Showing posts with label god. Show all posts
Showing posts with label god. Show all posts


theodicy explains how a just god could create an evil world

 2022.2.14: relig/liberal/
theodicy explains how a just god could create an evil world:

. the word theodicy comes from

the title of a 1710 work by Leibniz,

to prove the justice of God in a world with

much moral and physical evil.

. the basic justice of the god obviously is

you will be punished with feelings of pain

if you are found to have put your body in danger

usually through your inability to control your environment.

. according to dream theory,


intuition, probabilities, paranoia, and serially attracted to abusers

20.5.12: psy/schiz/intuition, probabilities, paranoia,
and serially attracted to abusers:
. is intuition something we need to trust?
I explore what intuition has in common with
paranoid schizophrenia,
and being serially attracted to abusers.


happy birthday, mom!

first the god made the world
to hold our feelings,
then the god made humans
to appreciate our world;
and when I became fully human
I came to appreciate my mom
and the way she worked the garden of my life:
planting the seeds and pulling the weeds,
opening the light, and asking our god
for the attention a struggling life needs.
I'm thanking the god for this world,
these feelings, and my mom;
happy birthday 2020, mom!


our fight is not with humans but with spirits

2019.12.4: relig/christian/
our fight is not with humans but with spirits:
. the current divisions between usa's political parties
(Repub's as christian or traditional;
and, the Dem's as liberal or modernist)
reminded me our primary fight is
not between countries (eg, usa vs Russia),
or democracies vs dictatorships,
but between the various spirits
that support opposing moral positions;
eg, the biblical vs anti-biblical,
or the modernist vs traditionalist.
. the bible of the early church
has some related verses.


why is the sky blue? the #god

8.14: phi/metaphysics/why is the sky blue? the god:
. the universe is just a math model:
all the colors that I see it has
are actually coming from my own soul;
but I wouldn't know what to do with all my colors,
without the god's assignments
telling me how to arrange them.
. our soul's color blue has been assigned to
EM wavelengths of 430 to 450 nanometers,
or a frequency of 7.03x10^14 Hz.
8.15: web:
. usa's gov explanation of why the sky is blue
has nothing to do with perceiving blue;
the question they answer is
"why is the sky emitting EM at 7.03x10^14 Hz?"


all men are wise; no men are wise

6.4: relig/god/all men are wise; no men are wise:
"all men are wise; no men are wise."
these might seem to be opposites:
for all x, p(x);
for all x, not p(x);
but, the negation all x is some x are not:
not (for all x, p(x))
= for at least one x, not p(x));
and, the negation of no x is some x:
not (for all x, not p(x))
= for at least one x, p(x)).
. most would agree that neither is true:
what is true is that
some but not all men are wise.
. however here is how both statements
could be true, when taken together:
wisdom comes from the god;
ie, the prophets are wise;
and the god could make all men prophets;
ie, all men could potentially be wise;
but no man has the power to be wise:
that power comes from the god alone.


what does the #god want?

9.4: relig/jc/what does the god want?:
. Jesus said all law comes from just 2 laws:
# love the god (obey its commandments),
# love community members as self;
eg, it may be nice to agree with neighbors
but they may want things the god forbids.
. but who knows what the god wants?
Jesus had to assume prior Judaism prophets
knew what the god wanted;
but does the god really hate homosexuals?
how do we distinguish god from devil?
2 main requirements according to Dream theory:
# survival of community
or evolution of an intelligent species;
# diversity of experience.


happy mother's day

. mother is a social engineer:
shaping the mind of the new generation
to fit within the day's culture:
mother prunes the thorns of the devil
and develops fruitful shade trees.
. mother encourages the timid,
and sobers the foolish;
she would be the first to teach,
and the last to leave.
. and when her time on Earth was done,
the god kept her voice with us always.
shrine for a Mexican social engineer


the fundamental theory of #Judaism #passover

4.9: 4.10: relig/judaism/the fundamental theory of Judaism:
. passover is about fulfillment of the god's promise
to use Egypt to build the blessed nation,
not about a savior for the enslaved.


#Jesus all the good are gods

2016.12.10: 12.13: 2017.3.28:
relig/jc/all the good are gods:
Jesus said "you call me good ?
nobody is good but the god";
when I first heard that it seemed obvious
he was detecting sarcasm;
"you call me good as if that is in question.
ok, nobody is good but the god
and we both agree I'm not the god."
. but a radio preacher pointed out otherwise:
Jesus did indeed believe he was the god;
because he was faithful to the will of the god;
in fact, in defending this Jesus said:
do the scriptures not say
to those whom the word of the god came,
they are all gods?
. any faithful Judaist follows, and upholds,
the word or will of the god;
so they would be considered gods:
representations of the good god.
. so you could still say he detected sarcasm
but his response was this:
"you question I'm good but what is good?,
only the word of our god is good;
we agree on this."
. all good people are the good god:
emotions come from the gods;
and, when we have emotional reasons
for doing the will of the good god
we are driven by the good god:
we are the same as the good god,
because we are the hands of that god.


