by having you engrave identifiers in all your valuables .
. after concerns of id theft and program costs
the advice has gone from using ss#, to state`id#, to opid#,
to the original insurance advice .
use syntax"(state abbrev)(id#)
Note that the standard two-letter state abbreviationuse opid# -- not state id#'s
precedes the Driver's License Number .
. engraved on an area that cannot be easily removed and which is NOT easily seen,
preferably adjacent to the manufacturer's model or serial number.
Due to the increased risk of identity theft,opid# details
we do not recommend the use of drivers license numbers
or other personal information as an owner applied number to mark property.
The unique OPID number that we provide to you
contains the nationally recognized number that specifically identifies
our police department and an internal series that identifies the property owner.
It looks similar to this example: MN07304 JJ0001.
No personal or identity information is revealed
and only you and law enforcement personnel know the OPID number.
. this system makes your valuables identifiable anywhere,National Crime Information Center (NCIC)
at any time, in the United States through the
State and National Crime Computer System.
Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division
(304) 625-2000
If you move or change your name after you have received your PIN,use records of existing identifying marks -- not the opid#
call your police Department to report the change of information.
What if I want to sell, trade, or give away marked property?
If you want to sell items marked with your Operation ID number,
simply engrave a single line through the number
and put your initials and the date of sale next to the number.
As an added precaution, the seller should write a bill of sale.
The person buying marked property should either obtain a PIN of their own,
or if they already have one,
mark the property with their number under the original owners number;
First Owner: MN02721RK0001 (9-93)
Second Owner: MN02721LC005 (1-95)
Third Owner: MN0070100MK20345
The Minneapolis Police Department Operation Identification programsummary:
has been discontinued.
we will keep your records on file for a period of seven years;
We recommend an alternative to Operation Identification
is to keep a home inventory form.
Most valuable items have a make, model and serial number .
. also use photo's -- consider "(save for web):
a gimp plug-in that lets you reduce quality to a desired file size .
. perhaps future attempts may use nanotech to create micro numbers that are
brushed on with some clear enamel to various spots on items .
. perhaps I'll just engrave my web-based email address .