcium function:

GreenMedInfo Research Group July 30th 2021

. something extracted from berberine

is blocking calcium influx, thereby reducing

the risk of heart failure.

Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2010

Min-you Qi, Yu Feng, De-zai Dai, Na Li, Yu-si Cheng, Yin Dai. 

CPU86017, a berberine derivative, attenuates cardiac failure

through normalizing calcium leakage 

and downregulated phospholamban 

and exerting antioxidant activity. 

Front Physiol. 2020

Miyesaier Abudureyimu, Wenjun Yu, et al.

Berberine Promotes Cardiac Function by 

Upregulating PINK1/Parkin-Mediated Mitophagy in Heart Failure. 

. enhancing endothelial function helps heart:

Cardiovasc Drug Rev. 2001

C W Lau, X Q Yao, Z Y Chen, W H Ko, Y Huang. 

Cardiovascular actions of berberine. 

. "Endothelial dysfunction is an important early event in the

pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. 

The mechanisms underlying endothelial injury are numerous

and linked to metabolic alteration. 

In obesity and insulin resistance, 

the increased secretion of proinflammatory cytokines 

and decreased secretion of adiponectine, 

the increased circulating levels of free fatty acids, 

and hyperglycaemia may alter gene expression and cell signalling in the vascular endothelium, 

contributing to changes in the release of endothelium derived factors. 

Dysfunctional endothelium is characterized by activation of NADPH oxidase, 

uncoupling of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), 

increased expression of endothelin-1, 

an imbalance between the production of vasodilators and vasoconstrictor mediators, 

and induction of adhesion molecules


The altered endothelial homeostasis, in turn, 

contributes to plaque initiation and progression. 

It is associated with most cardiovascular disease, such as 

hypertension, coronary artery disease, chronic heart failure, 

peripheral artery disease, diabetes and chronic renal failure


Endothelial cells exposed to hypercholesterolemia show a 

reduced capacity to release endothelium-derived relaxing factors, 

because of LDLc promotion of endothelial eNOS downregulation


Lowering cholesterol levels appears to improve endothelial function


In diabetes and insulin resistance, other mechanisms may trigger endothelial dysfunction. 

Insulin signalling is altered in these two conditions, 

and affects the pathway leading to phosphorylation and activation of eNOS, 

which is also, in this case, dramatically downregulated


eNOS represents a major weapon of endothelial cells to fight vascular disease. 

It generates nitric oxide (NO), whose role is to dilate blood vessels

and maintain vascular homeostasis by stimulating cGMP


Several studies have suggested a central role of endothelial AMPK

in maintaining physiological functions, such as

mediation of eNOS activation in response to shear stress


modulation of endothelial cell energy supply


protection from apoptosis


and regulation of inflammation, angiogenesis, and maintenance of perfusion


Impairment of endothelium dependent relaxation (EDR) 

represents reduced eNOS derived NO bioavailability, 

and is the first step in endothelial injury. 

It is present also in the absence of vessel damage. 

In 2000, Ko et al[42], by in vitro investigation, 

demonstrated that BBR has not only vasorelaxant 

but also antiproliferative effects. 

According to their results, BBR could act both on the endothelium 

and on the underlying vascular smooth muscle cells to induce relaxation 

(Figure (Figure1).1). 

NO, is likely involved in the EDR. 

More recently, this mechanism has been clarified in endothelial cells isolated from rat. 

It was confirmed that the vasodilatant effect of BBR

was mediated by eNOS leading to NO production 

through activation of the AMPK cascade. 

Moreover, BBR counteracts several adverse effects of hyperglycemia on the endothelium, 

including the inhibition of high glucose-induced reactive species 

intracellular accumulation and cellular apoptosis and inflammation, 

which characterize vascular injury


Another recognized effect of BBR is the significant decrease in

the number of adherent monocytes on endothelial cells, 

which is a key event in the early stages of atherosclerosis. 

Furthermore, BBR suppresses the activation of the 

nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB), 

the expression of adhesion molecules (VCAM-1 and ICAM-1) 

induced by hyperglycemia

and the high glucose-induced elevation of several pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, 

including tumor necrosis factor-α, IL1-β, IL8 and MCP1, 

which are other targets of NF-κB 

involved in the development of atherosclerotic plaques


fig 1:

. Berberine enhances endothelial function 3 ways:

it affects AMPK (Adenosine mono-phosphate kinase)

that affects eNOS (Endothelial nitric oxide synthase);

it lowers LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides;

and, it improves insulin sensitivity.

enzymedica Berberine 60 /$20.62

Enteric-coated to prevent self-aggregation and formation of berberine crystals that reduce absorption.

