Showing posts with label liberal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label liberal. Show all posts


the "woke" agenda from the Jewish perspective

2023.7.3: news.pol/purges/zionism/
the "woke" agenda from the Jewish perspective:

Charles Jacobson 2023 6/25:'s/Too_Jewish_2023-06-25.mp3

. the liberal agenda has been about equal opportunity for all;

whereas the "woke" agenda now in play

is about equal results:

if a race or culture is getting worse results,

that is proof they are getting oppressed by

the races or cultures that are getting good results.

. people of the Jewish culture have some of the best results

so among "woke" liberals 

the Jewish nation has lost its status as victims,

and are instead a big part of the oppression.

. actually, the main reason that

the Jewish nationals are seen as oppressors,

is for their support of zionism:

[ their being willing to wage an endless war

to maintain a Jewish state in Israel

at the expense of the Islamic state that existed there

for several hundred years.]

. authentic Judaism entails zionism,

so when liberals attack zionism,

they are being antisemitic.

. Charles Jacobson is a compiler and editor of 

"Betrayal: The Failure of American Jewish Leadership" [ad]

. see also David L. Bernstein, Natan Sharansky 2022:

Woke Antisemitism: How a Progressive Ideology Harms Jews [ad]


theodicy explains how a just god could create an evil world

 2022.2.14: relig/liberal/
theodicy explains how a just god could create an evil world:

. the word theodicy comes from

the title of a 1710 work by Leibniz,

to prove the justice of God in a world with

much moral and physical evil.

. the basic justice of the god obviously is

you will be punished with feelings of pain

if you are found to have put your body in danger

usually through your inability to control your environment.

. according to dream theory,


#christian proof our #god does not hate #queers

9.5: relig/christian/proof our god does not hate queers:
. Rush Limbaugh on the radio reminds us
people who believe in the god
don't worry about global warming;
because, this place was made for us,
so, how could it be so easily destroyed
by such things as cow belching?
. also, I couldn't find it in his transcript
but I thought he said something
that seemed similar to the idea
that the god of the entire universe
hates unrepentant queers;
has Rush any idea
just how queer nature really is?


prophets don't need to be perfect

2017.12.14: 2018.7.31: relig/liberal/
prophets don't need to be perfect:
. all prophets have moments of inspiration
that may be the word from the god
but they are also influenced like the rest of us
by the devil(god of this world)
and personal or national opinions.


cultural appropriation @IngrahamAngle on @FoxNews

5.2: pol/free speech/cultural appropriation:
@IngrahamAngle on @FoxNews tv:
. you can say I feel like the other sex today,
so I will just dress like the other sex,
and use their bathroom too;
but if you feel chinese,
and say I will dress like the Chinese today,
that's hateful cultural appropriation.


#911truther Predictive Programming in Independence_Day_(1996_film)

6.25: news.pol/purges/illuminati/911truther/
Independence_Day_(1996_film) as Predictive Programming:
6.28: summary:
. everyone agrees that Predictive programming
entails media hinting at foreknowledge of
some catastrophes such as 9/11;
but they differ on why this is being done.
. I believe the point of hinting at foreknowledge
is to give you the idea that The Powers That Be
have control of the media, and everything else,
and there is nothing you can do to stop them:
9/11 was planned to motivate "the war on terror"
(an expensive war against anti-zionists).
. a prime example of Predictive Programming
is when aliens attack the world
in the 1996_film, Independence_Day,
and they show waves of things turning to dust
just as they mysteriously did on 9/11.
. aliens are synonymous with secret advanced technology;
and, 9/11 was done with secret advanced technology.


pi(the omnific word) #freemasonry

relig/freemasonry/pi(the omnific word):
1.4: summary:
. one source was saying that pi
had a special meaning in freemasonry
as the omnific word;
and, a source quoting Albert Pike
pointed out that when he says "yod"
he's refering to pi .
. freemasonry has an ongoing problem with
people claiming they are disclosing
what freemasonry is trying to hide
whereas "exposers" may simply be
disinfo agents discrediting freemasonry
since freemasonry's appreciation of
any god-fearing religion
is frowned on by many Christians
who once had nearly conquered the world
had it not been for resistance by
Freemasons, other liberals, and Islam .
. on the other hand,
the best way to keep religious ideas from being
publicly disrespected by the agents of competing religions
is to keep your sacred ideas secret .


#Israel protects #Judaism against #liberalism

8.28: co.{fb,}/pol/zionism
/#Israel protects #Judaism against #liberalism:
I am so eager to ask Ron Mizrachi
to help a North American understand how
"North American Judaism" is "failing miserably,
and nearing death throes soon to be replaced by liberalism"
(my motivation: I thought "North American Judaism"
was our only chance of avoiding WWIII by Fall 2016);
so I am ready to accept Zionism is needed
if you can show me usa liberalism corrupts Judaism;
but, perhaps I can answer my own question here:
[!] share:
Ron Mizrachi · Top Commenter · Tel Aviv, Israel
Philip Torrance You don't need to hear it from me,
consult every expert on the topic regarding assimilation,
ties to Judaism etc etc in North America.
Maybe you missed the fact this is a top crisis
for North American Jewry leaders the past 10 years.
Google is your friend.
Yesterday at 5:40am
North American Jewry assimilation crisis:
. a landmark study had found that
young American Jews are growing increasingly
estranged from Judaism.


#zionism in the age of #liberal capitalism

4.8: pol/zionism/in the age of liberal capitalism:
. why would the zionists in this day and age
decide that they had to have
that particular piece of land?
. hopefully, the god had created the
age of liberal capitalism
just so those interested in living within
a community dedicated to Judaism,
could use their economic strength
to buy whole neighborhoods for their own kind,
where they can build a temple
and call that place another new Israel;
they pick an endless fight with the Muslims:
and give us no way out of world war III .
. one flaw in that theory of mine
is that every place that allows Jewish domination
requires separation of church and state;
so you could never have a New Israel
exactly because the liberal's idea of justice
has been meant to keep every city from becoming a
ChristainTown that oppresses women, gays, and Jews .


#cults sociological vs psychological definitions

11.22: web.relig/cults/sociological vs psychological definitions:
. the definition of a cult has been muddled by
attempts to prevent christianity from
falling under the definition of cult .
. the most popular forms of christianity
use authoritarianism to build solidarity
rather than cultivate a rational approach
to the interpretation of the scriptures .
. even if a cult can't be a mainstream religion
how do we know that today's christianity
will always be mainstream?


reinterpreting "Lord you gave your life so I could be free" #liberal vs #christian

9.9: relig/christian/"Lord you gave your life so I could be free":
. I heard this line on a christian music station:
"Lord you gave your life so I could be free".
. "Lord's life" means Jesus;
but that line also makes sense within my religion theory,
which does not equate Jesus with the god
(I assume, without being a Muslim,
that Jesus was one of many sincere and wise prophets;
ie, people who are correcting their culture).


#liberals associated with #Lyme disease

8.27: news.pol/liberals associated with Lyme disease:
. this map of gay marriage (liberal) states (found here)
is similar to the Lyme outbreak density (found here).
. the Lyme ticks are thickest in liberal states
except clean NewMexico is liberal,
and infested Wisconsin is not .