pim/calendar/4/13 usa'architect Jefferson b'day
Jefferson was a Free* American Founding Father,
the principal author of the Declaration of Independence (1776)
and the third President of the United States (1801–1809).
He was a spokesman for democracy and the rights of man
. the first United States Secretary of State (1790–1793)
serving under President George Washington.
In opposition to Alexander Hamilton's Federalism,
Jefferson and his close friend, James Madison,
organized the Democratic-Republican Party,
and subsequently resigned from Washington's cabinet.
*: [ there are at least 2 "Americans":
the Latinos (latin is the language of Catholics)
and the Free-thinkers (deists, Freemasons).]
Showing posts with label pim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pim. Show all posts
overhead book holder for recliner
proj.gear/overhead book holder for recliner:
. hey! just what I was looking for,
just hanging around:
. an acrylic sheet sized to shelve an open book
so I could lay down with a hanging laptop
typing in notes and ideas from book .
. I'd been using the sheet as a roof finish for the sanctum
it was also heavy and would weigh down curtain rods
-- phone books will do that now .
. after cleaning it's still a bit fogged from scratches,
I think I found it in the yard, has some cracks too .
. the rest is easy:
having grilled shelves for an earthquake sanctum
is making it easy to position rope
for hanging gear around me as I lay in my cot
with the keyboard warm inside my sleepingbag .
try shifting it closer to laptop screen,
rearrange it to minimize in-view scratches,
. hey! just what I was looking for,
just hanging around:
. an acrylic sheet sized to shelve an open book
so I could lay down with a hanging laptop
typing in notes and ideas from book .
. I'd been using the sheet as a roof finish for the sanctum
it was also heavy and would weigh down curtain rods
-- phone books will do that now .
. after cleaning it's still a bit fogged from scratches,
I think I found it in the yard, has some cracks too .
. the rest is easy:
having grilled shelves for an earthquake sanctum
is making it easy to position rope
for hanging gear around me as I lay in my cot
with the keyboard warm inside my sleepingbag .
try shifting it closer to laptop screen,
rearrange it to minimize in-view scratches,
1.1: proj.addn/log/rev and blog:
. look at site, fix page giving details of schiz case,
wonder about how to start blogging backward
the material written before blog started .
. start acting more bloggable .
proj.addn/log/rev 2009 gear subj:
. my prev'policy on logging project folders
-- like that for trike --
had been to copy proj folders from month to month
since I wanted the chance to quickly refer to
prior work of the same topic;
and also, use the prev'month's folder structure
as a template for filing the curr'month's notes .
. now I should go back and remove dup'y stuff .
. I also found there was a lot that was
not marked as blogged,
and much that had been passed over
but that could be blogged with a little editing .
. there were even a few items
that had been overlooked somehow .
. from the month where blogging began, 0905,
and working backwards to 0910,
found gear folders and files .
. one very relevant topic -- sewing mach' repair --
needed it's own blog file,
and since it's now the wrong year,
I included the year into the file's title .
1.11: proj.addn/log/review 2009:
. 0904 mobi notes are blogged?
find where I left off with rev subj,
log 0905 was rev'd .
log 0904 was rev'd .
log 0903 .
1.14: pos.addn/blog/priority should be dev.mac:
. since actually getting the project on the ground
was embodied by the study of the impl'lang,
the impl'lang (dev.mac/obj'c)
should be the first to get blogged .
. the only file left in [addx 0905].folder
is adda .
1.24: proj.addn/blog/addx 0905 and earlier 2009:
. the only file left in [addx 0905].folder
is adda .
. review blog for places to put older files .
. review adda .
. found and fixed more problems with text eaten by
blog turning angle brackets into xml tags .
1.1: mis.addn/todo:
. the usual 99 todo/todo.txt is just for banking?
no, there was at first a 99 todo.txt
which was then combined into the [99 todo].folder;
so I should be combining those .
1.3: proj.addn/rdy xpw db:
. rev log's text parts on mac
for what to bring to xpw .
1.4: pos.addn/fs:
. getting around (mis.addn/xp/filename error)
the main goal of moving log files
is to share the mac files with xpw .
. to keep things sync'd,
the changes made by either platform
should happen to a copy that is on the removable .
. but to get some quick searches,
I should copy the files to hard drive .
. 2008 ... 2009 are going to be modified a lot,
so they are only on the shared vol .
. I may never get around to hand-sorting the rest of log,
it may be better to just copy the files of previous era's
and morph them as new files
without worrying about keeping track of
original vs current creation dates .