Enzymedica's Berberine is provided in a

targeted delivery capsule 

to prevent release of berberine in the stomach. 

since in an acidic environment, berberine will bind with other berberine molecules

to form insoluble complexes that do not get absorbed. 

Prevention of the formation of these complexes

may improve the absorption of berberine.

Amount Per Serving

Berberine HCI (97%) (from berberis vulgaris extract) (seed) 500 mg

Leucine 50 mg

Other Ingredients: 100% vegetarian capsule (cellulose, gellan gum, water), 

rice concentrate, calcium laurate

[Calcium laurate helps powders flow into capsules 

and holds those powders together.]

Dr. Michael Murray:

"Berberine is commonly harvested from the flesh, roots or bark of plants 

like barberry, goldenseal and Oregon grape. 

Unlike many other formulas, this product is sustainably sourced from 

barberry seeds and does not require the plant to be sacrificed in its production.

sublingual instead of enteric coated?

Nutricology, Berberine 500, 90

Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, 

Nu-MAG® (rice extract, rice hulls, gum arabic, sunflower oil), 

silicon dioxide, microcrystalline cellulose.

Nu-MAG offers formulators a Certified Organic alternative to Magnesium Stearate, 

so organic tablets requiring a lubricant can now be produced. 

Thorne Research, Berbercap, 60

Microcrystalline cellulose, leucine, silicon dioxide.

Berberis concentrate berberine HCl 85%.

Berberine HCl (from Indian Barberry extract) (root) (Berberis aristata) 200 mg

Whitaker Nutrition, Clinical Grade, Berberine, 90 Capsule

Berberine Hydrochloride (BerberPure™) 500 mg (take 3)

Microcrystalline cellulose, gelatin, magnesium stearate, gum acacia, silica. 


T cells can reveal a covid infection even if antibodies waned

2021.8.4, 9.15: health/immunity/covid-19/

T cells can reveal a covid infection even if antibodies waned

9.15: summary:

. if you had a mild case of covid,

or it has been a while since you've been infected,

your antibody levels may be too low to measure,

but your T cells can still be measured

to determine if you've been exposed to covid virus.

. the CDC says you should get the vaccine

even if you have been infected,

so what's the use in knowing your status?

. you may be less likely to get sick again

if the vaccine doesn't cover some variants,

but the infection does cover the variants.

. you may want reassurance after vaccination

that even if the vaccine doesn't work on your variant,

you might still be protected by your infection.

. if you believe that, the CDC reminds you,

there are significant risks to getting infected;

not just death but also strange chronic illness;

so it's safer to get vaccinated than infected.

. even for children who are prone to having

bad reactions to the vaccine,

there are even more reactions to the virus.

. without any early treatment options available

(whether by politics or science)

there will be many more deaths from virus

than there will be deaths from vaccine.

slow-carb fish eaters less prone to severe covid

 2021.9.15: health/immunity/covid-19/diet/
slow-carb fish eaters less prone to severe covid:

Jordi Merino, PhD:

"Our models estimate that nearly a 

third of COVID-19 cases would have

been prevented if one of two exposures

-- [uhealthy] diet or deprivation -- 

were not present." 


natural immunity after infection persists even with low antibodies #covid19

2021.7.26, 8.31:

natural immunity after infection persists even with low antibodies:


. it is shown that after a covid-19 infection

there is long-lasting immunity

even when the antibody count is low

because covid-19 is slowly developing

thereby giving the memory cells time to react

by growing more antibodies when needed.

. the CDC recommends even those who have been infected

should get the vaccine; apparently because,

the recently vaccinated with their higher antibodies,

will be quicker at stopping the spread of the virus

than people who have survived an infection and then

slowly make more antibodies when reinfected.

. the politics of this question are based on

a dispute over the likelihood of vaccine injury.


high fat vs high carb diet improves omega-3 vs 6 ratio?

 21.2.19: co.reddit/
high fat vs high carb diet improves omega-3 vs 6 ratio?:

. even when the diet's omega-6/omega-3 ratios are nearly the same,

the High fat diet group had a lower omega-6/omega-3 ratio

than the High carb diet group. 


krill oil brands with 3rd party testing

 21.1.28: web.cook/krill/brands with 3rd party testing:

[5.12: summary:

. some say the best thing about krill oil

is that it provides phospholipids,

but you could get that from lecithin;

what is great about krill oil,

is having a phospholipid combined with fish oil,

instead of some lesser-needed oil.

. when buying oils from seafood,

quality may benefit from 3rd party testing.

