Showing posts with label psy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label psy. Show all posts


mostly Everyday Techniques to Overcome Mental Health Struggles

 2023.10.4: bk.psy/schiz/
Bowman Digital Media 2023`Techniques to Overcome Mental Health Struggles 

. this is a book review of Bowman Digital Media 2023`

Everyday Techniques to Overcome Anxiety: 
and Mental Health Struggles
Max Kayes (Foreword), Ira Bowman, Janet Hogan, Dr.David Foster, Eric Rosen, Jim Lomot, Lisa Jones, Rick Loek, Shmiko Cole, Tim Bowman


The Blind Girl Sees by Amber Needham 2022

 2023.7.18: bk.psy/schiz/Amber Needham 2022`The Blind Girl Sees:

Amber Needham 2022`The Blind Girl Sees

5-star/informative and inspiring:


Mastering the Mind, Body and Spirit by prof Wil Dieck 2022

 2023.3.4: bk.psy/schiz/Wil Dieck 2022`Mastering the Mind, Body and Spirit:

this is a review of the book by Wil Dieck 2022:

Mastering the Mind, Body and Spirit: 

Secrets of Black Belt Peak Performance 

(Mind Mastery Book 3)[ad]

5-star/good book even if you don't read the series:


Self-Regulation Skills by Instant Relief team 2023

2023.1.27: bk.psy/Instant Relief team 2023`Self-Regulation Skills:

a comment on the book: Instant Relief team 2023:

Self-Regulation Skills Workbook for Kids: 

Positive Thinking, Mindfulness, CBT and DBT Tools, Exercises. 

Everything a Child Should Know to Deal with Big Feelings 

and Handle Strong Emotions.[ad]

4-star/text is not linked to the references:


emotion control for health by Theu Fa'a 2022

2022.12.3: 12.13: Fa'a 2022`Healthy Habits:

Theu Fa'a 2022`Healthy Habits: 


Eliminate Stress, Fear, Worry, and Negative Emotions


4-star/much good but also needs to wake up about covid:

. this author has studied under Dr.Dispenza

and Dr.Bruce Lipton, and they do great work.

. Theu has renewed my interest in EFT

(emotional freedom technique)

as a way to relax negative emotions.

. the book's references are numbers, not names and dates,

yet the list of references has no numbering?

no, you can click on a number,

and it will take you to the "notes" page

even though that page is not listed in the

table of contents.


Social Anxiety Relief by Emma Lou Parker 2022

2022.10.23: bk.psy/schiz/
Emma Lou Parker 2022`A Teen’s Essential Guide to Social Anxiety Relief:

. this is a review of the book:

Emma Lou Parker 2022`

A Teen’s Essential Guide to Social Anxiety Relief: 

Step-By-Step Methods to Help You Overcome Social Anxiety, 

Avoid Triggers, and Find Relief| 

Feel Confident, Comfortable, and Happy in Any Situation![ad]

4-star/a method with some proven success:


About a hidden Garden by Werner Langer 2022

2022.10.21: bk.psy/schiz/
Werner Langer 2022`About a hidden Garden

. this a commentary on the book:

Werner Langer 2022`About a hidden Garden[ad]

4-stars/thoughts from both the god and self (#schizophrenia):


John Allen 2022 Life After This --a common delusion

 2022.10.17: bk.psy/schiz/John Allen 2022`Life After This:

. this is a commentary on the book by John Allen 2022

Life After This: 9 Chapters: 

History Shows We Have Contacted the Deceased and You Can Do It, Too[ad]

4-stars/a common delusion:


an inspiring (but not magical) book by Willbur Glenn Colaco 2022

2022.10.15: bk.psy/
Willbur Glenn Colaco 2022`Drops of Wisdom: 

. this is a commentary on the book:

Willbur Glenn Colaco 2022`Drops of Wisdom: 

Applying Ancient Words of Wisdom in Today's Turbulent Times.[ad]

5-star/an inspiring (but not magical) book:


yoga could be healing because you believe in it

2022.10.5: 2020:

Hack Your Brain The Yogic Way: 

15 Secret Ancient Indian Techniques 

to Enhance Cognitive Fitness, Promote Neurogrowth, 

Improve Your Focus and Unleash Your ... Potential.[ad]

3-star/could be healing because you believe in it:


a new beginning with Ian Cooper

2022.10.2: news.psy/schiz/
a new beginning with Ian Cooper 2021:

. this is my summary of a book by Ian Cooper,

One and All: A Spiritual Perspective on Getting Along 


. this book caught my eye because the intro claimed

"We are not who we think we are"

which reminded me of being born-again aware of a god.


emotion control with Dialectical Behavior Therapy

 2022.9.30: news.psy/
emotion control with Dialectical Behavior Therapy:

psychiatry prof Maria Clarke 2022[ad]

DBT skills workbook in 7 weeks: 

Use Dialectical Behavior Therapy to overcome negativity, 

manage your emotions and improve your relationships. 

. prof Clarke successfully treated her own emotional pain

with a program designed to treat Borderline Personality Disorder.

. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (finding the middle ground)

is based on cognitive behavioral therapy

and dhamma, the teachings of Bhudda.

. it involves meditation, controlled breathing, journaling, 

exposure to intense exercise, temperature extremes,

and alternating between tensing and relaxing each muscle group.