. that will involve some concerns about
how to keep track of what's been reviewed,
but there is much time before that happens:
just do the usual review with the current era for now .
1.9: mis.addn/forgot recording cleanup routine:
. how did I convert olympus pc files
to something audacity will import? .
1.9: mis.addn/fs/memory needs hard pos review:
. where is everything on mac?
been at pc too long, and my mem is shot!
I put the log and all it's picts
in the aspect encrypt?
what was I thinking picasa would do?
[... a false assumption about picasa limits]
it's not reaching in the crypt,
so I had moved them back,
but then I was finding it was
annoying not having the log together .
. I could picasa-import picts as they were produced .
1.10: mis.addn/fs/forgotten pos helps revise pos:
. org downloads on xpw,
mov [to be installed]s to where
admn acct can reach them:
. the shared.folder has some surprises for my failing mem!
. I had been putting all dowloads and docs
into the docs.folder of cf.card;
but shared.folder also has docs;
I try to corralling them into a subfolder,
but the [ada 2009 downloads].folder
is having permissions problems .
. it is letting me copy instead of mov,
so I can still do my next idea
of making sure that everything is in both places:
. the cf.card is there in case of
anything stupid needs to reinstall xp-fujitsu os .
. the shared.folder is searchable more quickly than card .
1.10: proc.addn/log/type-in of notes routine:
. the log has previously distinguished logging from
type-in of notes to log,
but writing notes is now so routine,
all logging should be considered type-in's
without having to say that explicitely .
1.15: mis.addn/log:
find missing ergo.kybd entry:
. not anywhere? write a summarizing entry now .
[@] proj.addn/usb.ergo`kybd/delete.key fixed
data loss:
. almost lost an article spacing out a paste to subj.file
after a complicated double entry:
writing about having to do an article reporting
not finding an expected article .
. my mem' had one paste lined up
and recalled already doing one
when 2 were needed .
book notes unreadable:
. typedef can define a function
so that its id can be used in defining
ptrs to id .
cut&paste confusion:
. somehow I lost an article moving it from log to subj.file .
. did I just paste it into the wrong file? search .
. I just have a really bad mem:
I had placed it into the correct subj',
but then forgot which subj' I'd decided on .
. most obama`mail is co.pol,
but this plea to help for haiti
would be placed in gov (charity and consumer interests) .
1.24: mis.addn/lost data/paste buffer forgotten:
. I'm pretty sure that I had some content for
health/cancer/mold still #1 when on a low-fat diet,
but unless that was a false memory
(as in the title was the content meant to be expanded)
I fear that I fell prey to forgetting to unload my paste buffer .
. there should be this system where
if the cut doesn't get pasted
then it shows back up in the place it was cut from
just like the windows system does for files .
portable notepad
8.31: proj.gear/pn.wallet/plastic insert for writing surface:
. many electronics products are wrapped in this hard plastic
that seems nearly indestructable,
and I found a way to recycle some of it:
. the camping wallet gifted to me is too floppy for writing on,
but works fine when a pocket of it
is stuffed with a sheet of this plastic .
getting organized
6.4: obj db's may be merged:
[11.27: intro:
. the fs (file system) is referring to the way thatfiles should be organized by folders
for the purposes of assisting in my pim (personal info' mgt) .
. the current pim is obj'oriented
meaning that info is categorized by source {self, other} .
. within the author folder is the log and the obj.db (topics database):
. the log is for placing info chronologically;
many old papers being scanned-in have no known create.date,
so they cannot be logged precisely by month or even year,
although most can still be fitted within era.folders;
however, in an earlier version of the pim,
articles without a date-stamp were simply not logged,
being placed into an obj.db instead .
. copies of important articles within the log
are then ordered by subtopic into obj.db folders .
. some subtopics correspond to physical objects,
whereas others are objects only within conceptual space .
. this pim was designed some time ago
and I'm finding that the reorganization has not fully materialized!
. I'm having a renewed interest in the organization of the obj.db's
because I want a space for organizing the velomobile design project .
. reviewing the obj db's
I'm wondering why I wanted the obj.db's separated into
{L(lexical, text),M(multimedia)} branches;
it is not obj-oriented and starting to complicate things
because the pictures and pdf's are not with the text of the same
subtopic .
. there have been many times when it's been easier to
use an application if all the files of similar type were together;
eg, when backup space is limited,
and text has a much higher priority than multimedia
then separating out multimedia makes for a compact backup of text .]
. some of the files are in the obj.db simply because they
existed before the current pim:
they are date-stamped yet not in the log .
