Showing posts with label inflammation syndrome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inflammation syndrome. Show all posts


chronic illness increased after oils of soy, grain, and seeds added to diet

 2022.3.9: health/diet/omega-6/

chronic illness increased after oils of soy, grain, and seeds added to diet:

Dr. Chris Knobbe warns us that we are wrong about

omega-6 oil being healthy at higher doses.

AncestryFoundation 2021

Omega-6 Apocalypse 2 (AHS21)

Catherine Shanahan M.D. 2018: [ad]

Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food. 


olive oil's high-polyphenol sources

20.3.30: oil/high polyphenol sources:
3.30: summary:
. health claims for olive oil
depend on the level of polyphenols,
which could be extracted from your olive oil,
unless your brand makes specific claims
involving 3rd-party testing,
or is billing itself as a polyphenol extract of olives.
. my favorite product is a fish oil with
polyphenol extracts added to prevent fish odor.


usefulness and availability of various forms of #ginger #health #diet

2019.12.28: health/diet/ginger/
usefulness and availability of various forms of ginger:
2020: summary:
. Dr.Sears and others who promote
ginger as an anti-inflammatory,
suggest you should use only the fresh root
whereas the cheapest is dried root.
. people who are buying fresh ginger online
warn it can easily get moldy in storage;
so, it may be safer to buy only in store.
. I would like to find frozen cubed ginger;
but I found research that shows
powdered ginger does offer some benefits;
and, certain high-heat ginger extracts
may have more benefits than fresh.


a doctor's path to reversing artery plaque from insulin resistance

19.12.2: doctor's path to 
reversing artery plaque from insulin resistance:
Ford Brewer MD MPH Apr 18, 2017
How I Reversed 20 years of Arterial Plaque: 
Heart Attack Proofing?
. ACE inhibitors, like statins,
are designed for one thing
{lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol}
but they are actually most helpful because
they are reducing inflammation.
. he reduced high-glycemic carbs,
[noted in the captioning]
and because that lowers insulin
which improves blood lipids and pressure,
he was able to lower his dose of medications;
. he also used niacin, and ate salmon every day.


how moderate red wine use affects hormones

/red wine and alcohol:
. red grapes fermented or not
may raise levels of free testosterone (T)
by reducing conversion of T into estrogen;
and can also lower the binding of T with SHBG.
. alcohol may reduce inflammation for heart,
[Dr.Sears, the inflammation zone]
and it may reduce what is binding T,
but may also convert more T to estrogen,
and might reduce progesterone levels.
. red wine compared to white wine,
gives more free T and lower SHBG levels.


#dementia more risk from diet soda than from sugared soda?

more risk from diet soda than from sugared soda?:
the week.mag may 12, p21:
washington post:
boston univ`Matthew Pase:
. a 10 year study* resulted in few cases of dementia
but those who did get it, were more likely to have
used diet soda not sugared soda.
*[Stroke. 2017]


early #AMD reversal with high-dose fish oil #med #blindness

2.12: med/amd/fisho
2.13: summary:
. AMD is a major source of blindness;
studies show that in its early stages,
it can be reversed with fish oil;
and that a key marker of healing
is there being nearly as much EPA
as the body has of AA;
fish oil supplements vary in EPA;
eg, le caps have 0.35g of EPA;
along with EPA from fish oil,
you also need to lower AA levels:
keep insulin low (avoid grains and sugars);
limit omega-6 oils and most of all
be wary of AA in fatty animal products,
especially eggs and chicken.
if you get all your fish oil from fish meat
you also get some AA along with
dioxins, PCB's and mercury].
. AMD reversal was indicated by
the ability to read more letters
on a chart with increasingly smaller letters:
8 more letters at aa/epa ratio of 2-2.7;
[from perhaps 4 le caps per day]
15 letters at aa/epa ratio of 1.1-1.6
[from perhaps 8-12 le caps].
. the study applied the oil in 2 doses.
. rancid fish oil can do more harm than good
so it's important to pick a brand
that is 3rd-party tested for low rancidity
and also has powerful antioxidants
such as rosemary or olive extract.
. when taking high-dose fish oil
you should add more antioxidants,
and also ensure you get some GLA
that is blocked by high-dose DHA
(oats are a source of GLA).


#cashews #lectins #diet @DrGundry

8.14: health/diet/lectins/cashews:
. cashews seemed to be a good nut
except they inflamed my mouth;
but Dr. Steven Gundry claims
they are related to legumes
and have the same toxic lectins;
although he also said
the toxicity of legumes can be reduced
by heating them in a pressure cooker,
although he didn't say that applied to cashews.


#cancer #colon why is it happening more to youth?

