Showing posts with label fairtrade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fairtrade. Show all posts


#canaan #fairtrade olive oil

12.29: fairtrade olive oil:
. I recently became acquainted with's olive products:
organic oil, pickled olives, and soap .
. I live right next to California,
so I'd rather get my cooking oil locally;
but I was quite impressed with canaan soap .
. Dr. Bronner's soap contains olive oil
that comes from both Palestine and Israel,
and can be found in many stores .
. I prefer liquid soaps myself,
and that too has olive oil in it;
but the bar soaps
claim to use a lot more olive oil,
and thus help Palestine more,
however, Dr. Bronner's is on,
and might be more convenient for most
while still helping Palestine a lot .