Showing posts with label imperialism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label imperialism. Show all posts


the fundamental theory of #Judaism #passover

4.9: 4.10: relig/judaism/the fundamental theory of Judaism:
. passover is about fulfillment of the god's promise
to use Egypt to build the blessed nation,
not about a savior for the enslaved.


#christianity evolvers

7.6: relig/christianity/evolvers:
. the reason we never save for 7 years
to cover for the 7-year famines that cause war
as the bible warns us of,
is that we are too eager about
following the bible's other lesson:
be fruitful and multiply to fill the earth .
-- see, there is never a famine in your own land,
there is only conquering of other lands!
. the bible was created by us
to pat ourselves on the back .
so looking at the entire bible,
you see them only documenting the forces of nature,
[12.29: as directed by supernature]
not showing the way of salvation or peace;
[12.29: you assume salvation is peace,
but salvation is perfection through evolution].
. you could say nature provides salvation;
because, conquering is evolution is
agility and strength .


#freemasonry vs #Catholicism

5.24: Catholicism
Mark R. Dillon says:
"A chapter on how the College of Cardinals
of the Roman Catholic Church
is really a coven of satan-worshippers
without documentation?!? ...
The Catholic Church is the foremost
defender and propagator of the gospel in the world.
It is also the foremost opponent of
freemasonry from its beginnings.
Know your allies."
my reply:
. I think that was supposed to imply that the
freemasons are the satan-worshippers in this line-up,
but let's be clear:
the catholics are styled as globalist dictators
-- when not defeated by a plague of liberals --
whereas the freemasons are the States' Rights party,
asking only that you believe in one god,
without worrying about whether he has children
or who his prophets are .


the god's chosen people or way?

4.29: news.relig/judaism/the god's chosen people or way?:
. it wasn't that god had chosen the Hebrews,
the Bible shows god choosing imperialism:
evolution to perfect mastery of technology;
high-tech is the star of David .


Chosen people are highest-tech capitalistic imperialists

16: relig/Judaism/Chosen people are highest-tech capitalistic imperialists:
. we were discussing the idea of
the Jewish people being the chosen ones,
and I was saying that
from what I understood of the Chosen
they Jewish people include anyone who is
an imperialist with the best high tech;
but it's also important to mention capitalism .