. many emails are in the obj.db
-- even though they are datestamped --
perhaps because it seemed like too much work .
. later I started using mac's sparse bundles for encryption
that's easy to backup with Apple`timemachine;
obj.db now contains only log`copies or exo's (from other authors) .
. many of the scans are in obj.b because they are
important more as objects than as loggable events .
. the obj`L schema has been:
care/bus (gear involving wheels)
care`dev (abrasives, solvents)
care`gear (clothes, appliances)
care`maint (tools, lube) .
. that system is not working;
eg, tools can be for both maint and dev
so then you have to check 2 categories to cover a subtopic .
. I started the merge of the {L,M} forks into obj.db
for just the currently hot subjects (eg, {gear/composites, gear/trike})
6.5: log-based pim:
. the aspect.folder of my pim
is a place to copy important logged entries
into categories that are not obj-oriented:
eg, history, policy, address.book, and todo's
are folders that mix info belonging to any subtopic .
. like the todo file, the best way to maintain the aspect.folder
is to always keep the current working version of it in the log,
at filename: 99 {todo, pos, hist, addr ...}
-- always near the current date when ordered by name .
. unlike the monthly subj.files or folders,
the 99 files are moved from month to month rather than copied,
since they really belong in aspect.folder,
but are in log as a way to quickly access and backup
recent updates to them .
. just like the log is merged with obj.db's after being reviewed,
the log-based pim is occassionally merged with the aspect.db .
. doubting whether {tech, pos(position or policy)},should be in the aspects.folder .
. whatever I was thinking, I should have shared it with clueless!
6.12: pos"keeping track of what's blogged:
. integrate blog posting with transfers to obj.db:. to keep track of what's transfered from log to obj.db,
I started an obj/subj/todo dates.folder
whose name is updated with what range of log has been
successfully reviewed and copied
. when it says that part of a log has been merged,
you know that those notes have also been posted online .
. problem with that
is a future where you need to merge in object,
but you don't have access to the web .
. as usual, keep in obj`X/net.xa mirror of what is on the site"x
. this system would be extended to blogging sites .
[11.28: idea#3
. a problem with that having to wait untilthe entire month's log is reviewed and copied to obj.db
before anything can be blogged .
. the current system is to add a link to any log entries
showing the url where they were blogged .
6.12: pos"overview
. "(addn) was originally conceived as an abstract categoryfor including all the technologies I was using:
{ mac, pc, net, ... --. office equipment .
, fs --. how to organize my data portably across equipment .
, pim --. how to organize my self (viewed as office equipment) .
} .
. adds -- amer'dream doc subjects .
. addx -- amer'dream doc software systems .
. dev.{platform | lang} has been about how to develope
for a certain platform or lang .
. the syntax was dev.x
rather than x.dev;
because, the primary interest was in knowing how to control things,
and figuring out how to do this;
while secondary to that,
was an interest in what things were being controlled .
. if you're using a net service to provide subj content,
then it could be filed under subj or some meta.subj like
addn, adds, or addx .
. if the most important thing about the interaction
was that you were interacting with co.workers or talking about co's,
then it could be filed under co .
. for example, a project that put personal info on a social site,
would go under co.net/site .
. most writing actually should fall under the heading of
and if you think the matured writing is generally usable,
then sharing it would go under the heading of
proj.addn/dev.co.subj .
. this insight could mean a change in obj`X/net.site
moving all net.site.folder's to folder"addn/dev.co .
. then again,
that brings us back to the original intent of the dev.heading:
. also, dev was a subheading of addn -- cybersphere .
. from that perspective, dev.co should be reserved for
ways to influence people and make them do what you want .
. legal and psychological power moves would go under dev.co;
they are about creating systems of cooperation
where we develop interfaces that define how we agree to
serve, command, or interact .
6.12: mis"platform vs dev.platform:
. I've been inconsistent with how I'm using the categories{ addn/dev.net
, addn/net } . not sure how to file instance of
putting info about myself on a website .
. a project that put personal info on a social site,
would go under co.net/site .
. I have mistakenly been putting this under addn/net.site;
but, that should be about the service at that site
(what's there, how to use it, mistakes made, policy about its use) .
6.18: mis"stuck again on naming system:
. adding content to my google'code site( linking it to an active blogger site)
is tagged as dev.net .
. not sure what the obj' is? break then review pos .
. net.g'code.com is an app I'm learning how to use .
. adding content to a site is primarily communicationg;
it's now being tagged as co.net/g'code.com .
6.25: pos"co.net:
. the co.net log will no longer include delicious.com;that info is preserved in bookmarks .
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