I tried chewing the IKOS-tested Sports Research

and was amazed at how fishy and weird it tastes;

meanwhile, MegaRed has no 3rd-party testing

but it has a pleasant taste; nevertheless, 

I would still prefer IKOS-tested products.]

IKOS® Sports Research, 400mg phospholipids* 60/subscribe $25.46

--warned about deliveries keep happening after unsubscribe.

same from iherb/$31.15

IKOS® vivanaturals Antarctic Krill Oil 575mg phospholipids * 30/$25.15

find new supplier of progesterone with minimal additives

21.1.25: web.cook/ph/
find new supplier of progesterone with minimal additives:


. progesterone is both a male and female hormone,

but many versions of it are targeted at women,

and may contain estrogenic herbs that men don't want.

. my preferred retailers are amazon and iherb;

I chose Emerita Pro-Gest from iherb.

item I used got discontinued:

Bonvida 1g Progesterone in 60g Cream

purchased 2020.9.11 -- was using about 8mg per day.

other prostate health offerings:

fake news about progesterone:

woman claims Dr.Lee said you can't overdose on cream:

[5.12:. in at least one book by Dr.Lee, he warned about
how easy it was to over-dose on progesterone cream;
and that you had to consider that too much
could have the opposite effect.
Dr. Mercola has commented on Dr.Lee, 
warning us that applying this to skin is not the best;
you should be applying it to a mucous membrane
(I've been using it nasally with good results).]

. the following list is sorted with 
the first being the most preferred for men.


is the risk from having African ancestry or being carb-intolerant? #health #covid19


is the risk from having African ancestry or being carb-intolerant?:


. africs (those with some African ancestry)

are said to be more prone to severe covid-19: 

is it happening even to africs on a slow carb diet?

(a diet low in sugars and baked goods).

. we know that obese euros (whites)

are also prone to covid;

obesity comes from being carb intolerant,

ie, not adapting well to the 

chosen level of glycemic load.

. the problem with the Western diet

is that it has both a high glycemic load

and is high in fats and stress 

that cause insulin resistance.

. if africs are more prone to insulin resistance,

they need to compensate by using less carb's.


my covid-19 antibody test is negative in November after feeling hit in March

 20.11.30: web,

health/immunity/covid-19/my covid-19 antibody test is negative:


. I got a covid-19 antibody test 

from giving blood to the redcross;

and it came back negative,

but while that could mean I never got exposed,

it could also mean I had a mild case of covid-19

where my immune response made very few antibodies,

and within 8 months, I make undetectable levels.


Dr.Sinclair xenohormesis in contrast to hormesis

Dr.Sinclair`xenohormesis in contrast to hormesis:
. hormesis means the use of stressors
to activate our longevity defenses;
such as exercise, intermittent fasting, 
low protein diets, and being hot or cold:
see the paper:
"The 'Metabolic Winter' Hypothesis: 
A Cause of the Current Epidemics of 
Obesity and Cardiometabolic Disease"
which suggests that we have benefited from
a life without air conditioning.
[ that paper also clarifies 
what the author says about xenohormesis
in contrast to hormesis:
. a reduction in calories by 30%–40% triggers a 
network of genes that evolved to protect organisms
during times of food scarcity (i.e., "longevity" genes). 
This "longevity survival network" includes 
insulin/insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) signaling, 
mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), 
AMPactivated protein kinase (AMPK), 
and the seven sirtuins (SIRT1–7), 
a family of cellular energetics and defense enzymes.44–46 
In fact, sirtuin-activating compounds (STACs),
such as resveratrol and fisetin, 
and other calorie restriction mimetics, such as metformin, 
are thought to derive the majority of their health benefits
not from antioxidant properties 
nor by inducing a cellular damage response (hormesis),
but rather from interacting with conserved regions in enzymes
that have evolved to sense molecules in the environment.47,48 
The "xenohormesis hypothesis" suggests that 
STACs act as an advance warning generated by plants
in times of stressful environmental conditions,
and that these stress-signaling molecules may coordinate
sirtuin-mediated defenses across species.49–52
)-'Metabolic Winter' Hypothesis.

. some supplements can be helpful by
being hormesis-mimicking; such as resveratrol, 
and more recently in the news: NAD boosters;
but metformin is controversial; most recently
it inhibits your ability to build muscle
with resistance training.
. similar to how certain stresses make us healthier,
plants under stress can make more of the 
health-promoting "Xenohormetic" nutraceuticals.
When plants are stressed with too much sunlight, 
they often add extra color with anthocyanins
and they are produced not only by radiation damage
but drought, adverse temperatures, nutrient restriction, 
pathogens, and wounding. 

especially the pinot noir, have higher levels resveratrol 
because they are stressed;
[ for instance, they don't use irrigation,
and they do use organic farming
which can add fungal stresses.]

dryfarmwines test their wines:

"By law, wine is not required to have a contents label
on the bottle. This is based on a old agreement 
between the wine lobby and the US government. 
As one of the only major food groups 
without a content label, consumers are
left in the dark about what is in their wine.
Since there are 76 legal additives approved for use
in winemaking by the government,"
testing can ensure that a wine minimizes additives.


