Showing posts with label circumcision. Show all posts
Showing posts with label circumcision. Show all posts


Ishmaelites (#circumcised non-#semitic) #wwIII

11.16..17: web,news.pol/purges/wwIII/finale-time clues/
Ishmaelites (circumcised non-semitic):
Ishmael represented the circumcised non-semitics;
circumcised Christians and Islam are globalized religions,
far beyond control by semitic peoples.
. in the end times it is said that Ishmael
will be ruling over the world;
and when Ishmael falls,
Judaism's Messianic age will rise.
. who would circumcised Christians and Muslims fall to?
the uncircumcised: liberals or Russia-China.
. Russia has a lot of Christians
but they are mostly uncircumcised.
. usa has a lot of circumcised Christians
but they are dominated by uncircumcised liberals.
. after WWIII they agree to a global government
that gives control of the Temple mount to Judaists.


the anti-christ is invincible #meant-all #WWIII #911neocons #petrodollar #uncircumcised

3.19: relig/anti-christ:
. you'd think wwIII happens to check Iran hubris
or maintain the petrodollar against devaluation by
competition from a gold-backed currency;
but the stakes are nuclear because
the hubris the elites want to erase is overpopulation
from family values like a cancer .


#Germany circumcision ban warns #jihad

10.14: news.pol/purges/prison/
circumcision ban labeled religious intolerance:

14: 19: summary:
. after England frowned on Germany for
appearing to be anti-semitic again,
I wanted to point out a misunderstanding
about Germany's issue with circumcision .
. I have German and English blood,
my family includes American Jews,
my country is both USA and UK;
my religion is supernature-aware,
but without a belief in circumcision,
and includes a love of Islam's Prophet
however I think the Prophet is misunderstood:
in this age, he would use psychology, not war,
to pursue the dream of world-wide Islam;
and I don't think he would be against Israel,
but he would insist on community purity:
neighborhoods and businesses used by muslims
should be completely Islamic .

. the news of Germany outlawing circumcision
was made into an anti-jewish spectacle,
but notice the related news just before this:
Germany's leadership was reporting
that after embracing the immigration of muslims
it looked like "(it wasn't working out) .
[citation not locatable, heard on NPR?
but below are many reports from Germany
suggesting widespread resistance to,
or systematic "integration" of, Islam .]
. indeed, that was the same time there was
serious talk of giving up all nuclear power
-- and they were concerned mostly about
having it sabotaged by terrorists .