Showing posts with label phi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label phi. Show all posts


chatGPT-4 and William Search 2023 discuss Moral Compass theory

 2023.7.23: bk.cyb/ai/
William Search 2023`Moral Compass theory with chatGPT

"Conversations with chatGPT: 

Exploring the Theory of Morality and Existence" 

- 2nd Edition[ad]

5-star/this is a delicious topic and a great test of AI:


existence of new crystals suggests intelligent life is new or the morphic field is lossy or not universal

2021.3.2: phi/

existence of new crystals suggests intelligent life is new

or the morphic field is lossy or not universal:

. Dr.Sheldrake found that

new chemicals don't crystallize at first;

but after having time to practice crystallization,

the crystals eventually become quicker at it;

and this may be explained by the theory that

the universe has a mind of its own,

a mind that communicates with its chemicals

via morphic resonance or morphic fields

similar to morphogenetic fields.

. if the universe is eternal, as predicted by Dream Theory

then life should have been here in the infinite past,

but Sheldrake shows evidence that 

intelligent life may be a rather recent invention

because there is evidence that

some of our recently invented crystals

have never been invented before;

and what is the possibility that there have been

millions of years of intelligence

but only recently has anyone done studies with

these particular crystals?

. perhaps the universe's memory can forget?

or rather than there being a mind for an entire universe,

there is a galactic or supercluster mind,

so that crystals made by intelligent life in a

different galaxy would not help crystals in

this galaxy to grow?


why is the sky blue? the #god

8.14: phi/metaphysics/why is the sky blue? the god:
. the universe is just a math model:
all the colors that I see it has
are actually coming from my own soul;
but I wouldn't know what to do with all my colors,
without the god's assignments
telling me how to arrange them.
. our soul's color blue has been assigned to
EM wavelengths of 430 to 450 nanometers,
or a frequency of 7.03x10^14 Hz.
8.15: web:
. usa's gov explanation of why the sky is blue
has nothing to do with perceiving blue;
the question they answer is
"why is the sky emitting EM at 7.03x10^14 Hz?"


Anderson 1999`brain drain in physics?

18.10.31: news.phi/science/
Anderson 1999`brain drain in physics:
. Anderson 1999 says there was a brain drain
in the field of published physics;
what his article misses is that
real physics exploring new paradigms
is being practiced within secret industries
that serve our national security.
. you'll fully see the real physics
only during the next world-wide war;
for a possible taste of what is to come
study videos of how the towers on 9/11
were silently yet instantly turned to dust.
(not a collapse and not a demolition,
nothing published can explain all the evidence
compiled by Dr.Judy Wood).


life is evil #privacy

2.14: phi/life is evil:
. violating privacy is clearly evil;
yet respecting privacy until proven guilty
inevitably helps hide criminals -- clearly evil:
therefore life is evil,
and you are left choosing the lesser of 2 evils .


"g-d" as the voice of community survival

1.29: relig/god/the voice of community survival:
. when we say of a work, "god said that",
or "god had the prophets or the son say that"
we mean that work supports a plan that is
in the best interest of your community or the world,
or something your common sense will agree with
given you are sufficiently educated
to think about the spirit of the law .
. otherwise, how do we know god's voice
when there can be false prophets?


the #god same as the #devil

8.16: web.relig/god/same as the devil:
. where in the old testament did I see
god and the devil are one in the same?


remote viewers believe the future is not fixed

7.25: phi/remote viewers believe the future is not fixed:
"the future is not fixed and can change".
the remote viewers say that too;
but doesn't that contradict the Dream theory?
(it says all times exist at once).
. I've been thinking that theory implies
you can see the future;
because, all times were created at once;
however, here is my take on future-viewing:
. the universe's algorithm doesn't run twice,
it all happened if any of it happened,
but while the algorithm was running
the shared mind had not created the futures,
and when it could let us see the future
it was because it knew the algorithm
and it knew which parts we had no control over;
. it might also have the algorithm for our "free will"
and it could know before telling you of a future
that having that knowledge known
would not so change behaviors as to change the predicted future .


dream theory's tech perfection plan

12.8: adds/relig/dream theory's tech perfection plan:
. welcome to my wealth4all religion .
. you don't even have to believe in it to be saved by it,
but if everyone did believe,
it would save a lot of grief .
. the universe's god has no way of
not choosing bad experiences
(all that's left for the god to do
is making sure the bad comes first
and that some good experiences
are in power to keep civilization alive
during this boot camp of evolution);
but we've already seen
every sort of pain and inequality,
so, any time now,
we certainly could move on to
experiencing pure wealth4all .
. the emotional pains the god gives us
are put there just to provoke the wars
that promote evolution of the technology
that ensures eternal survival beyond sun death;
but, if everyone were to realize
god needs tech not war,
then we could simply volunteer
to put more money into tech .
. of course that would mean less money for
the popular entertaining games such as:
my family is bigger than your family ...
so, it's not a belief without costs;
but non-believers are welcomed to be
dragged through war:
wealth4all is optional
until tech is perfected .
. it's not like god is punishing us for
being uncooperative with the needed
Tech Perfection Plan
but if you did believe that,
the obvious data certainly could
support that view;
however, at this point in the
universe's experience distribution
war is no longer needed for
pinning the pains to the beginning;
but, war is still a backup plan
in case we don't feel it necessary to
divert population expansion funds
towards the Tech Perfection Plan .
. wealth4all: I'm a believer .