/why is it happening more to youth?:
Ben Locwin May 18, 2017:
". if you look back to the 1890s,
you can find colorectal cancer rates as high as those
being found in Generation X and Millennials recently.
Young and middle-aged adults are showing
patterns in these cancers not seen in over 100 years,
according to the authors of a recent study.
Lead author Rebecca Siegel, of the American Cancer Society noted,
“People born in 1990 now have double the risk of colon cancer
and quadruple the risk of rectal cancer
compared to people born around 1950.”
about 14,000 cases of colorectal cancer per year
occur in people younger than 50
. if it was the obesity rates
driving up the colorectal cancer rates,
we would expect to see a time-lag
where colorectal cancer incidence followed obesity rates
by 10 or 20 years,
allowing for causality from obesity to result in colorectal cancer.
But these two trends appear to have increased at about the same time"
this article points out that inflammation
could increase the risk of colon cancer.
. coincident with increased obesity
is increased preference for artificial sweeteners:
sucralose is known to cause gut dysbiosis,
and inflammatory bowel disease,
also saccharin is associated with inflammatory bowel disease.
Qin, Xiaofa. "Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease:
 A unified hypothesis."
World Journal of Gastroenterology: 18.15 (2012): 1708.
more resources: evidencebasedibd.


dietary sources of AGEs #health #diet #cook

5.15: sources of AGEs:
. a doctor who wrote a healthy lifestyle book
says that sautéing is the best method for retaining nutrients;
but, sautéing involves browning the food,
and exposing fat to high heat.
. browning via heat is a Maillard_reaction:
Acrylamide, a possible human carcinogen
can be generated as a by-product of that.
. browning is related to AGEs
however, I suprised to find
that compared to the diet I had supported,
browning vegetables is a relatively minor source
at least if very little oil is used;
because, foods high in even good fat
tend to contain high levels of AGEs
regardless of cooking method or being raw
-- relevant to a ketogenic (high-fat) diet.

J Am Diet Assoc. 2013:
Advanced Glycation End Products in Foods
and a Practical Guide to Their Reduction in the Diet.
"Modern diets are largely heat-processed
and as a result contain high levels of
advanced glycation end products (AGEs).
". grilling, broiling, roasting, searing, and frying
propagate and accelerate new AGE formation
[Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 1989,
J Am Diet Assoc. 2004]."
"In all food categories, exposure to
higher temperatures and lower moisture levels
coincided with higher dAGE levels
for equal weight of food
as compared to foods prepared at
lower temperatures or with more moisture.
Thus, frying, broiling, grilling, and roasting
yielded more dAGEs compared to
boiling, poaching, stewing, and steaming.
Microwaving 6 minutes or less
did not raise dAGE content to the same extent
as other dry heat cooking methods."
"... in animal studies, a reduction of
dietary AGE by 50% of usual intake
is associated with reduced levels of oxidative stress,
less deterioration of insulin sensitivity
and kidney function with age,
and longer life span [Am J Pathol. 2008:
Oral glycotoxins determine the effects of calorie restriction
on oxidant stress, age-related diseases, and lifespan.
"advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in the diet
correlates with serum AGE levels, oxidant stress,
organ dysfunction, and lifespan."]

. oils and nuts are AGE-rich, even in their
uncooked and minimally-processed forms;
for example, measuring just one of many AGEs,
we find in 100g:
grilled veg(broc,carrot,celery): 226 kU AGE;
-- a browning process yet not very toxic;
raw cashew (steamed briefly) contains 6730;
-- compare to roasted: 9807;
so, most of the toxin is from the natural fat
not the roasting. compare also,
100 mL (3.38fl oz) extra virgin olive oil: 10,040.

protein is a moderate source too:

100g chicken boiled 1 hour: 1,123
-- or half that if using acidic solutions
such as lemon juice or vinegar marinades.

salmon canned: 917
salmon raw: 528
no mention of raw yolk but
100g yolk cooked 10 min is: 1193


how digestive enzymes reduce #inflammation

10.30: enzymes reduce inflammation?:
. several doctors say enzymes reduce inflammation;
but they are talking about different types?
Dr.Mercola says your best source is raw food
and calorie restriction;
but Dr.Bob Martin promotes a supplement
that contains various proteolytic enzymes
and other digestive enzymes.
. the idea I got from researching
Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride's
Guts and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) diet:
was that certain infections (candida?)
can inhibit production of digestive enzymes
so that more food is not absorbed by you
and is thus available to the infection;
this infection can be a source of inflammation
when your immune system attacks it;
so, the cure is to replace the enzymes
and go on a diet that inhibits infections
(no sugar, and low glycemic).
. if the infection is removed inflammation is reduced,
and, digestive enzyme supplements can be discontinued.
. if you tend to eat out of a blender,
keep in mind that the act of chewing
is a major source of some digestive enzymes.


how is higher linoleic omega-6 oil healthier?

how is higher linoleic omega-6 oil healthier?:
4.19: summary:
. if anything "predicts type 2 diabetes"
it is sure to tell you that the studied population
was eating too much grain and sugar.
. this study basically says that
foods with more omega-6 oil were actually helpful
in a group tending to abuse carb's.
. while omega-6 (linoleic acid) may have problems,
a major source of it is nuts and seeds:
a great source of fiber and B vitamins.
. but as for linoleic acid reducing risk of mortality,
can you really get health benefits from
guzzling corn or soy oil?
. also they found palmitoleic acid was bad
whereas that is sold as a health food;
likely they were measuring levels of meat
rather than healthy sources like macadamia nuts.
. this was a study of types of oils found in blood;
that might not be directly related to oils in diet,
due to conversions.


