
born 1945 - 1965? #hepatitisC test

2014.10.11: news.med/hepC
/born between 1945 through 1965 is high risk:
The CDC urges everyone born between 1945 through 1965
to get a hepatitis C blood test.
Testing should be initiated with anti-HCV.
A reactive result should be followed by
nucleic acid test (NAT) for HCV RNA.
see rationale.

why would Estrogen agonist promote thrombosis?

web.med/why would Estrogen agonist promote thrombosis?:
Raloxifene (Evista)
Raloxifene is approved for the prevention and treatment of
osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.
It is a mixed estrogen agonist/antagonist
formerly known as a SERM
(selective estrogen receptor modulator).
Side Effects
While side effects are not common, they include hot flashes,
leg cramps and deep vein thrombosis (blood clots).

how is Evista promoting venous thromboembolism?:

breasts enlarged by weight gain but not reduced by weight loss

web.med/breasts enlarged by weight gain but not reduced by weight loss:
. a postmenopausal woman became obese after using Evista,
(an estrogen agonist or antagonist for bone density)
and it was discontinued after a few years .
. the breasts had gotten larger as she became obese,
but they didn't downsize with the rest of her body
when she lost weight;
perhaps she has poor circulation in breasts
so the fat there is the last to be used?
or, perhaps taking estrogen agonists/antagonists
caused the breast tissue to grow ?

Samaritanism's relation to Judaism

news.relig/jc/Samaritanism's relation to Judaism:
. Samaritans are from Samaria,
the Hebrew kingdom of Israel vs Judah:
Samaritanism is related to Judaism.
The major issue between Jews and Samaritans
has always been the location of
the chosen place to worship God;
the Jewish place is Jerusalem;
while Samaritans believe in Mount Gerizim .


#hinduism #reincarnation

9.14: relig/hinduism/reincarnation:
. transmigration is the process of using successive lives
to work through a growing process gaining experience
somewhat like having to be the janitor
and working your way up to CEO .
(that fits in well with India's caste system
which limits social class mobility).
. why the need for a reincarnation theory?

battered wife syndrome like #schizophrenia

9.11: psy/schiz/like battered wife syndrome:
. in the battered wife syndrome,
despite trying guys with different profiles,
the victim always manages to attract a victimizer .
. I wondered if this was like schiz'ia,
where your guardian angel has a program for you,
and everybody you meet feels like
following that program;
because, we all share the same guardian angel
in order to orchestrate conspiracies
such as battered wife syndromes,
and schiz'ia hauntings .

1000 years of crusades

9.3: news.relig/bible/revelations/1000 years of crusades:
. didn't the 1000 years mentioned in revelations
begin in about 1016 AD ?
here is a file of images of soldiers kits 
from then till now .