. there are many techniques for negotiating with

your emotion maker and other relationships;

eg, part of self-respect is not relating to those who

require us to change our values or lie about them:

"it's ok to walk away from a toxic relationship".

the Sense of Being Stared At: And Other Unexplained Powers of Human Minds [ad]


emotion control strategies by Jennifer N. Smith 2020

2022.9.27: news.psy/emotion control strategies/
Jennifer N. Smith 2020:

How to Control your Emotions: Effective Ways to Maintain Your Cool 

When The Situation Demands It (Improve Yourself Everyday Book 1) [ad]

 a summary and critique:


David Leonard 2022 Good Lord

 2022.9.12: news.wealth/music/psy/schiz/
David Leonard 2022`Good Lord:

. David Leonard's 2022 song, "Good Lord"

could have been about schizophrenia

(about telepathy with our god).

. he is glad to know the god;

but deeply embarrassed about what he has been;

and wishing he could warn others:

the god is easiest on those who have been

good all the time, 

not just good after meeting the god.


"cis-gender" are you calling me a cis?

 22.6.6: web.psy/cis-gender/are you calling me a cis?:

. cis-gender people identify as 

the same gender they were assigned at birth, 

while transgender people identify as

a gender different from that assigned at birth.

[Canadian Med Assoc J JUNE 6, 2022]

. I wondered if that terminology was meant to

make straight people ask rhetorically:

"are you calling me a cis?"

but the source of that term actually comes from

their latin definitions.

. there may be trans-nationals

but there are no cis-nationals;

so why should there be cis-genders?

. some confusion comes because 

trans- has 2 meanings in Latin:

you can have a transnational corporation

because trans- can mean "beyond",

so a transnational is beyond national borders;

but you can also have a trans-gender,

because trans- also means "on the other side".

. trans-gender can mean "beyond gender"

if you are choosing to appear asexual or ambiguous,

but conventionally it means moving across genders,

going from one to the other.


does copper improve or worsen schizophrenia?

2022.4.10: psy/schiz/diet/copper/
does copper improve or worsen schizophrenia?


. it was found in 1959 that ceruloplasmin, which carries copper,

could improve psychotic symptoms in many schiz'ics.

. however, it was also found that some measure of copper

is elevated in schiz'ia,

or in any condition causing chronic stress or fear.

. ceruloplasmin is used as a measure of copper

because 95% of blood copper is in ceruloplasmin

but ceruloplasmin is an acute phase reactant, 

increased during inflammation, infection, trauma, pregnancy, etc. 

. some who are assuming that copper is a cause of schiz'ia

are theorizing that ceruloplasmin may be 

catalyzing the oxidation of epinephrine 

to some psychosis-inducing indole-like material.

. but if ceruloplasmin can improve psychotic symptoms,

it is likely that the rises in ceruloplasmin 

are a reaction to the stress of schiz'ia,

and not the cause of it.

the definition of schizophrenia

2022.4.10: psy/schiz/the definition of schizophrenia


. schizophrenia as defined by psychiatrists

for diagnostic purposes.

. a bizarre delusion is a belief in something

that the dominant theorists consider impossible,

such as telepathy or magical abilities.


Helané Wahbeh`telepathy as one form of "channeling" "the Force That Connects Us All"

 2022.1.24: news.psy/schiz/Helané Wahbeh`
telepathy as one form of "channeling" "the Force That Connects Us All"

Wahbeh on the radio:

Dr. Helané Wahbeh, Director of Research at

the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS),

has a book in which she explains telepathy as

one form of "channeling" 

--which is consistent with my theory that

all forms of parapsychology

-- telepathy, prophets, evidence of 

reincarnation and the afterlife --

are actually communications with our god,

the Holy Spirit, the mind of the universe,

which includes Satan, the Great Deceiver.


the meaning of the Cain and Abel story

20.7.9: relig/judaism/the meaning of the Cain and Abel story:
. in the story of Cain and Abel
two brothers give gifts to their god;
but the god showed favoritism toward Abel's gift;
and then Cain feeling cheated by the god,
murdered his brother.
. coincidentally,
the preferred gift was that of raising meat,
rather than relying on plants which offer far less protein
and usually have anti-nutrients that require special processing.
. this story may have been a warning to
the elites who design our gods (the priestly caste)
not to create a god who causes injustices and hurt feelings:
we need a god that says our tribe is better than outsiders,
and within the tribe, each is equal to self.


are my thoughts useful? how do they behave?

20.6.25: tv.psy/schiz/are my thoughts useful? how do they behave?
Dr. Anthony Metivier:
. some people feel like their thoughts are too much;
oppressive streams of unwanted negative ideas;
antipsychotics and other drugs often don't help;
and atheism can be most unhelpful
[ I know I feel more control over
my thoughts and their effect on me,
when I realize they come from the supernatural,
not self].
. helpful paths include a study of:
Persistent Non-Symbolic Experience
refers to nondual awareness,
enlightenment, or mystical experiences.
-- see Jeffery Martin`Clusters Of Individual Experiences
Form A Continuum Of Persistent Non-Symbolic Experiences In Adults
Dr. Gary Weber 2018`Evolving Beyond Thought:
Updating Your Brain's Software.
. the simplest method for quieting the mind
is to keep asking yourself these questions:
are my thoughts useful?
how do they behave?