#health #dental Pedram and dental Dr Elmira Shojai's $194 Gateway to Health:Healing Secrets of the Oral Biome

Pedram and dental Dr Elmira Shojai's $194 
Gateway to Health:Healing Secrets of the Oral Biome:
. a Dr.Mark Hyman emailing promoted
Pedram Shojai's $194 Gateway to Health:
Healing Secrets of the Oral Biome
(Pedram's wife is a dentist: Dr Elmira Shojai DDS)


healthy cows eat grass and make methane

20.5.14: pol/purges/climate change
/healthy cows eat grass and make methane:
Israeli Researchers Cut Air Pollution
by Reducing Gas Output from Cows
[Judy Siegel-Itzkovich 2020 May 14]
. the author of this news supposes that
if a researcher studies the origin of cow germs
(diet vs germs given by mother)
it must be to control a greenhouse gas,
but I couldn't find such a concern
mentioned in the reference;
and, that is as it should be; because,
healthy, happy cows eat grass not grains;
and fermenting grass makes a lot of methane.


progesterone is equally a male hormone

20.5.12: health/hormonics/
progesterone is equally a male hormone: 2020:
"Doctors Test Whether Female Sex Hormones
Could Help Men Fight COVID-19"
[progesterone is an anti-inflammatory]
this news is promoting a common misconception!
progesterone is a female hormone? no!
. men's levels of progesterone are similar to
those of fertile women before month's ovulation.


1918 flu pandemic a #WWI #bioweapon? bleeding from high-dose aspirin

20.5.1: health/immunity/1918 flu pandemic
/H1N1 with bleeding from high-dose aspirin:
. the 1918 flu pandemic was an H1N1 virus;
there was some who suspected it was a bioweapon
and not just the flu;
because a lot of bleeding was involved,
as if it was hemorrhagic fever virus
meant to influence the current war (WWI);
however, there was a new popular fad at the time,
of taking very high doses of aspirin
as it it had only recently been discovered;
and they unaware that it was the aspirin
that was causing the same sort of bleeding
that is caused from scurvy or low vit'C.
. historian on @scifri radio said
the 1918 pandemic was able to kill just the young
because it caused an autoimmune reaction;
so, the stronger you could attack the virus
the stronger you would attack yourself.


olive oil's high-polyphenol sources

20.3.30: oil/high polyphenol sources:
3.30: summary:
. health claims for olive oil
depend on the level of polyphenols,
which could be extracted from your olive oil,
unless your brand makes specific claims
involving 3rd-party testing,
or is billing itself as a polyphenol extract of olives.
. my favorite product is a fish oil with
polyphenol extracts added to prevent fish odor.


dose of selenium depends on mercury-binding losses

2019.8.26: health/diet/selenium/mercury-binding losses:
2020.1.7: summary:
. selenium (se) is an essential mineral
but it binds to mercury,
and there is a lot of mercury in some foods
especially since the industrial age,
(and some fillings release mercury;
and some flu vaccines may contain mercury).
so some may need more se than others,
ie, you may need more than is recommended.
. some lakes are low in se,
but the ocean has plenty of it,
so most ocean fish have more se than mercury,
however, even if ocean fish are not a
mercury hazard, they still have carcinogenic
endocrine disruptors such as PCB, and dioxins.
. in addition to using sardines for se,
(also omega-3 oils, and plenty of minerals)
I get se from Se-Methyl L-Selenocysteine
since it may have additional benefits
before being degraded into elemental selenium
that can bind mercury and be used in proteins.


Marine Collagen Peptides are a source of histidine

19.12.31: health/diet/histidine/
Marine Collagen Peptides are a source of histidine:
. I'm getting most of my protein from sardines
and Zen Principle Marine Collagen Peptides
from the skins of wild caught cod fish.
(precious cysteine comes from raw egg yolk).
. I was noticing from the price of histidine
that they could make a lot more profits if they could
extract the histidine and sell that separately.
. my source claims on the package
that each 10g of powder contains 230mg histidine;
also, I found an amino acid researcher
who claims that fermentation --not extraction--
is the usual source of histidine.