Dr. Kelly Brogan`helping women's depression

Dr Kelly Brogan`helping women's depression:
Health Ranger told us about Brogan's new book.
I gave amazon a piece of my mind about the one-star reviews

{Kelly Brogan M.D., Kristin Loberg}`A Mind of Your Own:
The Truth About Depression
and How Women Can Heal Their Bodies to Reclaim Their Lives


#Crohn's disease #saccharin #sucralose

1.14:'s disease:
. Crohn's disease, also known as regional enteritis,
is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD);
which can increase the risk of cancer.
. the cause is officially unknown; but,
lifestyle choices that raise risk include
# saccharin or sucralose
# oral contraceptives,
# smoking or 2nd-hand smoke
# diets that provoke yeast or fungal overgrowth
(high in sugar or refined carb's;
or low in fiber that feed bacteria
that compete with yeasts)
# aluminum pollution in urban areas.
# low vitamin D
# nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
# prior use of antibiotics
(often killing the good germs results in
the growth of bad germs after antibiotics are discontinued;
IBD may be the immune system's response to a certain germ;
some are cured with a fecal transplant(good germs);
some go into remission on antibiotics.
. the GAPS diet might also work as an antibiotic:
it is a high-fat low-prebiotic diet that removes bad germs
followed by a fermented diet that adds good germs).
. being left-handed, you might be more inclined
to choose a lifestyle that increases risk.


National Academy of Sciences` postmarketing surveillance of #GMO foods

8.29: news.pol/healthcare/gmo
/National Academy of Sciences` postmarketing surveillance of GMO foods:
The New England Journal of Medicine 2015:
by Philip J. Landrigan, M.D., and Charles Benbrook, Ph.D.
[ 2015]

[Genetically modified (GM) policy is ignoring the science.]
. unlike traditional selective breeding,
genetic engineering vastly expands the range of traits
that can be moved into plants.
Foods produced from GM crops have become ubiquitous.
And unlike regulatory bodies in 64 other countries,
the usa's FDA does not require labeling of GM foods.

. the argument that [gm foods are equivalent to non-gmo]
misses the point that GM crops are now
the most heavily treated with herbicides
and that two of these herbicides may pose risks of cancer.


fish oil for reducing inflammation #arthritis

11.3: oil for reducing inflammation:
fish oil helps autoimmune arthritis 
[Arthritis Rheum. 1995]

Vin Kutty, MS, nutritionist:
Dr. Charles Serhan of Harvard Medical School
reports that the body converts Omega-3 into
joint-protective compounds 10,000 times stronger
than the original Omega-3.
These newly discovered compounds called Resolvins
help stop inflammation.
Minor Diet Changes Make a BIG Difference
. Taking fish oil supplements
is not the only answer to reduce arthritis.
You will need a diet makeover:
Less sugars, less starches and less wheat
(yes, less of even “healthy” whole grain wheat!)
Completely cut out vegetable oils made from
corn, soy, sunflower and safflower.
Use [extra virgin] olive or coconut oils instead.


reasons to cook oils at lower temperatures

9.30, 10.3: to cook oils at lower temperatures:
Advanced Glycation End-products:
Foods with significant browning, caramelization,
cooking done at temperatures above 120°C (248°F),
the use cooking oils high in polyunsaturates
as opposed to monounsaturates (olive oil, almond oil, ...)
will result in Advanced Glycation Endproducts (AGEs)
which increases inflammation and causes heart disease .


endothialial dysfunction and muscle cramps

12.30: summary:
. I've been more prone to leg cramping and edema,
as if something is clogging the leg's circulation
thereby depriving it of relaxing magnesium .
. it got much worse eating under-treated olives,
but that may have been due to increasing arginine
since that could have worsened a certain condition
that in turn worsens auto-immune activity .


Dr.Sears`zone diet 1997 reviewed #hormonics

11.10..12, 16; 12.21..23:
health/hormonics/Dr.Sears`zone diet

. this is a collection of notes for the book:
Barry Sears. zone-perfect meals in minutes.
HarperCollins Publishers (1997)
isbn 0-06-039241-X
. it includes notes from other sources
in order to full explain Dr.Sears' work;
and there are some updates for obsolete material .


. acetylcholinesterase inhibitors reduce #inflammation #Alzheimer's #MetabolicSyndrome

11.9: web.cook/hup/when is it needed?:
. in studying when huperzine (hup) is needed,
I'm wondering if the reason for it (confusion, forgetful)
was because I was depressed,
or otherwise in some condition that would be
assisted by the cheaper tryptophan .
. hup is an acetycholinesterase inhibitor;
so, is depression related to acetycholinesterase excess
or other causes of acetylcholine deficits ?
12.18: conclusion:
. there needs to be a balance between
dopaminergics and cholinergics;
increasing both equally
leads to good cognitive function;
and, there are several pitfalls
that are degrading one or the other,
including drugs and infections .
. the need for acetylcholinesterase inhibitor
is often due to low-grade infections
within the prostate or teeth,
that are leaking into the blood .