Showing posts with label allergy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label allergy. Show all posts


#vaccine higher rate of allergies and neurodevelopmental disorders

5.23: news.pol/healthcare/vaccine/
higher rate of allergies and neurodevelopmental disorders:
Pilot comparative study on the health of
vaccinated and unvaccinated
6- to 12- year old U.S. children.
[J Translational Science 2017]
. neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD);
vaccinated homeschool children were found to have
a higher rate of allergies and NDD
than unvaccinated homeschool children.
While vaccination remained significantly associated with
NDD after controlling for other factors,
preterm birth coupled with vaccination
was associated with an apparent synergistic increase
in the odds of NDD.
summary of findings:
snopes reaction:


reducing risk of food allergies

1.14: exclusively up to four months:
in the British Medical Journal
. babies not introduced to certain foods
earlier than six months
may have a higher incidence of food allergies.
Countries where peanuts are used as weaning foods
have low incidences of peanut allergy (Israel, for example)
. coeliac disease rose in Sweden
following advice to mothers to delay the introduction of gluten
into their child's diet until after six months,
and it fell when the recommendation
reverted to four months .
. failing to start weaning before six months
 appears to raise risks for iron deficiency anaemia,
"known to be linked to irreversible adverse
mental, motor or psychosocial outcomes."
. Exclusive breastfeeding protects against
infections, such as gastroenteritis
which is critical in developing countries,
but less important where sanitation is better.