Dr. Joel M. Hoffman`The Bible Doesn't Say That

2.12: web.relig/bible/Dr. Joel M. Hoffman 2016`The Bible Doesn't Say That:

Dr. Hoffman`The Bible Doesn't Say That:
40 Biblical Mistranslations, Misconceptions, and Other Misunderstandings
I heard the author on Too Jewish radio
and am commenting on his view of the bible.

. he said that while the bible discourages
certain (male) homosexual acts;
it doesn't say homosexuality is a sin.
. the bible says it's (pronounced toy-ee-vah)
which some interpret as "abomination"
but it means "taboo";
an abomination is universally inappropriate;
whereas a taboo is something that is
culturally inappropriate.

what is the point of that distinction?


at the beginning of separated gods

10.23: news.relig/judaism/bible/genesis/
at the beginning of separated gods:
genesis 1:1 (bbe, ojb, and my translation):
In the beginning of separated Elohim,
hashomayim (the heavens, Himel),
and haaretz (the earth).

first three words of the Bible In Hebrew:
b'reishit ([at the beginning of]),
bara ([separated]),
elohim ([gods]).

professor of exegesis Ellen van Wolde:
. the Hebrew word "bara"
should be translated as 'separated'.


#Jesus will dethrown the Devil influencing our thoughts?

8.27: co.apt/relig/
Jesus will dethrown the Devil influencing our thoughts:
. some Jehovah's Witnesses are inviting me
to read their pamphlet;
it responds to those who would ask:
why believe in god?;
well, the existence of the god is obvious to me:
I noticed from "mental illness" [telepathy]
that thoughts come from the supernatural;
from the devil or the god -- hard to tell the diff because
good can lead to bad, and bad to good;
and the bible says the devil can tempt us;
so I figured we are really fooled:
actually, all our thoughts are influenced by the supernatural.
. the man agreed: just look at the world;
his wife gave me a tract to address that concern:


graphics 2015

. these are the drawings I did during 2015;
done in colored pencils or pens.
. also a collage.


does the #god tell the truth? #WWIII

2.4: relig/god/does the god tell the truth?:
. if god is always telling the truth,
who told us the genesis story of creation?
it could be that god does as he pleases:
Psalm 115:3: But our God is in heaven:
he has done whatever was pleasing to him.
Psalm 135:6 TheLord has done whatever was pleasing to him,
in heaven, and on the earth, in the seas and in all the deep waters.
and the god may say things not just poetically,
but also to manipulate us.
. it could be the god and the devil are the same entity.
. suppose the purpose of the god is to ensure
an infinite diversity of experience;
and half of that can't be good.


Rupert Sheldrake Rediscovering God

2015.8.5: web.relig/Rupert Sheldrake/Rediscovering God
[updated 2020.4.27 relig/christian/Rupert Sheldrake/Rediscovering God]
Rediscovering God with Rupert Sheldrake
at Hollyhock [a place he likes to visit]
(this is a partial transcript of a video
[with my comments in brackets]).
. anatheism means returning to god;
[ it implies turning away from god,
as was the case when scientists supported atheism.]
. having the modern world going back to god
involves learning from atheism as a purifier:
it's purged a lot of rubbish out of religion;
also, do consider all the religious traditions;
[ returning to god doesn't mean
returning to any particular traditional religion;
I include a "born-again" religious experience I had
in I became aware of the existence of supernature,
without references to a particular tradition.].


#Jesus as #global king #wwIII

6.29: summary:
. there is a good chance usa will win wwIII,
and it could still fulfill the prophesy
that the god of gods becomes universally recognized .
. whoever becomes the global king,
they will be in power because of Israel and Jesus;
and, that makes Jesus and Israel the global king,
fitting the title "the {only, first} son of the god".


the grace of god

2.13: bk.relig/god/the grace of god:
. "the grace of god" refers to
the god influencing our decisions
in a way that is coordinated
so that we cooperate with each other
instead of bumping into each other .
. another form of the god's grace
is by influencing a stream of prophets
which tell us what the god's way is;
so, we all have the same expectations of
life and each other .
. if there is an eternal life,
and if it depends upon following
the will of the god,
then it is by the god's grace,
that one can have eternal life .


life is one just as god is one

2.2: relig/god/life is one just as god is one:
. "life is one just as god is one";
that reminded me that life is numerous
exactly to diversify and spread the risk,
there being safety in numbers,
since even if many within a species die,
the species will live on .
. likewise, god is a source of instincts
and there could be numerous versions of god
in order to diversify and protect
the goal that all gods share as one .
. life is one in its purpose to diversify experience,
just as the purpose of one god of gods
is to ensure the diversity of experience
by knowing everything that has been
and getting to everything that has not been .


"g-d" as the voice of community survival

1.29: relig/god/the voice of community survival:
. when we say of a work, "god said that",
or "god had the prophets or the son say that"
we mean that work supports a plan that is
in the best interest of your community or the world,
or something your common sense will agree with
given you are sufficiently educated
to think about the spirit of the law .
. otherwise, how do we know god's voice
when there can be false prophets?