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theodicy explains how a just god could create an evil world
2022.2.14: relig/liberal/ theodicy explains how a just god could create an evil world: . the word theodicy comes from https://www.etymonlin...
intuition, probabilities, paranoia, and serially attracted to abusers
20.5.12: psy/schiz / intuition, probabilities, paranoia, and serially attracted to abusers: summary: . is intuition something we need to ...
happy birthday, mom!
2020.4.24: first the god made the world to hold our feelings, then the god made humans to appreciate our world; and when I became fully...
our fight is not with humans but with spirits
2019.12.4: relig/christian / our fight is not with humans but with spirits: . the current divisions between usa's political parties (...
why is the sky blue? the #god
8.14: phi/metaphysics / why is the sky blue? the god: . the universe is just a math model: all the colors that I see it has are actually ...
all men are wise; no men are wise
6.4: relig/god/ all men are wise; no men are wise: "all men are wise; no men are wise." these might seem to be opposites: for a...
what does the #god want?
9.4: relig/jc/ what does the god want?: . Jesus said all law comes from just 2 laws: # love the god (obey its commandments), # love commu...
happy mother's day
. mother is a social engineer : shaping the mind of the new generation to fit within the day's culture: mother prunes the thorns of t...
the fundamental theory of #Judaism #passover
4.9: 4.10: relig/judaism/ the fundamental theory of Judaism: summary: . passover is about fulfillment of the god's promise to use Egy...
#Jesus all the good are gods
2016.12.10: 12.13: 2017.3.28: relig/jc /all the good are gods: Jesus said "you call me good ? nobody is good but the god"; whe...
Dr. Joel M. Hoffman`The Bible Doesn't Say That
2.12: web. relig/bible / Dr. Joel M. Hoffman 2016`The Bible Doesn't Say That: Dr. Hoffman` The Bible Doesn't Say That: 40 Biblica...
at the beginning of separated gods
10.23: news. relig/judaism/bible/ genesis/ at the beginning of separated gods: genesis 1:1 (bbe, ojb, and my translation): In the beginni...
#Jesus will dethrown the Devil influencing our thoughts?
8.27: co.apt/ relig/ Jesus will dethrown the Devil influencing our thoughts: . some Jehovah's Witnesses are inviting ...
graphics 2015
. these are the drawings I did during 2015; done in colored pencils or pens. . also a collage.
does the #god tell the truth? #WWIII
2.4: relig/god /does the god tell the truth?: . if god is always telling the truth, who told us the genesis story of creation? it could b...
Rupert Sheldrake Rediscovering God
2015.8.5: web. relig /Rupert Sheldrake/Rediscovering God [updated 2020.4.27 relig/christian/Rupert Sheldrake/Rediscovering God ] Rediscove...
#Jesus as #global king #wwIII
6.29: summary : . there is a good chance usa will win wwIII, and it could still fulfill the prophesy that the god of gods becomes unive...
the grace of god
2.13: bk. relig/god /the grace of god: . "the grace of god" refers to the god influencing our decisions in a way that is coordi...
life is one just as god is one
2.2: relig/god /life is one just as god is one: . "life is one just as god is one"; that reminded me that life is numerous exac...
"g-d" as the voice of community survival
1.29: relig/god /the voice of community survival: . when we say of a work, "god said that", or "god had the prophets or the...
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